100 lbs to lose by 2015.

Hi everyone, I'm looking for other people who are on the same path as I am - losing 100 lbs by next year.
My "diet" will consist of eating mostly vegetables (I'm definitely going to have to learn some new recipes!), fruits, whole or sprouted grains (I'm NOT cutting out wheat or gluten), healthy fats, and lean proteins. Honestly, although counting calories is necessary to a degree, it is not going to be my main focus - the ~kind~ of food I eat is the main priority for me.
This is going to be really difficult, but it has to be done; I'm so sick of being unhealthy, and I need to commit to this change. :heart:


  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Congrats! You have made the first step. Just lean forward and keep stepping.
  • Thanks Bill :)
  • Yackma
    Yackma Posts: 21 Member
    I need to lose quite a bit too. It sucks, but ... what can you do? We're the ones who put the weight on, so unfortunately, we're the ones who have to lose it. lol

    Good luck!
  • Neonladder
    Neonladder Posts: 5 Member
    I am doing the same. It will take time but it would take the same time to not loose the weight as well. Might as well do it!
  • Yep, very true - it's going to be tough breaking the bad habits, but it can/will be done.
  • Neonladder
    Neonladder Posts: 5 Member
    Okay, I feel as if I am making progress. One of my secondary goals was to get control of my blood glucose levels and I am amazed that my insulin requirement has dropped dramatically with the help of the book Goodbye Diabetes, Fork over Knife, Engine Company 2, My Beef with Meat, and the McDougall Programs. I am down 22 and the hundred pounds by the end of this year looks possible.
  • Roarmiaka
    Roarmiaka Posts: 25 Member
    similar path here, got a bit more than 100 to lose but hopefully make a dent in the numbers by 2015!
  • Feel free to add me..I also have that much to lose and 2014 is the year I'm doing it!! =) Im on daily and my diary is open =)
  • I am going to aim for the same :) I just started! good luck on your goal! feel free to add me.
  • toy_
    toy_ Posts: 11 Member
    I'm aiming for 100 lbs, not exactly by 2015 but just whenever it happens (although a year would be really nice!) :3
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    I lost 100 in just over a year. It can be done.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Challenge accepted! Ok maybe not 100, but I am right there with you be eating better and seeing what happens. My real goal is to lost 50 lbs by September, which I believe to be more than reasonable. All in all I would like to lose 80-100, but after I start school in Sept. things will slow down. Please add me as a friend so we can check up on how we are doing with our life changes!
  • purcel
    purcel Posts: 34 Member
    I have the same goal! Trying to lose at least 100lbs by 2015! I started in December 2013 and have lost 17 so far! I'm doing the same, trying to change the types of food I eat and smaller portions to help with calorie control.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I have the same goal! Trying to lose at least 100lbs by 2015! I started in December 2013 and have lost 17 so far! I'm doing the same, trying to change the types of food I eat and smaller portions to help with calorie control.
    I'd like you to add me too if you life. I want to read about other progress everyday and have friends to share mine with!
  • samanthaxb
    samanthaxb Posts: 54 Member
    I have about 100 pounds to lose as well! :) Let's stick together, best of luck!
  • PaulaDBailey
    PaulaDBailey Posts: 9 Member
    I'm with you! My goal was to lose 100 as well and I have been working on it steadily since October and am still excited. Its nice to have people who are on a similiar journey to keep each other motivated.
  • Hi Everyone I am Donna I am Looking for others to share in the journey of losing 100+ in weight. I want to be down 100 lb by 2015. I have already lost 100 lbs still long road to go and getting harder since I had thyroid surgery and now I have no thyroid.. They say I am still low on the med's so they are upping the dosage... I have no family left and no support .. So I am looking for all the encouragement I can get....

  • katielangley
    katielangley Posts: 152 Member
    Me too! More veggies, fruits, and lean meats.. I started blending with the nutribullet and have been getting a lot of fruits and vegetables in my diet.. definitely trying a lot of new veggies and seed.. Good luck!! Stay focused!!
  • angel013183
    angel013183 Posts: 26 Member
    Me as well. Feel free to add me. I used to use MFP religiously and than sort of fell off the wagon after I lost 70 pounds. Now Im back after gaining quite a bit back. Good luck to us! :)
  • I'm in! I need to lose about 100 lbs. before 2015 so my husband and I can start trying to expand our family! Feel free to add me, I log and blog and put in my food daily! :)