C25k... Kicked my butt!

I used to run 3 or 4 nights out of the week when I was a Jr. in High School. Before that, and after that, I was a lazy bum.

I've had problems with my ankles for the last decade or so and while I can get out and hike, or just walk, running has always caused a lot of pain in the areas where my old ankle injuries were.

Now that I've lost a few pounds I decided to try it again and I figured the C25K app would be a good way to ease into it. I strapped on my ankle guards and hit the pavement.

Week 1, Day 1 of the app taught me two things: I didn't know an App could kick my butt, and second: the real pain is in my lungs! (but I finished!)

I'll probably have to keep doing W1D1, for a whole week straight or more just to learn how to fricken breathe while running again!

Glad to say my ankles, so far are fine. haha


  • Just keep at it and you will get better. I'm on the last week now and it has been a struggle to finish due to sore calves once I got to the longer runs. In the beginning I had shin splints and that lasted for about 2 weeks and then one day I ran and there was no pain at all. Once my calf muscle heals I plan to finish the program and then work on getting my times down.
  • toni_mmh
    toni_mmh Posts: 78 Member
    If you finished W1D1, then go to W1D2. You will learn to breathe along the way (I believe in the program). If you get to a day that you don't finish, repeat that day.

    I NEVER was active in HS. I hated exercise. I have always been a couch potato with exercise induced asthma. I learned to control my breathing.... I finished C25K (took a bit more than 9 weeks; details another time)... and finished my first 5K in 42 min (excellent for me as I am a slow runner, but a runner nevertheless).

    If I can do it... you can do it! Stay with it.
  • stplatt
    stplatt Posts: 44 Member
    You may need to adjust your speed a little bit. If you get finished and are just too pooped to pucker, you may need to slow down slightly on the running intervals, and there is no shame in that. I have a hard time doing run/walk intervals because i tend to run too fast when I do them.
  • You may need to adjust your speed a little bit. If you get finished and are just too pooped to pucker, you may need to slow down slightly on the running intervals, and there is no shame in that. I have a hard time doing run/walk intervals because i tend to run too fast when I do them.

    Speed is something I was trying to be mindful of, but sometimes the concentration on breathing took over. I have to be very careful with my steps and pay a lot of attention to where I am putting my feet and how they land on the ground so as to not have one of my classic ankle-roll-fall-down incidents. I think this probably makes me slow to begin with. I'll see if I can slow it down further.
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    I started C25K last week. OW. Different soreness than an elliptical, whew!!!
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    i would recommend repeating weeks, instead of days... Each day pushes you a little harder.. end of the week you can mostly likely run the first day easily.. just my opinion though..
  • GlitterrMagpie
    GlitterrMagpie Posts: 302 Member
    Well done for starting C25K ! I thought I was going to die Wk1 Day 1!! :laugh:

    It really does work though, stick with it, you can do it :drinker:
  • jessbro1977
    jessbro1977 Posts: 58 Member
    Love c25k! The only running I've ever done in my life was for softball in grade school. I always HATED running. Last fall a friend challenged me to do a 5k after having my 5th baby and c25k made it happen without too many crying episodes! I actually even completed 5to 10k app and did my first 10k on thanksgiving! Stay with it, like everyone else has stated slow down if you need to, trust the app it really does work and HAVE FUN!
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    You can do this!!! Slow down, you might not think it possible but I assure you it is. As you progress through the program you will realize just how much slower you can go. When I did C25K last year I ran slower than I walked, sounds odd I know, but true. Not I run a little fast, a little longer, a little further and sometimes even a little better. Stick with it, you will succeed. Words of encouragement/advice below:

    Slow miles are still miles!
    The only person you are competing against is YOU!
    Most runners know where you are because they have been there as well.
  • mrsjones2point0
    mrsjones2point0 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm on week 2, and I've repeated several days the first week and now the second week.

    Definitely worth continuing and sticking with it.

    I really look forward to the day I can run a mile in one set!
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I've also had lots of rolled ankles/sprained ankles/strained tendon issues. On the recommendation of a physical therapist, I started doing some balanced based exercise (primarily yoga and pilates), and it's been a huge help to my balance and overall cordination.

    I have attempted to do the C25k twice in the past, and never made it past halfway through the second week. I was so winded, developed shin splints, etc. I just did week 3 day 1 last night, and I actually feel great today. Losing about 30 pounds since my last attempt, as well as going as slow as possible while still 'jogging' I think are the biggest change in me sticking with it this time.
  • stplatt
    stplatt Posts: 44 Member
    If you have problems with ankle rolls I would suggest making sure that you land with you foot flat on the ground and not on your heel and then roll forward. This is a popular foot landing with Chi running or Prose running.
  • Thanks for the tips and stuff folks, appreciate it!

    I remember being told to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Last night I tried something different while working on W1D2... In and out through the nose.

    There were a couple moments when I felt like I was not getting enough oxygen and would need to get a couple quick breaths and then try to do a little deeper breathing, but doing it this way resulted in much less lung burn than I experienced the night before.

    Day 2 was over before I knew it, and I didn't feel satisfied after I finished the cool down, but I was over a mile away from home at that point so a quick 3.6-3.8mph walk back kept me sweating.

    It bothered my ankles a little bit more yesterday but nothing I couldn't handle. I've already been 'flatfooting' my landing while jogging, I think I just need to go up from a level 2 to a level 3 ankle brace for a little more support.