52 week challenge (need support and friends)

Hi everyone,

I have had a very on again off again relationship with dieting. I was not always overweight but in the past 4 year have managed to pile on 17kg (almost 40 pounds). I have decided that this year I am going to quit dieting, I am just going to change my lifestyle for good. A good friend of mine said something very real to me "persistencet will make you lose weight but consistency is what will help you keep it off! This is my mantra for the year! No more crash diets, 21 day challenges, 12 week challenges, being happy and beautiful is achievable without challenge! I choose me this year.

If anyone is keen on doing this with me, please add me and let's make this year the best one yet!:smile:


  • jensbiz
    Yes Yes YESSSSS!!!!! I have gained back the 20 pounds I lost in 2012 when I went thru chemo and radiation for colon cancer. While I am SO THANKFUL to be here, I am SO miserable and mad with myself for the weight gain. I cant seem to stay consistent with it and I am so off routine in the gym. I need to light that fire under my tail that I had in the summer!!!! #WanaBeLoyalAgain
  • phumzilesiboza7
    phumzilesiboza7 Posts: 14 Member
    Can I add you as a friend and we can help keep each other motivates?
  • melissaann009
    Yes! Feel free to add me!
  • wkhauser
    wkhauser Posts: 25 Member
    i have been struggling to get back into the swing of things since the holidays and a freakin cold that won't go away. feel free to add me as well.
  • lulloa
    lulloa Posts: 148 Member
    Yes need this