armour thyroid and bodyfat

Hello everybody, this is my first post here but that does not reflect my knowledge on how important diet and exercise are for losing. I am wondering if anybody has noticed a decrease in body fat after starting their thyroid medication? I was very recently diagnosed and started thryoid treatment and have no knowledge about the subject at all and figured this would be a good place to start. My starting treatment dose is 45 mg's a day which I believe would be 3 grains.


  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I take Armour, but have not noticed any reduction in body fat from it. I've never heard of that. You may, however, lose water weight that you have been retaining while being hypothyroid. I quickly lost 12 pounds when I started treatment.
  • getoffurFatass
    ok , thanks... I did not think so, but would of been a nice benefit!
  • stephyw2001
    stephyw2001 Posts: 29 Member
    No, I started on Levothyroxine in the past, and now am on Armour. I have not ever seen any weight loss. I have however noticed a difference in my energy levels. It at least made it easier to get through workouts!
  • alicat71
    alicat71 Posts: 4 Member
    your thyroid is responsible for your metabolism. Hypothyroidism is usually accompnied by weight gain. Therefore, when you start your meds for hypothyroidism it is normal for some weight loss to occur.
  • getoffurFatass
    ok, cool this is is only my 3rd day so far but the dehydrated/dried up feeling in my skin is already gone! So I can't complain.