No Alcohol January - 10 Pounds Down!

I have had very gradual weight loss since I started logging my food and exercise on MFP in July 2013. I had only lost 10 pounds going into Christmas, and over my 2 week vacation I gained all that back. My wife recommended I cut back on alcohol if I was serious about losing weight, so I decided to take January off from drinking. It's amazing how much easier it is to stick to the daily calorie goal, and I have lost those 10 pounds again in only 2 weeks! This coupled with sticking to the entire P90X3 program have been the keys to being successful so far. My goal is to lose another 40 pounds by this summer.

Just curious if anyone else is either cutting back or taking a break from drinking and seen good results!


  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    How much did you drink? I drink maybe once a week if that.
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    Usually once during the week I would have a couple beers or a couple glasses of wine, but the worst was Friday and Saturday when I would have 6-8 drinks each day, with the occasional greasy hangover food. I'm planning to lower that number substantially since that's where I'd blow my calorie goal each week.
  • ReginaZaglanis
    Me too, Quit smoking. drinking and began using is looking hopeful in 2014
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    I am abstaining from my weekly friday and saturday for the next month or so while i'm training for a 15k and 1/2 marathon. I gain 5lbs on weekends so i'm trying to jump start. Feel free to friend me if you want some support and motivation.
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    But r u guys still happy?? Lol
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    I definitely miss it. I love craft beers, particularly IPAs, so this has been tough. But like SailerSiren13 I'm just trying to jump start my weight loss. June will be here before I know it, and I need to get off to a good start!
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    But r u guys still happy?? Lol

    I haven't cut mine out lol :drinker: I usually drink something with vodka. Can't drink beer. And maybe a few shots especially if they are free :bigsmile:
  • SailerSiren13
    SailerSiren13 Posts: 51 Member
    Who misses hangovers? I sure don't so that is a big help. Being up for races on the weekends helps too. Oh and be the only sober one at a party. You will feel brilliant!
  • 42nFab
    42nFab Posts: 36
    I have cut out all booze for the past 2 weeks and am down 8 pounds.
    Sounds like we have similar drinking habits. My husband and I love to head to the local pub on the weekend for a few drinks and I really love having a glass of wine at the end of the day....
    I lost 30 pounds a few years ago and the only way I could do it is to ban the booze. Sad days.........
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    I think we should have a drink to celebrate ;)
  • alexjandra17
    I cut my drinking as well and lost 5 lbs in the first 2 weeks!! I don't feel bloated either!! I used to drink every other weekend when I didn't have my kids and sometimes when I cooked dinner hopefully in Febuary I don't drink as much to effect my weight loss!! I'm trying to lose 30 by summer.
  • cathilc
    I am taking a break from drinking too. The calories really add up. I am going until Valentine's Day.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    Ugh I was just having this conversation. It's not that I drink lots and lots of alcohol. It's that I"m such a lightweight that after 2 glasses of wine I feel just FINE about my body the way it is and I go off of my food plan.

    So I have to cut it.....down.
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    1ZenGirl, I'm the same way. Except usually those 2 beers lead to thinking I can have 2 more beers and THEN eat whatever I want! Then inevitably the next day I get mad at myself for getting off track, and it takes a couple days to claw back the weight loss.
  • Panthers89
    Panthers89 Posts: 153 Member
    Another thing you can do the next time drinking a few beers is to alternate a large pint glass of ice water between drinks. It will fill you up, therefore keeping you from craving / ordering those last 1 or 2 to end the night, and also will reduce the chances of a mega-hangover the next morning.

    I split a bottle of wine with my wife last night and I drank 6 cups of water as we were drinking the bottle. I had no desire to drink anything else for the night. The same goes for beers - water definitely cuts my craving...and I love my beer!!!:drinker:

    Good luck!!!
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    You can count me in. I was drinking WAY too much daily. My problem is that I can't just have 1 or 2 glasses of wine...I drink the whole bottle and then some. And for me, that leads to terrible food choices. Since drinking causes me to continuously go over my calorie goal by 1000-ish calories, it needs to take a back seat. I don't intend to "quit" but my priorities need serious reevaluation. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • Raiden091
    Raiden091 Posts: 19 Member
    Panthers89, great idea. I'll give that a shot when I ease back into drinking!