How Do You Parents Of Young Kids Do It?



  • vintagelaisance
    vintagelaisance Posts: 20 Member
    I am blessed with grandparents that live close by so we go visit them & they play with my boys while I use their street to get 30 mins of cardio in. I go to my in-laws one day & my mom's the next. You can also invest in a double stroller & take them on an adventure, they would enjoy the sights. I too work FT & my older son (8 yrs) year old son plays sports, so it's hard. Me and my younger son (4 yrs) use to just wait around during practices but now we take advantage & hit a park or something. He plays & I make use of the walking track. As far as food goes... use the tracker. It has been the key to my success with food. Make smart decisions. Be conscious of what you are eating. Be conscious of serving sizes.

    ALWAYS REMEMBER... We all make mistakes. We all give in to temptations. Just try not to let one mess up turn into a day full of mess ups or a week full of mess ups.

    I wish you all the best! Enjoy the journey. I will try to do the same.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Little kids love to exercise. Put the baby in the bouncy seat and do calisthenics. They think it's hilarious! The 2-year-old can do it with you. Bundle them up and put them in the double stroller and walk. And you can use the baby for weight--think baby lifts, squats, etc.

    As for eating, you are at a prime stage to start feeding them they way they should eat for the rest of their lives. My kids (16, 14 and 4) will eat ANYTHING because I've never catered to them by feeding them kid food. My 4-year-old loves to stand on a chair by the counter and help me cook.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Eating I'm okay with. I generally make very simple meals, usually with adequate macro nutrients. Sometimes I'll skip the side dish or whatever if I don't have room in my calories. We do get fast food probably once a week, but I try to make healthier choices, having an idea of the calorie content of must menu items.

    Lately I have been having a really hard time fitting in exercise. I work 50 hours a week and have 3 kids plus a husband who works a weird schedule and does endurance mountain biking (long training hours). I'm not willing to give up time with my children in the evenings for exercise. I'm going to either have to start working out after they go to sleep or before they wake up. I have dumbbells at home which which I can get a decent workout, and a stair climber. I just need to start making it a priority again.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm 90-ish lbs overweight. Have a 2+ year old (26 months) and a 8 month old. Also work FT.

    How do you exercise? Eat right? The evil word, diet? How do you take care of yourself AND your family?

    I'm stumped!

    TBH, I waited until my kids hit their teen years and had gained 100 pounds before I even considered it. (That's not advice, btw, just fyi)
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    calorie counting + sticking to goals as closely as possible(most of it is what you eat rather than workout).
    Add in walks during lunch break, or workouts on the way back home or mornings/sometimes lunch break and weekends. You and your wife could take turns watching the kids while the other worked out!

    Good luck! Its hard, but we need to make time for ourselves!
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    I did not read the responses so this may repeat what others wrote.
    1. Plan ahead
    2. Make the time and stick to it. - I told everyone in my family that after dinner was my hour. I stuck to my guns and no matter what used that hours to workout.

    3. Use your lunch break at work- I would bring my clothes go for a walk and then change after. If it was raining I would do stairs.

    4. Control the menu- Since I cook all the meals, I decided what we eat. That is all.

    I will be honest, it is not very easy. But I also have friends on here who are single with no kids but have very demanding jobs. But we all find a way to get it in. Make peace with yourself that it will take a while and stay within your calorie goal. Another thing...I did, was incorporated my kids into working out. I would put on music and dance, squat, jumping jacks anything for 30 mins.
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm a single full time working mom. I get up before she does to workout. I try to plan my meals and not keep too many sweets in the house. It's tough but it can be done
  • dirty_dirty_eater
    dirty_dirty_eater Posts: 574 Member
    In for all the blissful folks that think it'll be easier when they're older.
  • Shreddingit84

    24/7 nanny
    24/7 cook
    1/7 trainer
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I have 3 children (one doesn't live at home anymore) Two are now 8 year old twins. I also for 50 hours per week run an in home daycare.
    My workouts now are done at nap time. When my own kids are home..I find something to occupy them while I work out (movie,crafts what ever) On occasion nap time does get interrupted (pick ups, drop offs, licencor etc.) - no problem i just find time to do a turbo work out (20-30 minutes)

    My family...husband included eat exactly what I eat for meals. I do NOT cook anything separate nor make different meals for each. This was one thing I refused to do as it just adds unneeded chaos. Like someone else said - KEEP IT simple! Your children will learn and later appreciate what you have taught them. I do not eat anything funky so my kids generally eat everything I cook. The absolute only exception is with seafood - Adults will have baked haddock or whatever and the kids will have fish sticks.

    Before working from home - my lunch breaks were my workouts. You can take a walk / jog / run during this time weather permitting. Have stairs at your job - use them!!

    Young kids also go to bed early - i know this is hard sometimes but do your workouts then if you are incorporating exercise in your daily schedule.

    Want to go to a gym - most of them have daycare services right there...:)

    Best of luck!! The hardest part of it forming the habit. Once you have the habit - the rest is easy
  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I think most of the people here have said it: Plan your meals.

    If you have a little time to go to they gym--go. On days you don't have as much time make exercise part of the activities with your kids. I would take a little wagon with us on walks and when the kids got tired I would pull/push them. Play ball with the kids or tag.

    And it doesn't get easier as kids get older. Schedules get even more hectic with school functions, sports practice and games.

    Good luck!! :heart:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Be organised with grocery shopping and plan healthy meals you can all eat. I don't mess around making different meals - we all have the same thing. And make sure you have time to exercise. It's the only 'me' time I get, and I love it.

    I'm 26 weeks pregnant and also have a 4.5 year old and a 2.5 year old. I work part time as a teacher, and my husband does shift work. I go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week, and was going more before pregnancy.

