Apple Cider Vinegar

MFP members opinions on ACV as a dietary supplement/weight loss aide?


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Weight loss aid? Nope.
    Awesome in sauces and such? Yep.
  • Rocklinite
    Rocklinite Posts: 30 Member
    I drink it daily as an overall health tonic. Usually, I drink 2 tsp. to 1 tbsp. in flavored water. It has mostly helped me reduce allergy symptoms. It also helps minimize cold symptoms.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Weight loss aid? Nope.
    Awesome in sauces and such? Yep.

    Just incased you missed it, unless you are eating it for flavour reason don't waste your money.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I can't say enough about the benefits of ACV.

    I don't know about it's uses for weight loss, but I have been using it for about two years now to combat my gout.

    I suffered from gout for over 10 years. I cleaned up my diet a little and started using ACV in my diet after reading about it. I suffered from gout about twice a month for over 10 years. I haven't had an attack in over a year.

    I make my own salad dressing with it and include it in marinades and sauces, and, if I feel a bout coming on, I can do a couple shots of ACV (yeck) and it clears up.

    Google it. It really is good for what ails ya'.
  • alanfrazier54
    Sure, adds no calories as a flavoring and can be used as a substitute for high calorie and/or high fat salad dressings.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I use ACV for my chickens. It is a natural de-wormer in chickens. So, it does have at least one practical purpose!
  • shantizzlerose
    shantizzlerose Posts: 63 Member
    Cingle87- Do not take this the wrong way, but would you mind explaining to me why you think it's a waste of money? I've read numerous articles about the supposed health benefits of raw ACV, that are rather convincing. Not meaning ACV as a fad diet type weight loss deal, but general overall good health aid.
  • Deaconis
    I have no idea about ACV and weight loss but I have an elderly lady friend who SWEARS by it as something that helps her arthritis. She drinks a shot glass full every day and says she can really tell the difference if she runs out and misses a couple days.
  • FindingSamMon
    FindingSamMon Posts: 825 Member
    I use it to wash my hair...great as a clarifier.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    Weight loss aid? Nope.
    Awesome in sauces and such? Yep.

    same here. I like the taste, but that's pretty much it.
  • 86muffintop
    86muffintop Posts: 69 Member
    My doctor seriously recommended I take it for weight loss- 2tbs before a.m. shower and 2tbs before dinner. I recommend filtering it with water- a straight shot is worse than the worst whiskey. I didn't do it long enough to see results, but it did curb my appetite... Maybe that's part of the reason I stopped taking it.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Not sure if this is really true, but I've read that a couple of TBS a day (in water if you can't take the taste) will help naturally to decrease body odor from the inside out!

    If anyone knows if thats true.. let me know!! I think that would be a great natural way to help in the summer, cause I sweat like a PIG! UGH!!!
    (sorry.. I don't meant to hijack the forum post!! Oops!)
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    For Weight Loss, no... BUT the benefits of natural, pulpy, ACV are far reaching...

    skin issues, yeast infections, hair solutions, allergy problems... If you have a specific ISSUE you would like to try remedying naturally, I see no issue googling your fingers raw to find said remedy. Often, you'll see ACV listed.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Not sure if this is really true, but I've read that a couple of TBS a day (in water if you can't take the taste) will help naturally to decrease body odor from the inside out!

    If anyone knows if thats true.. let me know!! I think that would be a great natural way to help in the summer, cause I sweat like a PIG! UGH!!!
    (sorry.. I don't meant to hijack the forum post!! Oops!)

    I have heard this as well, but can't speak for it's validity. However, there's zero harm in trying that I can think of. I say go for it!
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I use it on my face for acne. It helps tremendously. I have pretty bad acne on my face and this keeps me almost clear. Now I wish I could get it to clear up my scars! It stinks but I use a cotton ball and put it on after I wash my face before bed. I am used to the smell mostly now and in the morning I just wash it off quick before lotion/make-up goes on.
    I use the organic unfiltered ACV. I used to drink it in water every day but worried the acid would destroy the enamel on my teeth plus I hated the flavor.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Nope, sorry.

    I don't like the stuff so the thought of drinking it to lose weight makes me gag.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    i take it every single day, it works.
  • eyecandyrayce
    eyecandyrayce Posts: 260 Member
    I also haven't heard of it for weight lose minus using it as a supplemental in sauces to make them low calorie.

    I have intense allergies and use it to combat that and my eczema. It is a life saver.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Not sure how true it is but I heard that 2T a day with water helps to flush they body of excess water Retention
  • justateaspoon
    justateaspoon Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds crazy, but I've taken 2 tablespoons (unfiltered organic) in grapefruit juice every morning since October - through a straw because I'm worried about the acid and my teeth. I like the taste. I've lost weight, but I think it's a combination of a lot of things.... I also was able to fight off a cold and no more breakouts on my face. It's been good for water retention. I can tell when I forget to drink it. I do like the vinegary taste, so .... it's not for everyone