Advice for motivation/support!?

Hi everyone!

I've been using MFP for over a week now and am doing quite well I feel. I've been trying to do more exercise (it's probably not a much as everyone else, but for me it's really a change!). Some days I'll walk to work which is one hour long (my fourth time in less than two weeks today).
But some days I find it so hard to get motivated or to even get the energy to make good food choices. I am really trying and I know the weight won't fall off over night but I want this to be a lifestyle change, something I can keep up forever. So any advice on eating right but also allowing a treat here and there, managing what I eat or working out. Any advice at all really!!

Feel free to add me if you like, all support is needed!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Sinéad x


  • tannammm
    tannammm Posts: 11 Member
    Take things one day at a time. Do the best you can each day and you will make progress. Some days will be better than others, but don't dwell on the bad days. It has taken me 18 months to lose 90lbs. I work full time and have four kids so I understand a busy life. Anyone can send me a friend invite if they want. I'm happy to give and accept support ;)