Feeling horrible :(

So I've been eating well, working out for 3 weeks solidly. I know that's not long.. But for me it is. I'm getting to a point where I just want to eat anything! Tonight I ate chocolate.. I know.. The worst!! I didn't go over my calories, well not with my exercise calories at least. But I just feel absolutely horrible about myself. I think it's a combination of caving in and the fact that I don't think I've really seen results (3 weeks isn't long, but I thought I'd see something at least). I'm just feeling so awful!

Any body got advice to get through this slump?!

As always, add me if anyone wants more motivational friends!


  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    So I've been eating well, working out for 3 weeks solidly. I know that's not long.. But for me it is. I'm getting to a point where I just want to eat anything! Tonight I ate chocolate.. I know.. The worst!! I didn't go over my calories, well not with my exercise calories at least. But I just feel absolutely horrible about myself. I think it's a combination of caving in and the fact that I don't think I've really seen results (3 weeks isn't long, but I thought I'd see something at least). I'm just feeling so awful!

    Any body got advice to get through this slump?!

    As always, add me if anyone wants more motivational friends!

    Why is chocolate the worst? I have it every day. Can you make your diary public so we can take a look at your food? Are you weighing and measuring your food? It does take time, there are many variables but it often has to do with what is happening in the kitchen.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    What is your daily calorie goal/how many calories are you eating?

    My guess is that your are being unnecessarily restictive. Either calorically or just in what what foods you eat.

    Chocolate is not the worst. No foods are bad. There a lot of people around here who have lost weight eating chocolate, ice cream, pizza, pop tarts. You have to choose a course that is sustainable and enjoyable. Yours does not sound like either.

    ETA: From reading your profile, I would seriously suggest talking to somebody about healthy body image issues and how to have a healthy relationship with food.
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I don't think you should feel bad at all. You have to satisfy your cravings in moderation otherwise you will most burnout and binge. Remember it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. You're not going to not eat chocolate ever for the rest of your life! :)
  • I made my diary public. You all can see everything. Chocolates not the worst I guess, I am. :( I ate too much!
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    First of all .. I don't know about your caving in .. but it really comes down to one thing, PATIENCE.

    I have no idea how much weight you want to lose, but it probably took you a number of months or years to gain the weight, so you have to remember that it will not come off overnight. It can be a slow process .. and trust me on this one, it almost never works out the way you would like.

    So .. just relax, and take a step back. Remember .. it is all about a reasonable deficit and being consistent. In time .. you will begin to see results if you are just consistent and don't worry about things that are not important. Ditch your scale .. and take your measurements. It is all about losing body fat and being fit .. not about what the scale says. Most people .. especially your age, have not established a good food relationship. So .. expect there to be bumps along the road. You will get there though.

    Good luck.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    I made my diary public. You all can see everything. Chocolates not the worst I guess, I am. :( I ate too much!

    If you feel you ate too much today it may be because you had 859 calories 2 days ago and around 1050 the day before. You have to eat to lose actually. Your body needs calories just to function. Figure out what you really need to be eating. Once you are eating more you may feel better and not binge.

    You can start here. Other people will likely comment that are more knowledgeable that me. Listen to them.

  • First of all .. I don't know about your caving in .. but it really comes down to one thing, PATIENCE.

    I have no idea how much weight you want to lose, but it probably took you a number of months or years to gain the weight, so you have to remember that it will not come off overnight. It can be a slow process .. and trust me on this one, it almost never works out the way you would like.

    So .. just relax, and take a step back. Remember .. it is all about a reasonable deficit and being consistent. In time .. you will begin to see results if you are just consistent and don't worry about things that are not important. Ditch your scale .. and take your measurements. It is all about losing body fat and being fit .. not about what the scale says. Most people .. especially your age, have not established a good food relationship. So .. expect there to be bumps along the road. You will get there though.

    Good luck.

    What do you mean it doesn't work out the way you like?
  • acomiskey
    acomiskey Posts: 4 Member
    You may want to think about eating more whole - unprocessed foods. You will feel better and more full. The candy is bad as it just spikes your blood sugar and leaves you feeling worn out. Try eating whole grains (think oatmeal), fruits, veggies and lean protein. Try having a salad with lunch each day. You will see how much less of other stuff you each. Also some dairy like cottage cheese or yogurt has good filling protein and will not leave you feeling so hungry! Good luck you will make it!
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Did you just start working out? You can expect your weight to go up slightly if so, as your body retains a bit more water when you're active. Are you using a food scale? If not, I'd highly recommend purchasing one, as they're one of the very best tools for supporting weight loss.

    If those numbers are truly accurate, you may want to consider eating a bit more as far as your health is concerned. Eating 1000 or 1100 calories on days that you workout is quite low and it's probably not a good idea to do this for a sustained period of time. But, the first order of business is to be 100% confident with your food log.

