What do skinny people do on Thanksgiving?



  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Skinny people listen to their bodies.

    They eat when they are hungry, so they didn't starve in preparation for the holiday meal.

    They take only what appeals to them most, and just a small serving (knowing that if they have room they can always have more).

    They enjoy all the foods the holidays have to offer, but in moderation, and only on THE DAY of the holiday.

    They stop when they are full.

    They recognize that 'it is just food' and 'they'll see all this food again in their lives' so there's no need to gorge.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    When I was younger we used to play football while the turkey cooked. Maybe you can get your family out for a friendly game.

    Also, portions. Yes Aunt Patty makes the BEST ambrosia salad, but no need for it to take up two thirds of the plate. Skip on the rolls, those you can have anytime. Focus on the "special" things that you really only get once a year and keep the portions smaller.

    Oh and Seconds of the pumpkin pie please!!! (obviously I am not one of the skinny people)
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    This what I personaly have been doing for a while now when it comes to holiday meals. I always workout hard! Whether it is at home or I go to the gym( yes my gym is open) I eat my normal 300-400 calorie breakfest and morning snack depending what time I get up. Generally the meals I attend are between 12-2pm so that I plan as lunch. If I am unsure of the veggies or potatoe at the meal I will take my own. Yes this may sound anel but I do it. My family gets it!. If there is squash there I will eat that insead of the potatoe becasue it has more sugar in it. SO here is what my meal usual looks like on Turkey day. I eat about 4-6 oz of white turkey meat no skin, squash and green veggie( this I will probably take my own, broccoli or green beans).

    I stay aways from Rolls, Casseroles, things made with lots of butter or heavy creams ect. I always plan that my afternoon snack will probably be a piece of pie. This is usually pumpkin. I usually make it. I have made a sugar free one with out crust but the reciepe I have used calls for Splenda and I have taken all artifical sweetners out. So not sure if I will just make a regular one and use non fat condensed milk.

    So plan ahead

    Don't go hungry!
    Portion control!

    Have a Great Thanksgiving

    ISSA Cerified Fitness Trainer and Beachbody coach
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    drink a ton of water before your meal and eat out of a saucer, not a plate.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I'm eating. There is no way I'd miss the once a year treats from my mom's kitchen. I know I won't have to, but I'd be willing to burn a whole pound in the gym for just a taste of the chicken and dumplings!

    I'm more concerned about this weekend. I'm going out of town and I always find myself in trouble when I'm on the road. My ability to make good decisions just does not exist!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    Fill up on Salad first.

    I'm going to make it a rule that my plate mus consist only of salad only and I must eat that all up first before I'm allowed to eat the rest of the meal. And make sure I have my own dresssing. That doesnt mean I still wont over eat - just hoping the salad fills me up enough to where I wont be a pig with my food selections.

    Walking afterwards is a good choice too. Although i know some of us its hard to do with family visiting - but if you can, try and make that a part of your day.
  • here are a few things that may help:

    have a thin person fix your plate when not eating at a restaurant. tell them your one favorite food, and let them fix your plate around that one food. they will make choices that are different then your LOVE foods, so you will be more apt to walk away from your plate before it is all gone. ask them to only put one veggie, one carb one protein and one dessert on your plate in proper portions. and be satisfied with that one.

    use lunch size plates! we switched to them over a year ago. Husband is down 20 pounds, i'm down about 30. smaller plates and one serving really works!!!

    when looking at food ask yourself...have i had that food before in my life? if yes, think about what it taste like. remember the way it taste. you don't need to taste it, you HAVE eaten it MANY times over the years.

    keep your potatoes and meat limited to less than a palm full. if you NEED gravy to make the taders and stuffing moist, then drop all three of them....they aren't tasty and worth the calories.

    have half a roll, or none since they will be white and not whole wheat.

    when eating out....get someone to split a meal with you. chose vinegar on the side for your dressing. and use SMALL portions. enjoy the veggies, not the dressing. you can have TWO or THREE salads/veggies for the calorie count of ONE serving of dressing. look at the size difference. which one will fill you up, the cup of broccoli, or the tablespoon of salad dressing?

    look at food as something to keep your body fueled, not a celebration. let your friends and family be your entertainment, not your food. AS SOON as you look at your food and think, i should stop eating....get rid of your plate. if you are in a restaurant and cant get someones attention, then move it out of arms reach, or pour salt (POUR) all over it so you won't be tempted.

