Fussy eater to healthy eater - plus weight loss on the side

Hi all,

I've always been a fussy eater. My mum didn't know how to handle it and I'm still trying to unravel my own worst enemy - ME!!

I like the food I like and I really don't like the food I don't like. I'm trying to get fitter and lighter without defeating myself with foods I will avoid and end up eating something else that's completely unhealthy.

So - January I've banned myself from biscuits - those evil yummy morsels of lovely evilness. February onwards - I'm still thinking of things to do. Any help appreciated.

I'm running marathon's and ultras but I'm 12st of 5ft 6in which isnt big but those extra 2st is making running up hills a real drag.

Enjoy and good luck with all your challenges on MFP.


  • IM bored with healthy eating. The same thing all the time. Fish and chicken is blah! I lost 50 lbs before I got pregnant with my last son and gained 30 back. Well it looks like I gained the same 50lbs to me. I want to go back to weight training and high intensity cardio. However, with a 2 yr old running around bumping into everything I cant keep him out of my sight. My husband is a body builder and looks amazing. Body building is a lifestyle for him. I just don't have the me time so I started eating healthy again. However im bored and always hungry. I eat chicken sweet potatoes and something green everyday for dinner and really same thing for lunch. Breakfast I skip or eat cream of wheat and drink a protein shake. DO NOT LIKE EGG WHITES ugh I make it every morning and wont eat it. It tastes disgusting. Somebody anybody motivating words would be nice. Any ideas or suggestions. I have a weight loss goal of 30 lbs by June 1. :noway: :grumble: :explode: :indifferent: :embarassed: :huh:
  • hels205
    hels205 Posts: 2 Member
    You'll get there. Little baby steps. I'm not the diet kind of person. As soon as it's time to stop eating junk that's all I want to eat and I end up eating more junk than I normally would. WHY???? Ugh!

    So - Instead of all the various diets of you must eat this or you shouldn't eat that. I've logged everything I eat normally for a month. Then I've gone through what I've eaten. As though it's laid out on a table in front of me. What can I remove that is truly unhealthy and completely not needed. Biscuits!! In a month I ate a whole 40 packs of maryland choc chip cookies. 40 packs!!!! Plus other biscuits like rich tea, gingernut and bourbons. Yup. I have a biscuit problem.

    So far the biscuit ban has gone well. I'm excluding one thing only for January. When February comes around I'll look at my food again and see what else I can adjust and have a tweak at that. I've not lost much weight but I'm looking for more healthy options instead of biscuits which is slowly changing everything else I'm eating.

    So what's your nemisis? What has so many junk calories that you should really live without? Don't pick loads of things. Just one. Work on it for a month and then look again at what you're eating.

    It's tough to change and you'll need motivation. Give yourself a reward at the end of the month if you manage to acheive a target. Record your weight but don't have that as a target. Have healthy eating and exercise as your targets.

    Good luck xxxxx
    You can do it.