How many calories burned during Insanity?!



  • I watched an interview on Dr. Oz with Sean T apparently with max interval training your body continues to burn calories long after your workouts. So I wouldn't be too upset with 300 calories burned etc. :) I do insanity off and on (not as much as I should) and I still see results even though I haven't completed the entire program. I'll do it about 4 days a week. I've lost 15 lbs so far.
  • If you have a smart phone you can download a app for hrm
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    If you know your heart rate roughly (you can get an iPhone app to help you with this if you have one) you can work it out here

    The downside is that you have to keep still long enough to take a reading, making your heart rate drop slightly, but the plus side is that it seems effective enough and can tide you over until you get a HRM watch of your own (get one with a chest strap, as you get constant measurements then)
  • I was searching and if you don't stop only during the breaks I. Think it was like 505 burned. I may be wrong. Indeed some work out pals on this. I'm new to the program and wouldn't mind have some friends to help me out with the right foods And such. Give me a add. I'm doing insanity power sat.
  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    Wow I wish I burnt as much as 600 a time with Insanity! I'm only doing the first week so far, and my burns have been 400-450 ish I think. And that's with my HRM saying I'm at 180-190 during most of that, I don't see I can do much more without having a heart attack!! I'm 24, 5'5 and weigh 143lbs... I'll see whether those burns increase or decrease over time.

    I would second getting a HRM for Insanity - it's the only way to know what you're burning cos as you can see here the results are very different for different people. And also as it's max interval training it's a good idea to know what your pulse is and keep an eye on it!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    This made me laugh - shouldn't the gift giving be the other way round!!! : )
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I burn around 450-500 each workout. But it absolutely differs per person. Height, weight, fitness level, how hard you push yourself, etc, etc.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    Hi. I am starting week 7 today. Only 2 more weeks! I am in pretty good cardio health except that I am carrying around this extra lbs. I have a HRM.

    I am 5'3 and my starting weight was 159. I am now down to 147. WOOT WOOT! I love me some Shaun T!

    On the month 1 videos, I burned about 350 calories, sometimes more and sometimes less.

    On the month 2 videos, I burn about 450, again sometimes more/less.

    Good Luck, if you stick with it, you will be amazed at the changes in your body. Dig deeper!

    How many calories are you eating?
  • amandax84x
    amandax84x Posts: 2
    I have just stared insanity, a week into it, do i really need a hrm?? im finding it a lot easier than i thought i would but cant seem to stem away from the unhealthy eating :s i have no idea what im burning and only now am i starting to calorie count. i have lost 5 n half pounds in 2 months through slimming world so far. seem to be trying everything at the mo till i find whats right for me. wheres best for a hrm?
    thanks :) xx
  • Hi. I'm 5'11, 234 lbs and 31 yrs old and I finished 1 week of Insanity. When I started I couldn't even do 3 min in a row without a break but I'm getting better every day. I eat about 1500-1700 calories a day and I try to keep it as healthy as possible; I also try to eat foods with low glycemic index. I've only just got a HRM. I also have a Fitbit one which is quite good. I can't finish a full workout....I do about 30 min of it with breaks. According to fitbit I do about 22 min active minutes, out of 30, and the calories are on average 250-300 for what I do, which is basically half of the whole workout. I started doing probably 10 min and after a week I am doing twice as much.I know it will get better. Good luck everyone with your weight loss and lifestyle changes!
  • drazani
    drazani Posts: 98 Member
    I'm currently doing Insanity and my HRM shows between 500-600 calories for the workouts and about half of that for the recovery workouts ( I'm 2 weeks away from finishing my 2nd month) when I add in the ab workouts it's around 700-750 cals. My heart rate is normally between 150-165 bpm

    Male 5'11
    around 205lbs.
    1800 Cals a day net. Eat around 2400 cals on workout days, Macros at 50p/30c/20f
  • Well Im from Puerto Rico, Hi to all. Currently at 147 and 5'3. IM currently doing 2nd time around of Insanity with a HRM and I always burn little over 750 cal on month 1 and little over 1,040 on month 2. and in the days (that it happens) that I burn less I go for a jog, and believe me I get the calories off
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    The most i've burned is 450 and i'm 5ft 5.5 and 143 at the moment. Heart rate goes up to late 160's.
  • sovela
    sovela Posts: 1
    I find it difficult to micromanage my consumed to burned calories while doing insanity. So I manually override most of the calculations of myfitnesspal. This is what has worked pretty well for me:

    Figure out your own caloric needs using the Harris Benedict:

    Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight lbs) + (12.7 x height inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

    Women: 655 + (4.35 x weight lbs) + (4.7 x height inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    That will account for your sedentary calorie needs (everything before activity)

    Then take that number and figure out your activity level. If you're doing Insanity 6 times a week your activity level is probably 1.7 If you're doing it 3-5 times a week then your activity level is probably 1.55. If you are doing insanity 3-5 times a week and then you work as a server, than 1.6 may be more appropriate, etc.

    So take that sedentary calorie need amount you found in the equation above and multiply it by your activity level.

    If you are looking to lose weight. then subtract the necessary calories from that amount. 1lb = 3500 calories so if you want to lose 1 pound a week you would take 3500 x (pounds) / 7 and that's the number you want to lower per day. So if you want to lose 1 pound a week it's 3500 x 1 / 7 which is 500 calories to lower. If you want to lose 2lbs a week it's 3500 x 2 / 7 = 1000 calories to lower. Same with half pounds (.5) etc.

    Once you have calculated this final number of calories per day. Manually override the myfitnesspal to that number, I also have it stated that I want to "maintain" my current weight etc. But if you do this, it's important that you DO NOT ADD THE INSANITY EXERCISE TO YOUR DIARY as it was already accounted for in 'fitness level'.

    If you "record your new weight" often, you can still use the fun little scale to get closer to your goal, etc.

    I know it's longer and more complicated, but it's a bit more accurate, and then you don't have to worry so much about the calorie difference between recovery weeks, versus month one, versus month two.

    I know there are still some out there that insist on keeping the HRM store in business and want to nail every single calorie, etc. And that's cool, to each his own. I just found that this is a pretty easy way for those who are not into the "technical" side of fitness training to have a good base to go from, especially with making myfitnesspal compatible with Insanity, as the myfitnesspal is a great way to keep track of calories, and carb/fat/protein ratios.

    Hope that helps.

    Wait so if we put to maintain weight, then we shouldn't add on insanity into our diary? Or if we put to lose weight, then we shouldn't add on insanity?
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