My self loathing


I was on MFP a year and a half ago and lost over 40 lbs in six months. It was hard work and that was with a ton of exercise...In the Spring of 2012..I lost my job, lost a good friend, and at the end of the year I lost my dad to cancer. I gained back the 40 lbs, and added another 15 . I fell into the cliche that I swore I would not fall into..the yo-yo guy. So today is my second day back and I am looking for inspiration as we all are. Any other yo-yo's out there ? Trying to stop the self hating though..I am 46 , male, and need some advice to get over the major setback, cause I won't to go hit a drive thru NOW !!!


  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Hello there!

    Have you considered therapy to work on the grief issues?

    Just wondering!
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    Welcome back! I hate to hear about such a rough year, so I hope MFP will help you get back on track. Try not to beat yourself up too much. Stress is a KILLER of weight loss! I am living proof...

    I have to agree though, you should probably get a routine check-up from your doc and make sure you're not having any residual depression as well. Exercise will definitely help with depressive symptoms, but sometimes it takes a little more than that. If he gives you a clean bill of health...HIT IT!

    Good luck!
  • shortformyweight
    shortformyweight Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Karl, my story is similar to yours. I'm back on mfp after some setbacks and am really struggling to stay on track.
    If you want to add me for support then feel free to do so.
    Good Luck!!
  • pjc80
    pjc80 Posts: 2
    Hi Karl! Also a yo-yoer (second time of MFP, day 5, first post!) and just want to tell you to be kind to yourself! Horrible years happen, stress happens, drive-thrus happen - but if you beat yourself up about them you never move on. You achieved something awesome when you lost 40 lb before - you're going to achieve something awesome now, and you've already taken the first steps, which makes you awesome too.
  • smacman7
    smacman7 Posts: 4 Member
    Try to live in today. You can't change the past so try not to dwell on it. Ditto to what pjc80 said...
  • xbellezx
    xbellezx Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Karl, I am also going to recommend maybe talking to a counselor. I went through something similar last year and talking to someone really helped deal with the external and internal issues, especially self hatred. It is still something I am working on but I am not as mean to myself these days.
  • karlwho
    karlwho Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I'm on meds but need to get back into counseling. It's almost been a year.
  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    Feel free to message me if you need someone to talk to on here.

    Best of luck!
  • Jennipurr14
    Welcome! You're right...flogging yourself with a noodle isn't going to help you reach your goals. I'm an emotional eater, too, so I understand how you gained all that weight back. My goal is to lose a pound a week and reach my goal in a year...definitely not as easy to lose in my 50's as it was in my 30's. Shoulda kept it off years ago...but that self-flagellation won't help me now, either! I'll send you a friend request; also, join the 100-day challenge group and get a jump-start with us! :happy:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member

    I was on MFP a year and a half ago and lost over 40 lbs in six months. It was hard work and that was with a ton of exercise...In the Spring of 2012..I lost my job, lost a good friend, and at the end of the year I lost my dad to cancer. I gained back the 40 lbs, and added another 15 . I fell into the cliche that I swore I would not fall into..the yo-yo guy. So today is my second day back and I am looking for inspiration as we all are. Any other yo-yo's out there ? Trying to stop the self hating though..I am 46 , male, and need some advice to get over the major setback, cause I won't to go hit a drive thru NOW !!!

    if losing 40lbs was hard work, then you were probably doing it wrong.

    best to start again this time doing an easier and more sustainable way to lose weight...