New and confused

Hi everyone one! I am new here 36. Looking to lose about 46 lbs. I run 3-4 times a week as I am just getting back to running again and going to start training for my 3rd Half Marathon. When I entered my info my daily calories say 1200 per day to loose 2 lbs a week. What I don't understand it the NET calories. I'm not sure but I may be eating too little on my running days. I am trying to not eat the calories gained by exercising. Do I have to??? When I look at my net calorie info it shows a deficit? HELP please.


  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Pretty sure that if you're going off of what MFP tells you you're supposed to eat the calories back since you're already in a deficit.
  • blessman
    blessman Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! I'm in a fun workout group on Facebook. Everyone is so positive and supportive. We would love to have you join us! Send me a Facebook friend request if you're interested! (My FB link is