best foods to eat for hypothyroidism?

I have been having trouble losing weight recently and I have been working out like mad and following my calorie intake but whenever I lose some my weight bounces back. I think it may be my thyroid playing games with me as always. Does anyone have any advice about what foods are best to keep my thyroid in check?


  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    coconut oil is supposed to be good. soy is not so good. a good multi vitamin.

    check out my meal diary. ive been able to lose with what ive been doing. ive tried basically to eat chicken/turkey and throw in some salmon a few times a week. its definitly been helping. flax seed helps too. you need the healthy oils/fats.

    ive been hypothyroid for years and have yoyo dieted for a long time. this time im just doing the try and see what works instead of eating what some book/plan is telling me to. if it doesn't work for me i try something else the next time.

    hope this helps some!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Here are my suggestions................I have done extensive research since having to go on Thyroid meds. I currently take 1/2 grain of Armour Thyroid.

    Avoid refined foods, sugars, and white flour products. If the thyroid problem is severe it is then good to avoid brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, peaches and pears as they have anti-thyroid substances and may suppress the thyroid function. (This was hard for me to do because these are some of my most favorite foods!!)

    Also avoid ALL soy products. You have to be careful of eating processed foods because so many foods use soy in them.

    Follow a diet with at least 50 % of the foods being fresh, and organically grown to rebalance and establish a better metabolism. The enzymes from live foods help the body to maintain proper metabolism. Foods that heal include sprouts, salads, and raw vegetables to retain enzymes which heal and feed the glands.

    Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables. M.U. Tene is concentrated Beta-Carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A and one of nature's most powerful antioxidants.

    Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as: arame, kelp, dulse, hijike, nori, wakame, and kombu. Seaweeds are very nourishing to the glands.

    Zinc and copper are important in helping the body make thyroid hormone. Foods rich in zinc include: beef (range free grass fed), oatmeal, chicken (range free), seafood, dried beans, bran, tuna, spinach, seeds, and nuts. Foods rich in copper include: organ meats (range free), eggs, yeast, legumes, nuts, and raisins.

    The amino acid tyrosine is helpful. Tyrosine is found in beef, chicken, and fish. Soy should be only used in small amounts or on an occasional basis and should never be processed.

    Pure, virgin coconut oil, is a saturated fat composed of mostly medium chain fatty acids. Medium chain fatty acids are known to increase metabolism and therefore promote weight loss. Coconut oil is known to have “thermogenic” properties, which means it has the ability to raise the body temperature, which, in turn, raises the metabolism! Coconut oil helps the thyroid to function better. Anyone with a sluggish metabolism will be delighted to notice the immediate effects of using coconut oil in their diet - a decrease of hypothyroidism symptoms will follow. Just make sure it's pure, virgin coconut oil and you’re all set!

    Black and red radishes have been used by some doctors in the old Soviet Union as accepted medical treatment for hypothyroidism. Raphanin, the main sulphur component in radishes, is chiefly responsible for keeping the production of thyroxine and calcitonin (a peptide hormone) in normal balance. Seeds and nuts, seed and nut milks, vegetable juices (celery, parsley, small amount of carrot, Swiss chard, wheat grass) and plenty of green drinks containing chlorophyll for healthy blood are helpful.

    Having a mixed vegetable juice that includes the juice of a few radishes, carrot, tomato, celery or zucchini, with a pinch of kelp may benefit the thyroid gland greatly. This juice can be blended in a blender or a juicer.

    Other beneficial ingredients for vegetable juice combinations include: alfalfa, all leafy greens, beet tops, carrots, celery, green peppers, parsley, seaweeds, sprouts, and watercress.

    Please feel free to contact me further if you have any questions.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    oh also to help with the tiredness if you get any make sure you have a good vitamin d daily. I take an 1000 mg(i think mg) pill a day and it helps me stay awake.

    and make sure to get plenty of sleep at night. believe it or not the days i nap or sleep more the more i lose.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    oh also to help with the tiredness if you get any make sure you have a good vitamin d daily. I take an 1000 mg(i think mg) pill a day and it helps me stay awake.

    and make sure to get plenty of sleep at night. believe it or not the days i nap or sleep more the more i lose.

    It is actually recommended that we take as least 5,000 IU of Vitamin D daily or 2,000 IU of Vitamind D and at least an hour of sunlight to promote natural production of Vitamin D.

    The sun exposure is the best way for the body to make Vitamin D, however, if you live in an area where it is often overcast, cloudy and down right dreary, it is best to supplement.
  • swiftfox82
    Omg thanks so much this really helps a lot! I have a extremely bad thyroid problem like it's very severe. Apparently I have not been avoiding the right things. Thanks so much!
  • swiftfox82
    I have been eating a lot of peaches and I don't get my vitamins and to top it of I live in a very cloudy place. That and fresh food has been hard to acquire. I take about 130 mg. of nature thyroid though it's not as good as armour but it's better than most.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I have been eating a lot of peaches and I don't get my vitamins and to top it of I live in a very cloudy place. That and fresh food has been hard to acquire. I take about 130 mg. of nature thyroid though it's not as good as armour but it's better than most.

    Nature Thyroid is supposed to be really good, just as good as Armour. Since you live in a cloudy place vitamin D supplement is highly suggested.

    May I suggest a raw vitamin that has glandular support for the Pituitary, Adrenal glands and Thyroid??? It has made a huge difference for me and is no more expensive than the vitamins you get from GNC or vitamin shoppe.

    Here is where you can purchase them and here is what the bottle looks like. I also take Blue Green Algae, spirulina and chorella (which is the blue green algae) and Vitamin D supplements. The website shows what this vitamin is made of and it is filled with COQ10 enzyme, other amino acids, vitamins, minerals and things we need to heal our Endocrine glands.

  • ShereeBL63
    I have been having a hard time controlling my thyroid levels. Just within the last couple of days I have started using coconut oil. I put a tablespoon in hot chocolate 2xs a day. Whether it is the power of suggestion or an actual physical transformation but i havent felt this good in a long time. My energy level is up, my sleeping is more restful, my anxiety and depression has eased substantially. I am hoping that in the long run it will get me over my proverbial plateau of weight loss and I can actually start losing weight for the 1st time in over a year.

    I would definitely recommend trying an Organic Virgin Coconut Oil to anyone who needs a boost!!::flowerforyou: