No results one year later..lots of pics

I (for a while, especially this summer) felt super good about myself like felt I looked better than ever, and I took pictures right before I started lifting this time last year (in underwear and bra), and like maybe a little leaner like back and lower tummy, but nothing significant, like the pics from now and then (even though I weigh significantly more now...idk what that means) could easily be like one bloated and one not, like that's how little difference there is, soo i feel like lifting and everything really hasn't done that time i was just doing regular cardio, and eating okay but not as well as I am now.

So basically...see any difference? why is there no (or little) difference? and why am i so much heavier if (like 10-15 lbs heavier) if there's so little change? Just feeling frustrated

(FYI: I followed NROL all the way through once and just finished stage 4 for the second time cause I'm going through it again, recently added running as well, and upped my calories cause I think I was eating too low...)

Here are the pics:

First jan 13th 2013 at ~155 pounds (sorry they always end up too big so I'm just posting the links, feel free to turn them into proper images on here)


Today (jan 14 2013 ~170 lbs)

Bikini pic from earlier this january:


  • avocadoshaped
    avocadoshaped Posts: 35 Member
    They look considerably different. If you weight more it is probably more muscle and less fat. They have different densities.

    Also every female I have see lifts way too light. It is not like you are going to get bulky put some iron in your diet.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I lift as heavy as I can and regularly up weights
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    I'm having trouble seeing the pics... I'll keep trying.

    But I'd say it has to be diet if your lifting and doing cardio. Do you track daily? Do you hit your macros? Do you know how many cals you need to be eating to build/maintain muscle? Those are the important things and all that combined with a good lifting schedule and cardio two or three times a week you will see results.

    Unless there is an underlying medical problem I guess.
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    I had a look in your diary. It looks like you either not consistently logging or regularly under eating.

    I think that might be the answer to your question.
  • Crumpet_Girl
    Crumpet_Girl Posts: 276 Member
    I just saw the pics. There is heaps of change. You look much better. I am not sure why you think there is no change?
  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    I see a pretty noticeable change in your stomach. You've lost some fat around your hips for sure, and you've for sure lost inches around your waist.
    Can't believe you can't see that! lol
  • aDeadlySin
    There's crazy progress there, and muscle weighs more than fat. That's why you're seeing the scale go up. Just a tip: Quit weighing yourself. It's just numbers. You're strength training which builds muscle and boosts metabolism. If you want to burn fat and tone up you need to eat clean and do cardio regularly.
  • BradlesPortelli
    BradlesPortelli Posts: 4 Member
    Perhaps change up your workout routine,

    suggest going back to basics with main compound movements, with a higher rep range 12-15 with 3-4 sets, this will help tone up the muscle and surrounding body fat.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    From the pic's I could see, definitely notice changes.

    I think I'd prefer to have a different body shape (leaner/toned/defined) than to see a lower number on the scales. You look good, embrace it! :flowerforyou:
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    I notice a difference, you look leaner - especially through the stomach and hips area!
  • fourfiftythree
    fourfiftythree Posts: 203 Member
    I see it too. Stomach and hips are considerably smaller - you really should take measurements regularly. Don't your clothes fit better? You carry your weight similarly to me and I always have trouble noticing changes by photos alone.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I don't get it? You look totally different. You've lost a metric *kitten*-tonne of fat.

    If you still have clothes that were a snug fit from a year ago, I urge you to go and try them on now and see the difference.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I had a look in your diary. It looks like you either not consistently logging or regularly under eating.

    I think that might be the answer to your question.

    Oh haha that was just the last couple days cause I was in NY and didnt have access to things and just kinda kept it in mind and didnt log very well
  • healthybodyhealthylife
    There is a definite change!!

    I feel like that about my progress too sometimes. Like I haven't changed significantly throughout the year but I think we are our own worst critic and others see the change way more than we let ourselves. I think you look great!!! Well done xxx
  • ell_v131
    ell_v131 Posts: 349 Member
    Bump to look at pics later
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I see change, especially in the side view.

    I think people overestimate the aesthetic effects of adding lifting, usually. It's great for you but most of us women won't see definition without going into very low body fat percentages.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    People always think results are shown in the scale - don't.

    If anything, the scale is the last thing you should measure your results with. It's a dirty, stinking liar.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    You definitely do look leaner to me! And I'd imagine you are much stronger, which is amazing as well!!

    I don't have any advice to help but I do think it's important not to compare yourself too much to others. I am concerned this may be the reason you feel that your progress is less than impressive.

    A lot of times when people post here with before/after it is like night and day, a ridiculous-dramatic extreme type of change.

    That does NOT mean your (also significant) change is any less.

    I struggle with this myself. I've lost over 100 lb since 2008 and I feel like I just look a bit leaner. I didn't go from house-size freak to skinny model. Some people lose 100 lb and they do. That's ok.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Forget what the scale says, have you taken measurements? Or how about your clothes? I see a noticable difference. you are definitely smaller in the second pics

    ETA, I went through this when I finished FocusT25, I only lost one pound, but lost 10 inches and a pants size. People kept commenting on how much leaner I was. Even though all the evidence is there, I still don't see it when I look at myself in the mirror or take photos.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Should find the clothes you wore in the before, and wear them in the after. And take pictures from the same distance and angle.