Okay.. This is about my Cat

I know this isn't anything to do with weight loss or anything even half way pertaining to anything.. but w'ere having a CAT-tastrophe (LOL)..

Umm.. So we got up Sunday morning and the cat was acting INSANE running all over the house bouncing off the walls and meowing like a mad woman.. she's normally pretty calm..

Then while we were eating lunch, (GROSS ALERT) I noticed something gross on her.. Like a membrane hanging out of her rear end..

So.. I called the vet, he said its' called a prolapse. It's where the cats rectum falls out (GROOOOOOOOOSS) and told me how to, yes I almost died, push it back up in her. Well by the time I got the guts up to do it, it was already back up in there..

Well she was fine Sunady afternoon/evening, thru Monday morning... Well yesterday... HER WHOLE RECTUM WAY OUT!!! I mean it was NASTY!!! But this morning it's gone back up a little bit...

Anyone ever experience this with a cat?



  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Ummm, gross. LOL

    Anyway, I have no idea. Have you Googled? :P

    Seriously though, call the vet again!
  • Krimicri
    Get out your rubber gloves! lol Ewwwww!

    I have 3 cats and that's never happened, and I hope it never does! I do have one who gets his anal glands clogged up and his butt starts to smell so bad. I have to squeeze them for him to expel it.. talk about gag city!

    Can you tell we love our animals? lol
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    Never happened and never heard of it before

  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I have heard of this with cats before. You can just continue to push it back in unless it becomes obstructive. In that case, the cat may need a surgery to have it sewed in place (essentially).
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I have a cat, but never experienced this. :knocks on wood:

    I would make an appointment with the vet. If it came out all the way, that's pretty bad.
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    What would you do if that was you? It must be awfully painful for her, and not good for her. Please take your furry child to the vet, she needs help :flowerforyou: I hope she feels better soon, sorry you have to see her suffer, that's never any fun! Good luck!
  • traceysturn
  • KPaden1221
    she's going to the vet today..

    but the dr acted like it was no big deal.. it still creeps me out!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Ewww! I have two cats and it's never happened to either one of them. I hope it never does. :sick:
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    1) Wake up
    2) Find Cat
    3) Open front door
    4) Toss out cat
    5) Close door
    6) Eat breakfast
    7) Get dressed
    8) Get in car
    9) Drive to pet store
    10) Buy a cool dog that's rectum won't fall out

  • KPaden1221
    1) Wake up
    2) Find Cat
    3) Open front door
    4) Toss out cat
    5) Close door
    6) Eat breakfast
    7) Get dressed
    8) Get in car
    9) Drive to pet store
    10) Buy a cool dog that's rectum won't fall out


    i agree with you.. i hate cats... but my husband has had her for MUCH longer than he's even known me... soooo... we're stuck with the dang cat..
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I love cats more than dogs. :P

    Cats = sleep all day
    Dogs = jump all over you and try to slobber your face off and get hair everywhere. I can go on and on but this is no debate. :P
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Dogs can have nasty health issues too.

    I love both cats and dogs.

    If it continues to be an issue I would definitly talk to the vet about a permanent solution because that must be horrible for both you and the cat. And what happens if you are away for an extended period of time?

    I miss my cat. He passed away 2 years ago. I am actually quite allergic but found out after we had him for a few years and didn't have the heart to get rid of him. I won't get another cat due to my allergies but I am eager to buy a house with a yard so I can get a big dog!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I love cats more than dogs. :P

    Cats = sleep all day
    Dogs = jump all over you and try to slobber your face off and get hair everywhere. I can go on and on but this is no debate. :P

    Don't know what kind of dog you been playing with outside of a puppy or lab I don't know any grown up dogs that do that, especially my Husky. The most independent dog there is.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I love cats more than dogs. :P

    Cats = sleep all day
    Dogs = jump all over you and try to slobber your face off and get hair everywhere. I can go on and on but this is no debate. :P

    Don't know what kind of dog you been playing with outside of a puppy or lab I don't know any grown up dogs that do that, especially my Husky. The most independent dog there is.

    I had a lab growing up, he wasn't too bad. But all the dogs I have met were like this. Either people need better dogs or need to learn how to train them.

    I love dogs, but I can't own one. Unless he's tiny like a cat! Ahahaha
  • dj_stevie_c

    Dogs rely on humans for everything.

    Humans rely on cats for instructions.

    There's the difference. At least that's what my cat tells me.
  • andeeinevansville
    1) Wake up
    2) Find Cat
    3) Open front door
    4) Toss out cat
    5) Close door
    6) Eat breakfast
    7) Get dressed
    8) Get in car
    9) Drive to pet store
    10) Buy a cool dog that's rectum won't fall out


    Jtuner77 original quote...I agree 100% LOL
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member

    Dogs rely on humans for everything.

    Humans rely on cats for instructions.

    There's the difference. At least that's what my cat tells me.

    My cat has evil plans for me. I just can tell.
  • dj_stevie_c
    My two are like Stewie from Family guy.