I'm always hungry!

Is anyone else hungry all the time?

Night time is the worst, and evening in general.

Any way to help this?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Eat a lot of whole foods and a lot of protein, drink a lot of water.

    When I started I pretty much stuck to fruit, veggies, meat, fish, eggs, salads, low fat cheese and Greek yogurt. If I was hungry I ate some plain Greek yogurt with fruit. Some days have been easier than others though.
  • infinitimonte
    infinitimonte Posts: 2 Member
    Depending on your situation, there are several options.

    1. Make sure you are eating enough calories during the day.
    2. Make sure you eat a dinner that has sufficient protein. It tends to stay with you and keeps you fuller for longer.
    3. Try to stay busy, keeping both your mind and body engaged in some activity. This helps get your mind off hunger. I find during the rare evenings I am unoccupied, I tend to snack more.
    4. If you need an evening snack (I know I do), again lean toward protein. A few suggestions are: a serving of three bean salad, a small bowl of cottage cheese, a handful of nuts, or a small apple with 1 tbs. of peanut butter. Even a low calorie protein shake can be beneficial.

    Hopefully this gives you some ideas!
  • uncharted01
    uncharted01 Posts: 105 Member
    if you open your diary, people will be able to see what you're eating and make recommendations :smile:
  • Tomahawk3Niner
    I'm always hungry and I've discovered food was the cure! Making better choices and I can stay at a deficit and keep losing.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I always THINK I'm hungry, but I'm not. I just always want to eat! I would try adding some protein. Eggs seem to keep me full for a long time, maybe you could try something like that? I also try to just stay busy if I've met my calorie limit for the day (unless I'm truly hungry, then I just have a snack.) You can also try taking a walk/exercising. Sometimes that makes cravings go away.
  • GreatGreenSea
    GreatGreenSea Posts: 47 Member
    I eat a lot, so I don't know that adding more food is the answer. I'll open my diary.
  • lane112409
    lane112409 Posts: 28 Member
    I just stared this but I found that carrots, apples, oranges things like that you can eat a lot of and there really is not that lot of calories. If I am not mistaking there is say no more then 130 calories for the entire bag of carrots. I found that if I can eat a lot of something then I am happy. Who knows why I feel this way lol
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    Drink a lot of water, eat small amounts more often, keep something healthy to snack on. I would honestly say eat all of the veggies you want! If you are eating a lot and you still continue to be hungry, you could speak with a Dr. and see if he could look into the issue.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Protein, fat, and fiber all help you stay full longer. Some people can eat non-fat protein to stay full......but I find I need something with the protein. So planning is key. My meals (and snacks) include protein + some other factor.....fat and/or fiber.

    Switch out processed foods where you can..........white bread has most of the fiber & protein stripped away.....wheat bread does not.

    Tweak the foods you are eating now. Example if morning oatmeal is not filling (it has fiber) .....add protein by making it with milk (instead of water).....or add fat.... peanut butter or chopped nuts.
  • GreatGreenSea
    GreatGreenSea Posts: 47 Member
    I feel like I eat a lot of protein but maybe I don't. I do need to add more vegetables (I get horrible gas pains from eating a lot of produce but I bought some enzymes). I'll try using almond milk and adding nut butter to my oatmeal, although I already use chopped almonds.
  • sriley7682
    sriley7682 Posts: 48 Member
    Protein sources and healthy fats really help keep you feeling full... research some protein/ fat combo snacks and find your favorites! Good luck. :)
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    Most of the time we mistake hunger for thirst. Be sure you stay hydrated especially at night. If you are DYING for something to eat, drink an 8 oz glass of water and then wait 10 minutes. If you are still starving then eat, but most of the time this works to beat that late night hunger fix.
  • RoseGoldDinosaur
    RoseGoldDinosaur Posts: 133 Member
    Yes! On the weekends I can eat one or two small meals a day and be fine, but during the week I always feel crazy hungry! For me I think it's boredom. If the activity I'm doing is engaging and challenging and interesting I rarely get hungry. But sitting at a computer, almost never learning anything new, makes me want to eat ALL DAY LONG!
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Are you actually hungry (like stomach grumbling hungry) or are you just used to eating a lot at night? I was the latter, and I knew that in order to lose weight and maintain the loss, I had to change my habits. If you know you ate enough calories for the day but you still feel like eating at night, you pretty much have to force yourself to not eat anymore.

    What helped me is after dinner I would have a small treat, like a fudgsickle or Andes mint, and that was my signal that I was done eating for the day. Another poster gave some great advice about distracting yourself after this time. When you wake up the next morning, make sure to pat yourself on the back for your efforts! Also...build up a good group of MFP friends because it is always okay to brag about stuff like this to them. :)
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    If you are hungry I would think you aren't eating enough or what you are eating is the wrong types of foods. I eat 3 meals & 2 snacks a day (use to be 3 snacks a day in the start but once my stomach started to shrink I couldn't eat the morning snack anymore) & I eat about the same time every single day. Weekends are much harder bc there isn't much of a schedule so I have to work harder to stay on track. But if I eat on schedule throughout the week & drink my water then I am not hungry. Obv like everyone I do have days when I am hungrier then usual but its not a daily thing.

    This really is trial & error, it won't always be that way I promise but it just requires a little extra work to research foods, trying new options to see what fills you up more. You will figure it out though, good luck!
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    According to your diary.. you aren't drinking enough water. It is so easy to mistake hunger for thirst. Drink more water!! I try to drink 12 glasses a day and I am only eating 1,450 calories a day and I'm not ever starving. Water helps loads.

    Also, it looks like you may have just started up again as well. When I first started.. I was STARVING all the time. My body wasn't used to being restricted calories. Let your body adjust and it will get better. :)

    Until then.. try to save some calories for later in the evening if that is when you get hungry. Otherwise.. Like others have said.. Find distractions. And be proud of yourself when you do this because it is not an easy task!
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    One of the first hurdles I had to overcome when I started losing weight was realizing that it is okay to feel hungry, and to try to gauge the different levels of hunger. Also, you need to recognize that you feel more hungry if you are tired, bored, etc. Try to be aware and recognize the difference. If you just need to munch, but aren't super hungry, pick super low cal snacks like celery to satisfy the munchies. If you like having an evening snack, plan it and set aside calories for that snack so you don't go over.
  • Smashley1947
    I had a similar problem.

    It turns out that I was not getting enough protein. Found out when I went to see a dietician and she analyzed my eating habits.

    It is important to eat protein, it helps you feel full.

    To combat this I started adding more protein to my meals and trying to incorporate more meat/beans into my diet. I would normally choose mainly a vegetarian dish and now I have to remember to add beans or meat. Also almond butter and greek yogurt to my morning oatmeal.

    Also red meat is your friend, it has loads of iron and such that your body needs especially ladies.
    I also much prefer beef and pork to chicken.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Your protein seems fine so I'd eat less carbs and more fat. And more vegetables and less sugar. Those two things will go a long way towards satisfying your hunger.
  • GreatGreenSea
    GreatGreenSea Posts: 47 Member
    Oh, I drink lits of water and unsweetened tea. I'm not in the habit of logging in yet.