99% vegan

So I have been vegetarian for years but recently decided to switch to a more vegan diet. I love reading food blogs and love trying new recipes out. So if anyone has any really awesome delicious blogs or advice or need a friend, would love to hear or get to know you!


  • gkfish
    gkfish Posts: 1
    hey! i am also (mostly) vegan and wanted to share some of my favorite recipe sources. i have 2 amazing vegan cookbooks: skinny ***** vegan, and quick fix vegan. the recipes are quick, easy to follow, and delicious. my FAVORITE vegan blog of all time is thug kitchen. it takes a certain sense of humor to appreciate it, but it's all vegan recipes described in an absolutely hilarious way. keeps me laughing the whole time i read it. let me know if you've found any favorites of your own!
  • droidrunner
    droidrunner Posts: 28 Member
    I have been transitioning to veganism for a little bit...not there 100% yet. I like looking at post punk kitchen and vegan yak attack. Going to check out the blog that gkfish suggested.
  • NickyDiam
    NickyDiam Posts: 72 Member
    Over the past 3 months I have been transitioning from full on carnivore to vegan. I've been cooking from the 'Forks over Knives' cookbook and found their introduction to the basics very helpful. I haven't had any meat of dairy since Christmas, but put myself at 95% there and thoroughly enjoying the food. I also do a lot of juicing. Feel free to add me.
  • itsfruitcake
    itsfruitcake Posts: 146 Member
    Post Punk Kitchen is great, I make some of their recipes quite regularly (the banana bread, tofu scramble, recently made some fried tempeh...).

    THUG KITCHEN (it has to be in shouty caps :) is fun!

    Oh She Glows is quite a good blog as well.

    The nice thing about PPK and OSG is that a lot of the recipes have already been entered into the DB here, so logging food is quite easy.

    Also, check out the Happy Herbivores group board on here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/45-happy-herbivores

    And if you like podcasts, the Citizen Radio episode with Erin Red made me go vegan after 10 years of being veggie: http://wearecitizenradio.com/2011/04/18/20110418-propagandhis-chris-hannah-chris-hedges-vegan-maniac-erin-red/ (Erin also has her own podcast, you can find it online)

    Have fun and enjoy your awesome food :)
  • rexroars
    rexroars Posts: 131 Member
    go to foodgawker.com and turn on the vegan filter! its amazing!
  • VictoriaWorksOut
    VictoriaWorksOut Posts: 195 Member
    Just a word of advice to all young females from someone who has been there done that and is trying to find a way to stay healthy for long time. There is no way your body will get enough nutrients from just vegetarian diet to support a fully developed bones for your kids that you will have one day. I had my fist child at age 19, and my second at age 28 after being a vegetarian for 7 years. Oldest is 24 and youngest is 15 now. My second child has crowded teeth (undeveloped upper arch and overbite, she wears braces now) and she is nowhere as tall as I am ( I am 5'11"), also she wears glasses. My first child is 6'6", perfect vision, perfect teeth. I was meat eating and organ eating kid when I grew up.
    I did not paid much attention to the health difference of my kids, because so many kids wear braces now ... until I read this book that looks at research of diets of primitive tribes and what resulted by introduction of modern diets. Tribes never had a cavity, cancer, nor crowded teeth, nor other modern illness.

    Most of these tribes ate 80-90% vegan (gatherers), and 10-20% healthy animal meat (hunters), including organs. Quite fascinating book and easy to read. I recommend you check it out, especially if you want to have kids one day. Book is called "Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine: Improving Health and Longevity with Native Nutrition", you can get it on Amazon used for couple of dollars.

    A lot of vegans feel great because they rid their diet of meat that is full of antibiotics and not grass fed, inclusive of dairy that comes from same unhealthy sources. Yep, you will feel great when eating clean food.
    Do eat meet, select a grass fed and highest quality, and eat it less often, but do it because you body needs nutrients for you offspring. Do eat fish and shelfish that is wild caught, not farm raised. And do a bit more research on long term effects, especially if your health matters to you.
  • blissfulcourt
    blissfulcourt Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you so much I love reading blogs and getting all kinds of recipes! I have tons of blogs now bookmarked. Thank you!
  • sprocketism
    sprocketism Posts: 56 Member
    engine2diet.com is a fully plant-based diet. you can also look at all the great ideas on pinterest. I'm not vegan, but I am "plant strong" (no animals eaten here!!).
  • doddy44
    doddy44 Posts: 8 Member
    Ive been vegan for over 20 years, but have been considering going 99% vegan to include some shellfish shells or egg shells to help build tooth enamel. I am also doing TCM to build my blood and have gone to a naturopath to get B12 shots (which are vegetarian and great!).