    In any event, don't stress over it. If after another week or two you still haven't seen any losses, then it's time to reexamine your program.
  • Hi. Before starting this, i was doing well for 1 month straight (then bad again for a long time/I gave up for a while ) ,and starting seeing minor results in my stomach area after 4 weeks. I think that is how long it takes to see small changes. It will take about 3 months to see huge results, so I read from many websites. Just keep at it. If you're carving things that means you're not eating every 2-3 hours. I eat every 3 hours and drink water thoughout the day. I can only manage about 4 tho in the entire day. I feel so full all day long I don't crave any bad foods at all becuz my stomach is so full. I eat mostly the exact food everyday. But I will change the chicken up for example, with diff spices. And I eat a banana after exercise. Also, i eat a cliff protein bar when i do get a little sugar craving. they are so good escpecially the white macadamia.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    Just from looking at your diary, it seems like you didn't give yourself enough dinner! And your meals were pretty heavy on the processed foods. I would definitely be going for the snacks if I only ate Spaghettios for dinner. Try to bulk out your meals with veggies, even salad, and that helps a lot. Eating more whole foods like fruit and vegetables, and plain meats and fish (not battered) will help you feel more full and satisfied in the long run.

    Try to aim for a few more calories at breakfast--I try to get anywhere between 200-250 at breakfast, and then split the remaining calories between lunch and dinner, leaving enough for an afternoon snack.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    What do you mean it doesn't work out the way you like?

    Well .. I don't think that you are any different than most people here .. in that you would like things to happen yesterday. Well .. I always feel that things are not happening fast enough .. but I have learned that the important thing to remember is that you will have good and bad days and good and bad weeks .. there will be weeks where you will gain .. or weeks where you will not lose. Just don't get discouraged and "feeling horrible" as you put it. Eating some chocolate will not derail your efforts .. just log everything and really the lower your calorie limit the more likely you are to binge and crave these questionable food items.

    I see you eat lots of junk .. and that is where I would start. Eat healthy food (lots of fruit and veggies and cut down on processed food) .. and weigh your food. And .. you really need to eat well every day (I don't know your stats but your 1200 cal per day may be low). There are online calculators to help determine where you should be. Drink lots of water .. and you will be fine.

    This is not something you can do in a short period of time .. you are here hopefully to make healthy changes that will last a lifetime. So be prepared to fight the battle .. and some chocolate is just fine. Just be consistent every day .. and your desired results will arrive.
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Yup don't need to cut any food out your diet to lose weight, just moderate portions and make it fit into your calorie goal.

    Looking at your diary though, I'd be miserable too. It's all very low calorie. Half a can of spaghetti o's isn't dinner! Try adding another 200-300 calories into your diet, you still be in a deficit and you'll feel better.
  • I too saw your diary. You can look at mine if you want. You are having way too many snacks, and not real food. BTW bodybuilding.com is also a website that has really good info to help with food ideas, etc. You're supposed to have protein/carbs/veggies with every meal.
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Whatever happens don't beat yourself up...I had a bit of chocolate myself and went slightly over calories today...however yesterday and the day before were under. I'm on 1200 a day and yes when trying to eat back exercise calories there are days I don't hit my total. In the end it will balance out. Truthfully if I don't eat red meat and chocolate during pms I'm going to have much bigger problems then losing weight (think homicide :laugh: ) I just work it off later.
  • Okay I have a problem with food I get it. But I suck at cooking, I hate fish.. And most meat to be honest.. And I am in college and pretty broke. I try to look up recipes...
    But I pretty much consider it a win that I don't go to whataburger or have pizza and beer every night with my friends.

    I'm doing my best! It's a slow process. Also the past 3-4 days have been exceptionally bad because I went back to university and have been in the rut that this post is about :(
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    It definitely isn't easy going back to school and food is expensive, but saving money from your fast food and putting it towards better food probably helps your finances a bit! Also, I recommend planning your shopping (again, I know, finding the time during school sucks) but sometimes there are coupons or discounts. If you don't really like meat you can find protein in other ways... in fact, vegetable protein is probably cheaper than meat (I wouldn't know because I eat a lot of meat but it's really expensive)! You sound like you might be a picky eater and I'm not at all so I can't speak from experience entirely, but whenever I don't like something I try it at least 5 times prepared in different ways. For example, I had cottage cheese (lots of protein to fill you up!) the other day with fruit and I thought it was disgusting, so I think I'll give it another go but with salt and pepper and my fruit on the side. Cooking takes practice, and it can be very relaxing sometimes.. other times it can be a pain in the butt. Also, each meal should have some element of protein/carbs/healthy fats if you want to feel full longer - it's hard to feel full on just carbs (I know, I'm a carbaholic) which leads to snacking later. So like I said, especially protein makes you feel full so much longer plus whole grain carbs! One step at a time, you got this! :)
  • becmarkwick
    becmarkwick Posts: 21 Member
    First of all .. I don't know about your caving in .. but it really comes down to one thing, PATIENCE.

    I have no idea how much weight you want to lose, but it probably took you a number of months or years to gain the weight, so you have to remember that it will not come off overnight. It can be a slow process .. and trust me on this one, it almost never works out the way you would like.

    So .. just relax, and take a step back. Remember .. it is all about a reasonable deficit and being consistent. In time .. you will begin to see results if you are just consistent and don't worry about things that are not important. Ditch your scale .. and take your measurements. It is all about losing body fat and being fit .. not about what the scale says. Most people .. especially your age, have not established a good food relationship. So .. expect there to be bumps along the road. You will get there though.

    Good luck.

    What do you mean it doesn't work out the way you like?

    I think he means it never comes off according to the maths exactly - a 7500 calorie defecit for the week 'should' result in a 1kg loss - but things like water retention, the phase of the moon, what your body feels like doing mean it usually isn't that simple - but over the course of a few weeks/months it all evens out, the water retention from the fetta cheese drops off, or your body suddenly has a kick in the pants and drops 3 kilos... keep at it.