The Fruit and Veggie challenge!!! Wanna join?!

c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey wonderful MFP friends! SO. I have been noticing as I browse other's diaries, that there is a pronounced lack of fruits and veggies in most of them!!! I know that for me this is something I seriously wanna aim for, and so my goal is simple. To have AT LEAST two servings of raw fruits or veggies and two servings of cooked (can be steamed, in soup, in meals etc) Anyone else wanna join my goal? Each of these servings will replace one "trigger" or food you want to cut back on. For me I want to replace my love of a chocolate chip cookie from the school store during the week :)
Some ideas for fruits and veg to eat that I personally love:
(remember, it is best to choose organic when possible, ESPECIALLY when you are eating foods that are unpeeled or grow with significant exposure to pesticide sprays. So when I list foods it goes without saying that og is best :)

Raw carrots (all and ANY kind)

Sliced apples

Fresh Pineapple (I especially like to cut a whole pineapple and save some in the fridge, also the juice is great to put on sliced apples as it saves them from turning brown!)

Cucumber slices (I like round slices with sesame seeds on them)

Fresh pomegranate seeds in greek yogurt (TO DIE FOR)

Asian pears

Frozen green grapes

Steamed broc and spinach

a boiled red potato added to morning eggs

Green beans, lightly steamed


Raw snap peas.

These are just a few of my favs :) Im always looking for new was to use whatever is in season too...usually I make little baggies of raw stuff on Sunday nights, and then I just grab a couple on the way out the door to school everyday, and easy way to get some great fiber, natural sugar, healthy carbs, and avoid university food death traps.

Good luck and let me know what your latest innovations are!!


  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Ooohh...I love snap peas! I eat them raw right outta the sweet and crunchy! :love:
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Oh I love the red potato idea with my morning egg beaters! I am so going to try that. I always aim for 2-3 servings of Fruits & the same with veggies. It's sad how many folks out there forget to add produce to their shopping list & miss it on their plates! So many wonderful benefits & so low in calories (depending on the item). I accept your challenge! :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Sure count me in. I need this I went to the store and got lots of produce. Let post our food intake here. :) starting tomorrow
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I'm so in! I love produce, but don't always eat enough of it!
  • Fresh Pineapple (I especially like to cut a whole pineapple and save some in the fridge, also the juice is great to put on sliced apples as it saves them from turning brown!)

    YUM!! Pineapple is my personal favorite! And I'm totally with you on replacing triggers with veggies. I eat a lot of salad, but that's about it.

    Frozen red grapes are another favorite of mine - crunchy, cold, sweet and HEALTHY :love:
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    i do a banana with breakfast every day. some kind of veggie to dip with lunch everyday and some kind of veg with dinner everyday as well as another serving or 2 of fruit per day. right now i'm loving clementines. i bought a box on saturday and i'm eating like 2 a day. omg they are soooooooooooo yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!!!!!!!!!
  • you know im in girl :D
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yay! this is gonna be fun! I forgot about bananas. duh. delicious. and clementines are fantastic if you get a good batch, and seriously make me feel festive around this time of year. Also gonna get red grapes tomorrow, SUCH a delicious treat frozen. replacement for popsicles...
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I'm in!!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • I'm in!! I enjoy fruits and veggies, but don't eat enough of them. I've got to stop reaching for the junk and start reaching for the produce!! I'm gonna go have an apple right now :happy:
  • i adore fruits and vegetables. count me in! :)
  • What about frozen fruits? I have recently fallen in love with frozen blueberries and frozen peaches. I actually had a big problem with not having enough veggies and fruits, fruits especially so now I'm having at least a serving or two of fruits a day and thanks to the frozen fruit medley and frozen blueberries I have that is really easy to accomplish.
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    yeah frozen is a good idea too!
    today: Spinch and a red potato with my morning eggs.
    apple and baby carrots for a snack
    chicken and veggie soup for dinner
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    @c7eat2live - GOOD JOB! :flowerforyou:

    -apple banana (those small bananas - they are good if you happen to be in hawaii. i am not in hawaii, so this didn't taste as good!)

    -tuscan kale - raw
    -sweet potato
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    This challenge is perfect for me. I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I will post my menu now because a Windows mobile app hasn't been created yet...

    Meal1 - 1 plum and egg whites
    Meal2 - Fresh grapes
    Meal3- 2 servings of grilled yellow squash (my fav)
    Meal4- Large salad w grilled shrimp.

    I feel better already and haven't eaten a fruit or veggie yet. It's amazing to be back!
  • deblu
    deblu Posts: 44
    How do you see other people's food diary? I never see it when I look at people's profile.
  • triscuitsmom08
    triscuitsmom08 Posts: 47 Member
    I drink Green Smoothies that have about 2 servings of fruit and almost three servings of veggies!! :) That way I get my "cake" and I can eat it too! ;) meaning...I get my veggies but they taste like about cheating the system haha
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    You know I was shocked when I found out how many calories were in a large apple, over 120!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    Count me in, and don't forget about delicious kiwi! My kids love those, too. Also spinach cooked just for a minute in a nonstick pan to make it wilty and warm as a side dish. And of course apple slices with peanut butter or with laughing cow cheese. Yum, I'm out of calories today but will start with these tomorrow!
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