My very first crossfit class tonight

So tonight is my very first crossfit class, I of course chose the beginner class but I'm still nervous but also very excited. Has anyone here tried crossfit? Do they let you go at your own pace or am I getting myself in way too deep? Thanks in advance for the input!


  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Here, let me help you out a bit. This is what I like to call the "crossfit mating call."

    The dangers of crossfit:
  • afat12
    afat12 Posts: 178 Member
    You'll get a lot of hate on here for doing CrossFit. Just be careful not to strain yourself. This is maybe something you don't want to jump into if you haven't done any sort of exercise in a long time but if you have you'll be fine. Good luck!
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    So tonight is my very first crossfit class, I of course chose the beginner class but I'm still nervous but also very excited. Has anyone here tried crossfit? Do they let you go at your own pace or am I getting myself in way too deep? Thanks in advance for the input!

    I've been going to Crossfit for 4-5 months now. It is great and yes, you will get a lot of people trying to talk you out of it (especially one who will PM you; ignore her). You can go at your own pace and you will do fine. Initially, they will focus on form and technique so don't worry about how much or how little you are lifting. It's more important to learn the right way to do things. You can increase weight soon enough.

    That being said, if what I described is NOT your experience, then find a different box to go to. Just like anything, there are good coaches and bad coaches in CF. If they are just yelling at you to lift heavy without focusing on form, that is not good. But most of the people I have talked to in and around CF (who have actually done it) have had good experiences.

    Also check out this group for a lot of answers and support:

    Good luck and have fun!!!
  • kattjohnsonmfp
    kattjohnsonmfp Posts: 21 Member
    I do Crossfit at 260+lbs.

    As I like to say, if I can do it, anyone can.

    Here's what I've learned; push yourself, but don't strain yourself. (Note, you *will* hurt after your first few WODs, but *good* hurt, like just a bit of DOMs/muscle soreness, not injury hurt!)

    And remember, EVERYTHING can be scaled, and FORM RULES ALL.

    Basically, a "box" (ew, it's a gym, even our coach doesn't call it a box) is only as good as it's coach, and thankfully, I've got a good one (more qualifications than just the CF ones), hopefully you do as well.

    I can't believe there's someone who PMs about CF being bad, lord almighty some people have too much time on their hands.

    All this being said, I picked up my first CF injury yesterday. Some *kitten* dropped a 20kg plate on my foot, and I now have a broken toe! Accidents will happen though :)
  • zenpoppy
    zenpoppy Posts: 20 Member
    You are a very brave woman....Congratulations. It is very scary working in on your first class.
    But you did it. I do crossfit as well and I am a big girl....I have lost 19.8kgs with the putting crossfit in my exercise.
    You know what your body can handle and I love the sense of achievement when you walk out the door.
    So awesome work and your body can handle alot more than what your head tells you.
    Keep up the great Work ......Cheers Zen
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've been to watch a few different crossfit classes before. 1 was hosted by trainers that knew what they were doing, took time and paid attention to their clients and managed the class as any good trainer would.

    ... the other was a huge pissing contest that didn't take form or safety into account. The fact that you can have that much variance under the same brand is going to bring drama. That's why you'll get mixed reviews here. For most folks, it's really way more expensive than any other gym memberships, but if it's safe.. you enjoy it... and you stick to it, then nuts to the other opinions.
  • raw_meal
    raw_meal Posts: 96 Member
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Here, let me help you out a bit. This is what I like to call the "crossfit mating call."

    The dangers of crossfit:

    Ummm thank you for a link that has now made me get wrapped up on that site reading about Crossfit and otherwise since the minute you posted it.....not sarcasm - I totally got wrapped up in the site!
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    So tonight is my very first crossfit class, I of course chose the beginner class but I'm still nervous but also very excited. Has anyone here tried crossfit? Do they let you go at your own pace or am I getting myself in way too deep? Thanks in advance for the input!

    I've been going to Crossfit for 4-5 months now. It is great and yes, you will get a lot of people trying to talk you out of it (especially one who will PM you; ignore her). You can go at your own pace and you will do fine. Initially, they will focus on form and technique so don't worry about how much or how little you are lifting. It's more important to learn the right way to do things. You can increase weight soon enough.

