Newbie Confusion =(

Hi all!

I recently started back using MFP more frequently this past month. I currently weight 253lbs and I am 5'5". I was once up to 298lbs in 2011, but have since lost due to off and on dieting. I "restarted" my restart seriously last Tuesday 1/6. MFP set my daily calorie goal to 2,030 with a goal to lose 2lbs a week and my activity level set as "Active". I thought that the 2,030 calories was a lot, so I decreased it to 1,650. First reason is because I feel like eating over 2,000 calories is a lot, and I also have a hard time consuming that many calories in a day due to me not being hungry. BUT I haven't lost anything and I am getting discouraged. I'm assuming that I probably need to up my calories back up to the suggested amount, but I just cant wrap my mind around eating that much. I guess I don't full understand how MFP calculates the calorie deficit along with exercise as well. For example, if I do eat the entire 1,650 calories and then I burn 400 calories at the gym (I do have a HRM), that brings my calories down to 1,250, so I have to eat BACK the 400 calories to make it back up to 1,650? It's just a lot of food. Lol. I guess less isn't always more? I just feel like my weight is at a stand still right now and I'm almost ready to give up due to frustration. I've been stuck between 253-256 for the past 2 months.

Please help! Any other tips and tricks would be great as well. If you want to look at my diary, please look at the week of January 6th, that is a TYPICAL week for me (I had a couple bad days after and before that).


  • Hello,
    Make sure that you are not consuming to "few" calories per day. You can put your body into "starvation mode" because of your activity level. I am 5'3 and 154 lbs and want to lose 15-20 lbs. My calorie intake is supposed to be at 1200 a day. Any less and it is not healthy. Try eating stuff that has good calories. Also, are you drinking enough water? That helps a lot.
  • CoCoMiichelle17
    CoCoMiichelle17 Posts: 5 Member
    So I should up my calories back up? Yes, I try to shoot for a gallon of water per day, but sometimes can only get down 1/2 gallon.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I think it's too early to say whether or not your calorie level is appropriate. Some things to watch out for:

    If you've just recently started working out you may be holding onto some extra water, masking any fat loss that's going on. Our bodies flood sore muscles with fluid to help cushion and repair them. It should go away as you get used to the routine.

    Make sure you're accurately tracking your calories. A food scale is best, but measuring cups and spoons are better than nothing.
  • blessman
    blessman Posts: 15 Member
    Awesome! I'm in a fun workout group on Facebook. Everyone is so positive and supportive. We would love to have you join us! Send me a Facebook friend request if you're interested! (My FB link is