Sliced off my fingertip...



  • SofaKingRad_II
    I chopped mine off one day while chopping veggies to put in a salad. I figured a little protein wouldn't hurt, so I threw the tip in with the veggies and then cleaned my wound and wrapped it up. Best part? NO ONE EVEN KNEW IT WAS IN THE SALAD!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    If it were me, as long as the bleeding had stopped, and I coulnd't see anything but meat (i.e. no bone or nerve end showing) I probably wouldn't go to the doctor either.

    I put a pencil sized drill bit an inch in to my calf muscle once and didn't bother going to the doctor until the next day when I could go to my campus clinic for free. The doctor there said that was fine, told me how to clean and pack the wound and gave me antibiotics to prevent infection. This sounds like a much less serious wound, so yea, as long as you don't develop signs of infection, there's probably not much the doctor is going to be able to do for you at this point.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    I would have super glued it on... but I guess it's too late for that.
  • reality_girl
    reality_girl Posts: 165 Member
    One time I was working at Wendy's making chili and I cut off part of my finger. I never did find it....
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I will NOT tell you to go to a doctor, because I wouldn't. My health has been very harmed by "health professionals" and I now treat everything except extreme trauma (broken bone, stabbing, stuff like that) at home. I discovered ways to prevent and treat chronic ear infections, and other childhood illnesses/colds/flus/shedded vaccine infections at home. My child's chronic ear infections were actually CAUSED by unnecessary antibiotics prescribed by a pediatrician.... but it's blamed on her genetics and she should get "tubes".... wrong. Cured, at home, with natural materials and a healthy diet. I digress into off topic rants......

    I would treat it at home completely. You only need a doctor if you see it get red, inflamed and the redness starts to spread. Tips of fingers can usually repair themselves, if the bone wasn't also severed. I hurt myself quite frequently. I've cut off tips of fingers and even cut off an entire finger nail once (most painful thing ever- I don't recommend it). I cut myself so often that I'll see a cut that I don't even know how/when it happened. lol

    it's posts like this that make me realize my brand of crazy really isn't that bad after all.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,324 Member
    2 - if you already know what you're going to do, despite solid advice, what are you looking for here? Tips on how to best incorporate it into your daily meal plan?

  • ThePoopsnacker
    ThePoopsnacker Posts: 7 Member
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    Put some windex on it.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    Strong username
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I cut the end of my finger off with garden shears 3 months ago. About halfway through the nailbed as well.

    Bled like crazy and my wife was urging me to go to the emergency care. Just had her wrap it real tight. Took a couple hours to stop bleeding. Then we cleaned it real good again, put some neosporin on it, wrapped it real tight and put a disposable rubber glove on it. Let that on for 3 days. Then, recleaned it, rewrapped it and cared for it like any other cut for a month.

    It looks a little lopsided, but it is fine and the nail is even growing back. Still can't pick my nose with that finger, though.

    About 5 bucks in supplies. Cheaper than my $10 co-pay. I think it's even more if you go to the Emergency.
  • SueSlick
    SueSlick Posts: 268 Member
    years ago I worked in a deli & was cutting some thick liverwurst, turned my head to ask the customer a question, and at thae same time i sliced the tip off my index finger. Since it happened at work, they were obligated to send me to the emergency room. When I got there, they put my finger in a cup of some kind of antiseptic, which i think made it bleed more! I actually fainted from blood loss. Anywho, they did not give me stitches, just wrapped it up with gauze and sent me on my way.

    So i think you will be fine :smile:
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I actually did this when I worked in a deli while I was in college.

    I went to a doctor because I couldn't get the bleeding to stop and my employers insisted on it. The doctor had to give me a shot to stop the bleeding and wrapped it. No stitches, nothing could be done.

    I still have a scar where part of my finger tip is missing.
  • molonlabe762
    molonlabe762 Posts: 411 Member
    Keep it clean and covered if your out doing anything. Okay to let it get some air to help with healing when ur at home, but still try to keep it clean and dry. When you have it bandaged u can use a little antibiotic ointment but u dont need to use it too much. If the wound doesnt get time to dry and scab it wont heal as quickly.
    Watch for signs of infection, redness around the area, red streaks leading away from the wound, swelling, puss, inflamation, heat.

