Bodybugg / Body Media Fit - 4100 Calories A DAY?!

So, I recently got into working out and losing weight. I am 18 years old, and 265lbs at 5 feet and 6 inches. I know, its bad. haha. Anyways, I wore my body media fit for the first time in awhile, and WOW! It says I burned 4,160 calories today, and took 10,291 steps. I worked out for around 45 minuites on the treadmill, and did some vigorous weight lifting for around 45 min also... Also, I did some casual walking around my house every now and then... Anyways, does this seem too high? I feel like this calorie count is WAY to high. I ate ~1650 calories today, so if this is TRUE i have a MASSIVE and dangerous calorie deficit. I would have never guessed I burn this many calories... But I guess I do eat ALOT of fattening foods, or at least I use to, up until a week ago. (1 week into this fitness thing).

So is there anyone out there that will tell me if this seems too high? I'm almost ready to just stop wearing it and forget about counting calories by the hundreds, just stick with around 1700 calories a day until im down to were i want to be.



  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    Yes that would be way to high
    45 minutes on the threadmill would be about 400 calories walking, more if you were running say 700
    45 minutes weights would be about 200 calories.
    Walking around the house should not really give you any besides the ones you normally burn.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Your basal metabolic rate is around 2000 according to At your weight, you will burn significantly more calories in all of your activities as well. I am assuming you are a female. If you are a male BMR will be even higher. Just keep an eye on your numbers and see what happens.

    ETA: I see you are a male. That puts your basal at 2432. It's possible you burned that many calories. Don't go too severe with the calorie deficit.
  • Slippyslope
    Slippyslope Posts: 47 Member
    Last year I was wearing the body media was about 10 pounds heavier than you, the highest I ever got was 3600. Let me tell you, I worked my butt off for that and had almost 20,000 steps. I think it sounds too high.

    Back to add. My usual burn was between 2500 - 2900 depending on my activity level. On days when I lounged around it was more like 1800.

    I am female though.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I dont know. The highest my bodymedia has ever told me was just under 3200 and I'm 5'1, at that time 190. I would try wearing it for at least a week and see if it lowers or it gives you different results. In my experience the armband has been pretty accurate. As a TDEE, for your weight, that doesn't sound completely unacheivable.

    I've also read that bodymedia can be up to 10% off. So if you calculate that, it could be around 400 calories off.
  • joejoe43
    joejoe43 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I'm a male. Interesting and informative posts so far. Thanks guys! So is the general census that this is most likely way to high? That's what it seems like, even after quietbloom calculated my calories to be at without exercise... It just seems like I couldn't burn 1,400 calories by just my daily movement. Or could I?
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I wouldn't be surprised if that number was correct. I have a BMF as well, and being on your feet all day burns way more calories than you think--I'm an older woman, and there are days my calorie burn is over 3000.

    I love being able to adjust my eating on a day to day basis. There could be pizza in your future!
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Could be. I'm a 150 pound female and I burned 2000 a day doing literally nothing besides sitting all day. Days I worked out I would burn 2500-3000. And a few times if I hiked or did a crazy workout I could get up to 5000 calories burned. So it's definitely possible! Way to be active!
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    so if this is TRUE i have a MASSIVE and dangerous calorie deficit.
    If you're comfortable at your eating and activity levels, why not give it a few more weeks and see how fast the pounds come off? I think that with as much as you have to lose, you'd be ok losing over 2 lbs/week for a little while. And that's not an actual result yet, so see what happens.

    Today might not have been terribly representative, either. I bet in a couple weeks you will feel less like eating 1650 and working out twice a day plus being on your feet all day.
  • joejoe43
    joejoe43 Posts: 4 Member
    Alright. Sounds good walkingalong. I'll keep going at it with a 1650 calorie a day diet. Ur probably right about not wanting to work out twice a day and eating as little as 1650, but I'm pretty determined to lose this weight so we'll see... Haha. Thanks!
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    All the years I have worn mine, I have found the numbers to be pretty accurate. I have taken what it says I have burned, created what I should have lost vs what I did based on my food journals, and there was a very little variance. That made me believe what it was telling me was right.

    If you had done those 2 workouts, you probably should have ate more than you did for the day. Protein snacks would have been good after your workout, some lean meats, eggs, maybe some nuts or cheese.

    I love watching what my numbers are from day to day. Gets to be a contest with myself. Sundays are always my lowest days so I know to eat less on that day.
  • Turntec22
    Is it a new one? When did you get it. I'm 5'10" male. 32y/o. I started 262. I'm now 243. I never get past 3700 even when I workout with cardio and lifting, do yard work, run after the kids, etc and never stop moving. I've done over 12000 steps in a day. Is your info right on the website when you entered it? Or your iPhone app? It's plausible but just seems a bit high.
  • joejoe43
    joejoe43 Posts: 4 Member
    Its not new no. Its a body media fit from like 2011 or something. I think its one of the newer versions though.
    This is the image right here:

    I use the app "Freethebugg" to get my results as the subscription is too expensive, however when I had the free 6 months subscription i used it for about 2 weeks and was still getting around 4000 calories, so I know the freethebugg app is not to blame. The program works just great.

    I am not using my iphone to get the results, no. I don't think this has bluetooth, but maybe it does, im not even sure.