Fussy eater



  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I think maybe you should re-read your posts and look at all the excuses you've made for yourself


    I'm fat, because I have eaten badly most of my life and lived a mostly sedentary lifestyle. Are or were there previously things beyond my control (childhood diet, lower than average metabolism, long work hours in a desk job)? Sure there are, but that's not going to get me to my goal and just like you, I have to stop making excuses.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    I'm sorry but saying "I'd get lost along the routes" is a really really poor excuse. You could always test out the routes on a weekend when you don't have to worry about getting lost, since you won't be under a time crunch. Do you have a phone that you can load maps up on? Or bring an old fashioned map with you in case you get lost. If you'd rather drive, that's fine, just say that. But saying something like "I'd get lost" is a really poor excuse. I want to support you, and I hope you find lots of encouragement here, but you're really going to need to step out of your comfort zone if you want change. You can't expect new results when you're stuck in your old routine/habits. Maybe it's tough for you to find time to go cycling during the work week, but what about the weekend?

    I don't own a bike. Sorry for the excuse about getting lost along the routes. I find the routes a bit intimidating if I'm honest as most of them are away from the road and surrounded by trees and hedges meaning it's not ideal for a woman on her own, I would say anyway. I know I need to get out of my comfort zone, I am finding that with my work/career as well - but that's another story!

    Dude, you live in Worcester, not the ghetto! (I live in Stratford-upon-Avon so not far from you....!) Unless you would be cycling or walking around in the early hours of the morning after the pubs and clubs have kicked the drunk students out that is no excuse not to use trails that are mapped out especially for the purpose of cycling and walking!
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    if you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got


    edited: success at adding a pic! yay!
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    I am an extremely picky eater...
    ...but I have learned to at least eat some vegetables. Sometimes. You need to look up recipes and try adding flavor to your stuff, which I find most people do not do and then they hate vegetables.

    I hate exercising...
    ...but I still force myself to go for those walks (so we're not talking hardcore exercise) but I doesn't matter, it gets done. And that is with the cold physically killing me and causing me tremendous pain. (Yeah my neurologist thinks I might have fibromyalgia.)

    Sometimes my joints hurt so much I want to crawl in a ball and just sleep...
    ...but then when I'm physically up for it, you bet I'm outside.

    I love junk...
    ...so yes, I did walk 4.3 miles to Wendy's and 4.3 miles back. For a Frostee. (Amongst other things.)

    I don't like paying attention to servings. I don't like logging. Or weighing my food...
    ...but I do it.

    I didn't own a bike...
    ...but I snagged one.

    I work nights so I don't really see the day, my eating is all insane (really I just had a slice of pizza for breakfast) and many of my days are spent just walking to and from my car...
    ...but you do what you need to when you want it.
  • zanne54
    zanne54 Posts: 336 Member
    OP - I found this slogan on the MFP forums (can't remember from which member). It really resonated with me:

    An hour is only 4% of your day.

    I am worth 4%. So I take an hour or MAKE an hour a day for ME, and I use that time to exercise.

    Having ran my first ever 5K last fall - I can tell you that you will see people of all shapes and sizes - from ripped, perfect athletes, all the way down to the former couch potato who's walking the race more than they're running it. So, don't be intimidated. And read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ellepribro/view/hey-fat-girl-542105
  • ddake12
    ddake12 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're looking for a tasty way to get fruits and veggies, try V8 V-Fusion. I have been a picky eater my entire life and I love that stuff. No chunks of anything! The only vegetables I like are potatoes and frozen/fresh corn. And the only fruits I like are bananas and McIntosh apples. I'm very picky about my meat as well and I'm not a fan of chicken unless it's processed in some way. I'm a total out-of-a-box eater. And I love my sweets. It's all about portion and self control. I signed up for a half marathon in April, giving myself less than 5 months to prepare and starting out I couldn't even run a mile without stopping. I had to pay a lot to get into this race and without training, I'll never finish, so that has been my motivation to get to the gym or on my treadmill. I find that if I go to the gym immediately after work I'm much more consistent. I've made it so that I don't have a choice to work out or not if I want to be able to finish this race. For me, my picky eating is a texture and an anxiety thing. I was forced for so long to try things that I hated that now I have no want, need or desire to try new things unless it's on my terms. It makes losing weight difficult because I can't just switch to salads like most people. I tried a piece of lettuce and I couldn't stomach the thought of eating a whole leaf. I've never understood why people get so irritated about what I eat. It's none of their business. I don't expect people to cater to me and my weird eating habits. To lose weight, all you need to do is burn more than you consume. It's math. And motivation :-) Sign up for a race, that will get you started and give you something to work towards. It's amazing to see my body adapt to further distances that I've never been able to do before and it gets easier and easier each time until I push myself further. You need to make working out a PRIORITY. I'd say "good luck" but losing weight has nothing to do with luck. Get out there and make it happen!
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    I grew zucchini in my garden last year and I had tons of it. One morning I made a hash for breakfast. I peeled and diced some zucchini and mixed it in with the diced potatoes, bacon, eggs, and some green onion. We wrapped it up in tortillas with some salsa. The hubby had no idea I add the zucchini.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    It sounds like you are not ready to undertake this journey. As far as not trying new things, and your current lifestyle, think about your son and what he is learning from watching you. So, make up your mind to make it a family time after work. You don't say how old your son is but he could benefit from a stroll around the block or two. If he is of age, he could be riding his bike while you walk. Or get a bike and ride with him. As for eating, make it a point to start planning. Since you have a busy week, you would benefit by using the weekends to plan. There are a lot of simple meals if you don't like to cook. The potatoes, you already know should be limited, so work that into your plan. Good luck, start experimenting with new foods, and activities.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    I didn't assume you smoked, just getting at that changing one thing at a time is more manageable.

    Also, we say we are tight budgets, but it's cheaper to cook from scratch. Not to have a go, as I did this too, but you'd be surprised how much money you can find to support an unhealthy lifestyle. Plenty of money for wine, or McDonalds or cigarettes, but strangely none to buy a bike, or work out clothes or a fitness DVD.

    Have you tried freecycle in your area? They often have weights, steppers, bands, stationary bikes and the like on there, or you'll get responses if you put up a 'wanted post'. The bike won't be the fancy electronic stuff they have in the gym, but it will work and it's free. When you have finished with it, pass it on in the same way. I started at home with a couple of Rosemary Connelly DVDs and very basic and old elliptical thing I got off freecycle because I had a small child and no confidence.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    LMFAO my eyes completely read something different when I read your title. AND OF COURSE it got my attention.