    Also, dont do that again....its not good for you.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I would have super glued it on... but I guess it's too late for that.

    LOL I wish this had been written before trying to fuse it back on b/c i heard of this poultice that's supposed to work. you make like a paste and it sticks it together and then it heals it back together.

    But hey if they grow back, that's a whole 'nother level of interesting to me. That's like a WOW moment for me. No wonder my hair keeps growing back after all the hair cuts. I had NO IDEA our fingers grew back?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    years ago I worked in a deli & was cutting some thick liverwurst, turned my head to ask the customer a question, and at thae same time i sliced the tip off my index finger. Since it happened at work, they were obligated to send me to the emergency room. When I got there, they put my finger in a cup of some kind of antiseptic, which i think made it bleed more! I actually fainted from blood loss. Anywho, they did not give me stitches, just wrapped it up with gauze and sent me on my way.

    So i think you will be fine :smile:

    but did they reattach it and /or did it grow back? oh my god i can't beleive this is so interesting to me. it reminds me of the planarians we dissected in high school.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I actually did this when I worked in a deli while I was in college.

    I went to a doctor because I couldn't get the bleeding to stop and my employers insisted on it. The doctor had to give me a shot to stop the bleeding and wrapped it. No stitches, nothing could be done.

    I still have a scar where part of my finger tip is missing.

    uh oh? so no? :huh:
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    I worked as a prep cook when I was young and cut the tip of my thumb off like that. Of course they sent me straight to a med center and they used 17 stitches to stick it back on. Gotta watch out for those sharp knives!
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    years ago I worked in a deli & was cutting some thick liverwurst, turned my head to ask the customer a question, and at thae same time i sliced the tip off my index finger. Since it happened at work, they were obligated to send me to the emergency room. When I got there, they put my finger in a cup of some kind of antiseptic, which i think made it bleed more! I actually fainted from blood loss. Anywho, they did not give me stitches, just wrapped it up with gauze and sent me on my way.

    So i think you will be fine :smile:

    but did they reattach it and /or did it grow back? oh my god i can't beleive this is so interesting to me. it reminds me of the planarians we dissected in high school.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I didn't cut the finger off, but I had just bought new knives a few months back. Was chatting w/ hubs as I was cutting an onion - oops, went thru the side of my thumb & nail till it stopped to bone. Never once hurt, bleed some. I just kept it super clean. wrapped in anti-bat bandages and it healed back together in about 2 weeks. Have a scar and there is a small part of the side of my thumb that has no feelings (calusus up too).

    Way back in my early 20's, was working and sick w/ flu. Manager was also out w/ flu - so I was doped up on cold meds and working. Customer asked for me to cut a frozen block of squid in half. Normally, that's a no-no... but I wasn't in the mood to GAF, so I went in the back to do it. Side note - worked in seafood/meat dept, they have SCARY singled sided carving knives. One side (backbone) isn't sharp, so you can pick up the knife by the tip and slide your hand down the edge to the handle. Sadly this day, I was so out of it (flu + cold meds) that I picked up that knife THE WRONG way and slid (the same) thumb down the whole blade. Got a nice deep cut...... no pain either.... but i was so out of it, I just wrapped my hand in a towel and wondered out to my mother (who worked as a demo lady on the floor) and asked for a band-aid.

    A band-aid... the rag I had wrapped around it was SOAKED and dripping, and I just needed a band-aid.

    Long-story short - sent to Urgent care - they cleaned it up & put something in it to stop the blood, but told me to not to work for 3 days. Went back to store, told As Manager who told me if I wasn't there the next day I was fired. So yeah - had to wear 2 sets of those yellow dish gloves to protect (myself & the product). My manager (and the store manager & my mother) were PISSED.

    **edited cause i no spell**
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I've never cut the tip of my finger off, but if I were in that situation I wouldn't go either, right there with ya. If the pain is minimal, the bleeding stopped, and there's no sign of infection, I don't see what the point would be, really. I mean, you'll obviously want to keep a close eye on it for infection, but it's pretty easy to tell if it's getting to that point.

    One word of advice I'll give, though:
    Aside from increased soreness the day after (since the adrenalin will have worn off completely by then), it could be a sign of infection if you notice the pain gets worse after a few days. I wouldn't wait if you experience that, to be sure you avoid blood poisoning.