    I don't do complicated things for dinner, just things like chicken or fish and veg. Today I had an after school meeting, then had to pick the kids up from 2 different places, and my husband's on late shift, so I just made quick cook pasta with tomato, and I had a salad too. I want my kids to grow up knowing about eating healthily.

    I'm lucky as I don't work full time, and I get the school holidays, but if I did I'd just do classes/gym in the evening once my husband was home, and I'd go at the weekend. Now I just fit my gym sessions around work and my husband's shifts, and I go at the weekend too.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    In for all the blissful folks that think it'll be easier when they're older.

    I can say for a fact that it was easier when I had just a 3 year old and not the boob-monster 7 month old. Once my youngest isn't sucking my life-blood (milk) every hour and a half when I'm home (evenings and overnight), I'll be able to make the time to exercise again. The feed, lift, feed timing just didn't/doesn't work for me... and getting up early when you're only getting sleep in 1.5-2 hour stretches isn't an option either. :laugh:

    On the other hand... Body weight squats and lunges with said baby can get her giggling like a fiend... so that happens.

    Food, on the other other hand, is purely choice. It's just as easy to choose healthy foods as unhealthy ones. :drinker:
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    I have 6 kids 2 of which are 2 year old twins. If it's important to you you will find a way. I'm not saying it's easy but it is possible.
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I have two boys 7 and 10 and married. At least one boy is involved in a sport at all times. I work outside of the home 40 hours a week.

    I do meal prep on Sundays and then during the week I get up at 3:30 in the morning to work out. I get myself ready for work then wake up the crew. While they are getting ready I am making lunches for my husband and I and cooking breakfast for everyone. We are out the door by 6:45. At night the boys do their homework while my husband and I cook dinner. After dinner everyone gets free time to relax or do whatever they want.

    It is organization and routine.

    eta: I don't "diet' I eat the appropriate amount of food to achieve my current goals. I eat healthy and work out.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    It is a good question, and I just trying to figure it out myself how to find the time to exercise.
    I have a 5 yrs old and a 1 yrs old, and I work/school FT.

    When I was a SAHM in the first 9-10 months of my babies life, I was able to manage it. Also when I was working /schooling FT , but had only one kid I was able to manage it. This multiple kids AND full time away from home is the stage that totally kills my time/schedule, no to mention the lack of sleep due to nursing at night. It gets easier with time though. The babies will sleep through the night and that makes a huge difference on energy level. Also around age 4- yr , they start to play by themselves a LOT. You have 2 kids close in age, in a couple of yrs they will play with each other , and that free up so much time. My son was 4 yrs old when the baby arrived, and it was already much easier age. Now we are the baby stage again, which is harder. My son started school and there are practices and activities, but still sooo much easier because you are not needed every single minute.

    I think it is easier just focus on the food first. You all need to eat , so planning to eat healthy is the first step. I do a weekly meal planning on the evening prior to the day of grocery shopping, which is for me Saturday morning. I spend a 30 minutes on this, and when i am planning I check the cupboard/ fridge to see what do I have at home , and make a shopping list on my smartphone by checking out the weekly flyers. I stick to the list , but ensure that no additional run out for food happans during the week. On Saturday morning I do grocery shop with the baby while I dropped of my 5 yrs old at practice. When we get home we eat lunch and my baby naps after that and I scheduled my son weekly TV time for this time . This gives me 2 hrs spare time, which I use for weekly meal preparation. I chop up all kinds of veggies and put them into containers to be ready to meals. I also eat celery, pepper , parsnip as a snack, and I also chop them up put into containers with water and they go to the fridge, and I just take out from them at the morning to pack into lunchboxes.
    I also may fry ahead a whole back of bacon , again goes to the fridge . I cook 12-18 hard-boiled eggs , take off the shell, and put into the fridge. I fry a few lb onions once a few weeks in butter and keep in in the fridge as well.
    On Sundays I usually make roast pork/beef or chicken in larger quantities, and cut the leftover up into cubes and between the cut up meat, hard-boiled eggs and cut up veggies I am set for taking healthy lunch to work for the entire week.
  • mslizalde
    Get the whole family in on it!! My husband who is not overweight is focusing with me on not losing weight but living a more balanced healthy lifestyle. We with our 2 boys (3yrs & 4yrs) are setting fun reasonable goals like last week we challenged each other to no eating out not even a vending machine item and if we slipped up it meant no cell phones for one day. Needless to say we did it!!! We also took our kid to the farmer's market which they love and let them pick out items for our meals this week. It's not easy it definitely is taking work. Sunday I spent 1 1/2 hours making meals for the week but guess what when I woke up on Monday I didn't have to worry about what to put in lunches and dinner was already taken care of so I spent the Monday night with the kiddos in bed watching a movie which we haven't done in forever! So yes a little more work here and there but it is so worth it. So to sum it up get the kiddos and family on board make set a goal and lastly plan plan plan!!! Good luck let me know if you need any help.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Sorry but in my experience it is MUCH easier to make time for myself now that they are in middle and high school.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Sorry but in my experience it is MUCH easier to make time for myself now that they are in middle and high school.

    My friend has a 13 year old and is always saying that it's so nice to have her life back now! He does lots of sports but he's able to cycle/walk to some of them, or his dad takes him, so it's not always my friend who has to. She has loads of time to herself now. Apart from the gym, I get no time to myself with my young kids.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Sorry but in my experience it is MUCH easier to make time for myself now that they are in middle and high school.
    I bet! Usually 10 yr olds kids do not keep mantaing "up,up,up" and scream if their mom won't pick them up in that second ;)