How does a petite woman become fit?

Ok, so my scenario isn't typical and I've struggle to come across a workout regimen formulated to help me. I'm 5'1 and very petite at 82 lbs, but not as grossly underweight as most presume when they hear that number. I've never struggled with weight but I've also not had the time to eat the way I should. As of yesterday I began counting calories and protein intake so that I can at least try to gain weight and build muscle without being so small in frame. I don't like the slim/toned look that many women like as it's too soft looking for my taste but I'm also not looking to be bikini competition worthy, so I'm going for something in between. Id like visible definition and just more mass while retaining femininity and proportion. Where can I go for a workout routine I can adhere to so that I can achieve more density/strength/flexibility and just feel better overall? I know that fewer reps with more weight are a good thing as well as exercises that work multiple muscles vs. isolation exercises. Help!! :)
Also, I'm 31, never played sports, no kids, I had a wing of vertebrae fractured in a car crash a few years back and have since had some back pain that I'd like to try to alleviate with strength training.


  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Seriously, work at hitting 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, eat enough calories. Gain a few pounds of weight while lifting weights like a beast for a month or two, then work on trimming off some fat for a short period of time. Repeat.

    You'll be stronger, feel better, and look bad-*kitten*. Throw any concern about looking too manly out of the window. You're a woman and you'll still have the same frame only sexier. You lack the testosterone to get huge and be manly. You'll only look leaner and meaner. (And sexier)

    Trust me.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I always thought this was a good piece to read for initial advice. Of course you'll need to tweak it a bit for yourself personally.'s_Worksheet_(WIP)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Seriously, work at hitting 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, eat enough calories. Gain a few pounds of weight while lifting weights like a beast for a month or two, then work on trimming off some fat for a short period of time. Repeat.

    You'll be stronger, feel better, and look bad-*kitten*. Throw any concern about looking too manly out of the window. You're a woman and you'll still have the same frame only sexier. You lack the testosterone to get huge and be manly. You'll only look leaner and meaner. (And sexier)

    Trust me.

  • Galexious
    Thank you SO much. Any advice or direction is most appreciated. I'm getting on an actual computer to access the link and read the information there.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I am also petite. I started with New rules of lifting for women, which I think was an excellent place to start. Since then I have done PHAT and 5/3/1. I find both of them great, however wouldn't recommend PHAT for a complete newbie.
    Presumably you know if you are trying to gain weight you will need to eat in surplus?
  • Galexious
    I typed in my weight and height and that I'm trying to gain weight within this app and it gave me a recommended calorie intake count of 1930 calories per day. (Which is much more than if you calculate maintenance at 15 calories per lb. Of weight plus 200-250 to gain). In any case, I'm recording what I'm eating and attempting to break meals up so that I'm consuming something at least every 2-3 hours while I'm awake.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I typed in my weight and height and that I'm trying to gain weight within this app and it gave me a recommended calorie intake count of 1930 calories per day. (Which is much more than if you calculate maintenance at 15 calories per lb. Of weight plus 200-250 to gain). In any case, I'm recording what I'm eating and attempting to break meals up so that I'm consuming something at least every 2-3 hours while I'm awake.

    Yeah, the calorie consumption might sound a bit high but if you're gaining muscle mass you need a surplus. FYI meal timing doesn't matter other than hitting a good protein solid meal within an hour of your exercise for the day. Aside from that hit your calorie goal and it doesn't matter if it's 10 am or 10 pm. Just make your daily goal.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    Thank you SO much. Any advice or direction is most appreciated. I'm getting on an actual computer to access the link and read the information there.

    I found New Rules of Lifting for Women wah wah, but that's just my personal opinion. I would recommend Starting Strength for a complete newb to lifting. It's simple, hits the basic lifts and is a great read for form.
  • schwitzbrah
    I always thought this was a good piece to read for initial advice. Of course you'll need to tweak it a bit for yourself personally.'s_Worksheet_(WIP)

    this times a million. really good info. if you're serious, take the time to read that link and feel free to follow some of the links in there. it even gives routines for women.