New here!

Hi Everyone,
I am new on this forum and just need some support/pointers to get the final weight off. I have lost 9st (126lbs to date) and want to get another 14lbs off and then re evaluate. I am trying to stick to 1200 calories a day and go to the gym 5 days a week. Don't think I can do much more but just to hear how everyone else is getting on is great. Thanks Heather X


  • Helenca76
    Helenca76 Posts: 125 Member
    Firstly - WOW!!! 9 stone, that is amazing. Well done you! :happy:

    I have a way to go yet but am getting there (frustratingly slowly but getting there), have another 36 or so pounds to go so quite a few more than you but am advice and support is always needed. Feel free to add me

  • Thank you! Good luck on the rest coming off...we will get there!! X
  • Good morning all I am new here and looking to loose weight and look good again. could always use support in my adventure of loosing weight.
  • Welcome and here to help you anytime :D X
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Wow! That is a great weight loss and very inspiring! Well done you :)
  • Thank you! It's not been easy and I have lost weight before and always put it back on. This time it is staying OFF :D XX
  • Here to help you at any time and please feel free to add me as a friend. Its all very new to me as well. Have a good day :happy:
  • Thank you ! New to all this and just getting used to it all. have a successful day today. XX