    That being said, if what I described is NOT your experience, then find a different box to go to. Just like anything, there are good coaches and bad coaches in CF. If they are just yelling at you to lift heavy without focusing on form, that is not good. But most of the people I have talked to in and around CF (who have actually done it) have had good experiences.

    Also check out this group for a lot of answers and support:

    Good luck and have fun!!!

  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    I've done it, I liked it. I saw great results. But it didn't blend well with my other exercise at the time. At that time I was learning karate, boxing and running so it was all too much and the different "genres" resulted in me being very sore and unable to put 100% in to my workouts. So I stopped. But give it a go, see what you think!
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Here, let me help you out a bit. This is what I like to call the "crossfit mating call."

    The dangers of crossfit:

    Ummm thank you for a link that has now made me get wrapped up on that site reading about Crossfit and otherwise since the minute you posted it.....not sarcasm - I totally got wrapped up in the site!

    I honestly have no idea what the link says so I'll have to check it out, I was just a searching for the words danger and crossfit.

    I do know that no one ever shows up for a crossfit thread until someone insults crossfit, then comes the flood. Just trying to help OP out before her thread got buried.
  • Here, let me help you out a bit. This is what I like to call the "crossfit mating call."

    The dangers of crossfit:

    I didn't know about this rhabadu thing. :) Scary. Thank goodness my laziness won't let me overdo it no matter what.

    I'm a living social fitness deal junkie so i've tried a lot of fitness programs. My husband and I went to crossfit several times a week for a month and really enjoyed it. I work out a lot and am in good shape and crossfit really challenges me. I did see a lot of people overdoing it there though. I tried to maintain reason and logic while I was there... I didn't go too fast and took short breaks during the WODs when I needed them. Don't get caught up in all the mumbo jumbo machismo of it all and you'll be just fine.
  • Update: I absolutely hated it
  • corsiva
    corsiva Posts: 33 Member
    What happened?
  • I'm not really sure.. I felt pressured to keep up. The entire class was only dead lifting for an hour, I thought it would be more of a boot camp type thing
  • corsiva
    corsiva Posts: 33 Member
    Hmm. I have never been, but I have friends who are absolutely nuts for Crossfit and from what I've gathered, they do a variety of things every time. Maybe try another box?
  • alwaysfitter
    alwaysfitter Posts: 20 Member
    So tonight is my very first crossfit class, I of course chose the beginner class but I'm still nervous but also very excited. Has anyone here tried crossfit? Do they let you go at your own pace or am I getting myself in way too deep? Thanks in advance for the input!

    I've been going to Crossfit for 4-5 months now. It is great and yes, you will get a lot of people trying to talk you out of it (especially one who will PM you; ignore her). You can go at your own pace and you will do fine. Initially, they will focus on form and technique so don't worry about how much or how little you are lifting. It's more important to learn the right way to do things. You can increase weight soon enough.

    That being said, if what I described is NOT your experience, then find a different box to go to. Just like anything, there are good coaches and bad coaches in CF. If they are just yelling at you to lift heavy without focusing on form, that is not good. But most of the people I have talked to in and around CF (who have actually done it) have had good experiences.

    Also check out this group for a lot of answers and support:

    Good luck and have fun!!!


    Doubly-agree! CrossFit is generally an inclusive and supportive community. All of my CF coaches have advocated form over weight. I think most CF injuries are simply self-inflicted by people who forgot to check their ego at the door.
  • alwaysfitter
    alwaysfitter Posts: 20 Member
    Just deadlifting? That's it? That seems odd to me. You can usually get a sense of box's programming on their website... look and see what the previous WODs were. If they all look monotonous, look for a different box.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    was this the on-ramp class?

    i used to do crossfit, i loved it but started a new job and 99.999% of the classes were at a time i was at work and the other .001% was a time too early for me to do anything more vigorous than wipe sleep out of my eyes. the prices also jumped from $50 to $200 a months so yeah... no more crossfit

    i loved it, it reminded me a lot of the workouts i had when i was an athlete and we worked out as a team. but with that said, it's very very easy to let your ego and sense of competitiveness get the better of you. i saw many people hurt themselves because they tried lifting too much weight or tried to go faster (at the risk of form) to get better time. unfortunately the instructors sometimes get blamed for that but really it's the fault of the crossfitter for being a dumba$$.

    also some boxes have totally random WOD.

    oh yeah beware the paleo speech. i pretty much had to tell one of my instructors to STFU trying to lure me to paleo :laugh: