Tough Mudder

Is anyone training for this years Tough Mudder?
Im attempting it, my first one, and could use all the motivation I can get!!
So, add me if you want to swap workouts, ideas and motivation!


  • marikaCL
    marikaCL Posts: 276 Member
    I'm doing my first Tough Mudder in October.

    Feel free to add
  • clodia2
    clodia2 Posts: 51
    I keep looking at that registration... I really want to, but I'm not really a runner.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    I keep looking at that registration... I really want to, but I'm not really a runner.

    you can just 'walk' it.

    I've never done it but my friends did it and had fun.

    You see some 'intense' fitness freaks sprinting the entire course but tough mudder's not about time, it's about having fun and team work/support.

    Unless you know how to rope climb, I say just do the training you do and show up for fun. What is there to train for?
  • Jenn842512
    Jenn842512 Posts: 41 Member
    I did the USMC Mud Run two years ago and a Spartan Race last year. 2014 is to be my year of Spartan Trifects so I'm definitely training!
    I have a friend who does tough mudders and loves them.
  • Jenn842512
    Jenn842512 Posts: 41 Member
    The running is minimal since the obstacles really break it up...
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    Me, In September!
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    I did Vermont in 2012. The entire course was up and down a mountain and it was brutal. I was running 10 miles in training, but clearly not doing remotely enough hill work. Do some research on the venue and train accordingly. I couldn't walk right for several days, but finishing was a wonderful feeling of accomplishment! Good luck!
  • LizzieRagalnd9
    LizzieRagalnd9 Posts: 13 Member
    My husband ran the one in Vermont last year! (thats where I'm from) He hated all the hills! The course here in VA is all flat land :wink:
  • Caseya33
    Caseya33 Posts: 2 Member
    I was thinking of doing a Warrior Dash in May but the Tough Mudder sounds fun too (well maybe not entirely fun but worth the challenge :p) plus I would get an extra month to train since the closet one for me is in VA too!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you have to have endurance, simple as that. you don't want to be the one on your team making everyone else walk.

    yes, the obstacles break it up, however, you still need to have the capacity to run a good amount. you don't need to sprint it, but being able to run about an 11 min/mile should be good. being able to run 6-8 miles straight is also good.

    it's really all about having fun with your friends, but trust me, the more you are prepared for it, the more fun you're going to have.

    i've done three, and they're all different. hills, flat, trails, dessert, mountains, whatever. it's an amazing experience.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    you have to have endurance, simple as that. you don't want to be the one on your team making everyone else walk.

    yes, the obstacles break it up, however, you still need to have the capacity to run a good amount. you don't need to sprint it, but being able to run about an 11 min/mile should be good. being able to run 6-8 miles straight is also good.

    it's really all about having fun with your friends, but trust me, the more you are prepared for it, the more fun you're going to have.


    I did Whistler, BC last summer and it was all hills. I can run 10 miles in about 1:40 but TM took my team over 3 hours and we only walked where the incline was too steep to jog... and, of course, the mud stretches. Make sure your endurance is good. If you can get to practice what 10 miles feels like you'll be ahead of the game.
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm trying to get a bunch of my friends to give it a try this year. It will be a first for all of us but looks like a blast!

    My biggest issue is going to be anything to do with upper body strength. I've downloaded the mudderlings workout to get started!

    I say start training early and train hard. We're planning on doing a 10k fun run around the same time so we'll be training for both.

    Good luck!
  • mikeroybal
    mikeroybal Posts: 111 Member
    I've decided to start training for this as well. It is in August, and should be a great goal to shoot for (I'll probably lay of the beer though).
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    I'm doing Tough Mudder Scotland for the first time - it's mid-June and training has begun, but it is going to be a serious challenge as I have half the amount of time I really should have for such an event!

    But I'm up for a challenge, and doing it for charity as well as my own fitness challenge :)

    Biggest challenge thus far has been cutting out the alcohol (almost) completely.

    Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    I'm doing Tough Mudder Scotland for the first time - it's mid-June and training has begun, but it is going to be a serious challenge as I have half the amount of time I really should have for such an event!

    But I'm up for a challenge, and doing it for charity as well as my own fitness challenge :)

    Biggest challenge thus far has been cutting out the alcohol (almost) completely.

    Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    im doing the Rat Race dirty Weekend in May, it will be my first ever race of that type or any running race tbh. its got a 13 or 20 mile circuit and i think i will only be able to make the 13 miles and 150 obstacles route.

    i can run just under 3 miles at about 40 minutes total so i have a long way to go. but have only started training and dieting since the 1st jan.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    What does the course consist of? Which ones are held in the south of England outside London?
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    What does the course consist of? Which ones are held in the south of England outside London?

    Check out the Tough Mudder website, there is loads of information there on all of the different obstacles and the general idea of the course. You can find your nearest event here:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I keep looking at that registration... I really want to, but I'm not really a runner.

    The one we did was at Mt Snow in Vermont. Very little running happened, it was a lot of hiking. You can totally walk these. My suggestion is to get as early as a heat as you can. Our buddy had a knee issue and we all but had to carry her to where she could get a ride off the course. We were at that point at the back of the pack in the last heat and a couple of guys in a motorized vehicle kept asking us if we wanted to quit or skip obstacles as they were concerned about our not beating the sunset to the finish line.

    Once we were able to get our friend help and continue on without her we were able to get ahead of other people and the guys in the cart/4 wheeler/whatever it was stopping bugging us and focused on the people behind us. I know they meant well but they annoyed us terribly.

    We have a much larger team this year that includes a few non runners and somewhat unfit people, we are doing a 9:00am heat so we have all day to help them get through the course.

    This will be my second time for tough mudder.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm trying to get a bunch of my friends to give it a try this year. It will be a first for all of us but looks like a blast!

    My biggest issue is going to be anything to do with upper body strength. I've downloaded the mudderlings workout to get started!

    I say start training early and train hard. We're planning on doing a 10k fun run around the same time so we'll be training for both.

    Good luck!

    I couldn't do the monkey bars and was treated to a swim as a result. If you fail, dust yourself off, try again or just keep going.