Weight loss buddy needed for crap dieter !!

RAH68 Posts: 1 Member
Want a buddy to embarrass me through my weight loss . I ate 4 Jaffa cakes today and ain't afraid to admit it!! Lol

Want to share diaries and push each other? I have 2 stone to lose .

45 year old male , great wife and kids but need an anon online bud to do this with. Would prefer a lady as more likely to do as I am told/encouraged , force of habit lol.

Good luck with the loss !


  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I'm in.
    Send me a friends request.
    My husband says I'm a great nagger.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Jaffa Cakes are delicious. You'll see mention on the forums of IIFYM. It's short for "if it fits your macros," and it means you can eat anything in moderation. Anything.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    Hi. I am just starting this journey. My goal is to lose 20 pounds and to be healthier:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Jaffa Cakes are delicious. You'll see mention on the forums of IIFYM. It's short for "if it fits your macros," and it means you can eat anything in moderation. Anything.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
    Don't know what a Jaffa cake is, but I use IIFYM and have ice cream everyday. You don't have to deprive yourself of he foods you love. Read the sexy pants link.:flowerforyou: I am off to google Jaffa cakes....:laugh:
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Feel free to request me, I used to eat pretty well but then I moved to NYC and I'm almost never home so most of my meals are things I buy on the street :tongue: Still healthy and fit and losing more weight, so I don't mind it! :drinker:
  • laurasaintlouis
    laurasaintlouis Posts: 131 Member
    I will be your buddy and encourage you. I do great with exercise but cheat at times with eating. I need to be healthier.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    Read that as "weight loss buddy needed for crap disaster"

    ...time for me to try to get some sleep.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    I won't nag you too much, but will try to provide some encouragement. Please send me a friend request.
  • ezaerr
    ezaerr Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in it with you!!!! I'm not a diet nor exercise person but have made a commitment to myself that I need to do this starting this year. If I'm not healthy for myself, than I won't be around for my family. I've been exercising everyday since jan 2 and have been on a 1200 calorie diet. I'm vey conscious of what I am eating. Let's do this together!!! Help me w/ the 2 stones... What does that convert into in lbs? I want to loose 50 lbs (more would be great!!).
  • MePlus20
    MePlus20 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me. I binge too, but on ice cream! Well, not anymore. :-)
  • MalPal2
    MalPal2 Posts: 6 Member
    you can add me and maybe we can help each other out! lol I'm horrible at dieting too.
  • manda1978
    manda1978 Posts: 525 Member
    I'm not logging food at the moment (on an eating plan from my trainer) but happy to give you an *kitten* whoopin :)
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I am in my second week here and am always looking for new friends to support and vice versa