Those holiday season bakers in the office must die!

It's officially "the holidays"... I walked into the office this morning there was a myriad of home baked goods dotted around the office and the whole place smelled like one giant willpower executioner!

I mean decadent... I have been doing well on my diet and have not been tempted, but after today, pie, banana bread, cookies, they're all I can think of.

These people and their cheerful sharing goodness must be stopped!

[end of rant]


  • rock_n_hard
    Ohh I know! My downfall started about Halloween time.. with all the Halloween cupcakes and candy. I had already reached (and stayed) at my goal weight until then! I finished off my Halloween candy today and logged straight back into myfitnesspal to get back on track before Thanksgiving and Christmas!!! I know it's tough but definitely stick with the website and you will do great!!! Congrats on the weight lost so far!!
  • katieannd
    katieannd Posts: 66 Member
    The only thing worse than seasonal bakers in the office are the string of holiday much temptation!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    ROFL . . . I love, love, love your rant. Make sure you at least have some goodies on Thanksgiving day. You can have one day off (in my book) and start again the next day.

    Thanks for giving me a good laugh. :tongue:
  • SyreetaJayne1
    ROFL! Yes, thanks for the laugh! :laugh:
  • marniehodges
    That is so funny :laugh: Tell them all to stop or you are going to take one tiny bite out of everything!:bigsmile:
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    yes, today was the monthly birthday cake day for all the Nov birthdays...i loved the title of your post. i am fortunate in my coworkers--someone made sure an apple appeared on my desk...and there's always a fruit or veggie plate included in the offerings on the main table now. they're not quite sure what low carb is but they've decided it's part vegetarian lol
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Eeerrrrmmmm....... so do I confess now or later??? (sorry!!!!!!!) :blushing:

    I bake a batch, we have one each, then the rest either to neighbours or into work..... that way I can't eat any extra calories!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I KNOW I could make a smaller batch..... but I'm really honest..... this post has only just made me think of it!!!! :laugh:

    I do know EXACTLY what you mean though - What's worse in my office as that it's like an unwritten rule - Birthdays and Christmas- bring in LOTS of gorgeous, yummy, sweet smelling treats.... so I am going to be teased until 24th December as "they" have made a decision to "spread the load" and start now!!!!!!! :noway: :sad:

    Good luck!!!!!! :drinker:
  • mommy2r
    mommy2r Posts: 16 Member
    haha! funny stuff:laugh: great job so far, keep it up and good luck during the holidays!
  • shimmerfades
    shimmerfades Posts: 8 Member
    so true! My downfall is the incredible amounts of fudge! People only make it once a year so its difficult to ignore-it's not like I can get it in in January if I want some. So I have the "get it now or have to wait till next year attitude"! Please people, have a little compassion! :)