has anyone else...

Has anyone else had a pretty decent day and still not feel like it was good enough? I keep telling myself I did okay today... but for some reason I still feel horrible.

I went to the gym this morning, I did a one hour run on the elliptical. I didn't have the time to do my two hour work out like I have been for the past week and a half, so I still feel like I didn't really exercise.
I stayed within my eating limits today, my normal 1300 cal. I know I should have eaten my exercise cal. too, but I haven't been brave enough to do so. I ate a burrito for lunch, I eliminated items so that it was down to 700 cal., I had a bag of cheese-its 300 cal. when I got hungry during class, and potstickers for dinner (5 at 280 cal total) when I got home from school. I drank water today... but I drank some diet soda too.. So i'm just down on myself. I feel like a pig for going to lunch with my friends and having the burrito and diet coke. I know my food choices weren't that great today, but I know I didn't do too bad.

I don't know why I feel so gross with myself today... I know.. tomorrow is another day... but still.. i should be proud i didn't go over my cal and i made it to the gym for the time that I could... not upset at myself...


  • funo145
    funo145 Posts: 53 Member
    Has anyone else had a pretty decent day and still not feel like it was good enough? I keep telling myself I did okay today... but for some reason I still feel horrible.

    I went to the gym this morning, I did a one hour run on the elliptical. I didn't have the time to do my two hour work out like I have been for the past week and a half, so I still feel like I didn't really exercise.
    I stayed within my eating limits today, my normal 1300 cal. I know I should have eaten my exercise cal. too, but I haven't been brave enough to do so. I ate a burrito for lunch, I eliminated items so that it was down to 700 cal., I had a bag of cheese-its 300 cal. when I got hungry during class, and potstickers for dinner (5 at 280 cal total) when I got home from school. I drank water today... but I drank some diet soda too.. So i'm just down on myself. I feel like a pig for going to lunch with my friends and having the burrito and diet coke. I know my food choices weren't that great today, but I know I didn't do too bad.

    I don't know why I feel so gross with myself today... I know.. tomorrow is another day... but still.. i should be proud i didn't go over my cal and i made it to the gym for the time that I could... not upset at myself...
  • liltwynkl1
    liltwynkl1 Posts: 27 Member
    don't be so hard on yourself :ohwell: i know it's easier said then done but you should be proud that you did what you could to make your going out to eat more healthy and calories. As long as you're making effort (which it sounds like you're making a great effort!!) to be healthy!

    we all have our down days though, even for no reason sometimes but to me it sounds like you're doing great....so keep it up!! :bigsmile:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    You've got to eat those exercise calories or you're going to end up doing more harm than good to both your weight loss and your body. your body needs fuel, so give it enough to it. It is possible that your mood may be the result of your body just not getting enough fuel.
  • funo145
    funo145 Posts: 53 Member
    thanks for the support both of you..

    shorerider... i never thought about it in those terms ... that my mood might be because I'm not eating enough... something to think about ...
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    thanks for the support both of you..

    shorerider... i never thought about it in those terms ... that my mood might be because I'm not eating enough... something to think about ...

    Our diet--meaning how/what we eat--definitely has impact on our moods! Our mental state will react when something is not right with our physical body. As a diabetic, I know this all too well. One sign of high and low blood sugar levels is mood change, so when I start getting really cranky or easily upset, I check my levels.