    and don't leave your working out at home. walk, run, do push ups, what ever you can!!! do SOMETHING!!!
    cheering you on.
  • I'm not going to lie to you. I'm going to eat everything and I'm going to smother it in gravy while I'm at it. I'm cooking and I am a damn fine cook and I don't get to cook that way that often. I'll worry about it Friday. (more like, I'll worry about it the following Tuesday, when its time to weigh in.)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    i am planning on NOT wearing my loosest, most comfortable pants or a nice flowy top...i am going to wear jeans and a relatively form fitting top so that i don't have the temptation to eat until my gut sticks out because it would show big time and be uncomfortable...when i know that no one will be able to tell that i stuffed myself i tend to eat more :)
    however i do plan to eat what i want as long as it is in moderation...i totally agree with those who advise to eat the stuff that you can't get all of the time, the special dishes that are 'seasonal' or specific to a certain family member...also we eat our thanksgiving dinner early afternoon so i know that what i don't get at lunch i can warm it up later in the day so i am less likely to over-fill my plate on my first round
    all this thinking about thanksgiving is making me really hungry for turkey :):):)
  • Skinny people listen to their bodies.

    They eat when they are hungry, so they didn't starve in preparation for the holiday meal.

    They take only what appeals to them most, and just a small serving (knowing that if they have room they can always have more).

    They enjoy all the foods the holidays have to offer, but in moderation, and only on THE DAY of the holiday.

    They stop when they are full.

    They recognize that 'it is just food' and 'they'll see all this food again in their lives' so there's no need to gorge.

    This is so true!!
  • deagn5
    deagn5 Posts: 19 Member
    i have to agree with the person who wrote "it's only one day", you will not ruin what you have worked for.
    eat a little of everything, but only of what you want. for instance, i love stuffing, but i never eat stuffing
    except for thanksgiving so i will have some, but i skip the mashed potatoes, one because i really don't
    like them, but also, that is something that you can have any day of the week, so eat the stuff that you
    usually don''t eat or things that "remind" you of thanksgiving. i'm sure many people don't eat pumpkin pie
    on a regular basis, so if that is something you enjoy on this day, eat it! and don't feel guilty :)
  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 201 Member
    I have found a couple of tricks that really help on the portion control part. First drink a very large glass of water about 20 minutes before meal time. (Drinking a warm cup of tea or a small bowl of broth type soup before meal time works too.) Then put a 1/2 serving of your choices on the plate and eat that slowly knowing you can go back for more IF you want. Then BEFORE you go back for more wait about 5-10 minutes. Take up the time talking with others at the table and drink more liquid while talking. Then IF you still want more after that time then go back and get the other 1/2 portion of whatever you want more of. Remember.....you don't have to eat as much as possible as quickly as possible. NOBODY is going to take it away from you. Slow down and enjoy. JMHO. :flowerforyou:
  • CDresp
    CDresp Posts: 201 Member
    SallyLunn, you're a girl after my own heart. :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    OH, and P.S don't let yourself be guilted into taking leftovers home unless it's turkey or veggies. BTW, see if you can snag the turkey caracass to make your own turkey stock!

    If you are FORCED to take home the leftovers, give them to a friend, neighbor or coworker. Last resort, throw them away. I hate throwing away food but....
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    We actually discussed this in my last Weight Watchers meeting. I won't lie... I'm nervous. It's really hard not to want to fill my plate full of everything on the table. But I've just decided I'm going to pick those foods that mean "Thanksgiving" the most to me (not the ones I can have any old day), and I'll eat slowly, and just do the best I can. In the end, all you can do is be smart about my choices, enjoy my family and friends, and not nibble and taste all day like I always do.

    And if I don't do as well as I would have liked, it's just one day, and I'll get back on the wagon the next. :)

    Great plan!
    Be a little eccentric if you need and take your own plate! Make it a smaller plate, like a salad plate, instead of a full sized dinner plate. You can do this!!!
  • Meag83
    Meag83 Posts: 43 Member
    One single day of bad eating can turn into 10 single days of bad eating for me. I've heard people say that you should only eat the things you really like. Why waste your calories on food that isn't your favorites? I don't care for mashed potatoes or stuffing so this year I'm not eating either of those dishes. I'd rather have a peices of cheese, some olives, a dinner roll and a small peice of pie.
    The salad idea and veggie tray idea are wonderful, I'm going to do that also. I'm also going to make some healthy sauted green beans instead of my normal fat filled green bean casserole.

    Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see what everyone ate on Thanksgiving.
  • Glad you started this thread. I'm already thinking of Thanksgiving as well.
    I know what my mom is going to serve the family so I am going to put it down in the food journal here and see what the calorie count it. I'm also going to bring my food scale. I don't want this one day to ruin what I've been working so hard for.
    I also like to go for a run. I live in the midwest where it's pretty cold this time of year, but I feel much better with a little exercise.

    I also love the tip of getting a smaller plate. I cannot eat unhealthy otherwise I sugar binge and that one day turns into several bad days for me. I personally don't plan on splurging, but incorporating the meal in my 1200 calories a day. I have a goal for Christmas and I don't want Thanksgiving to hinder me from that goal.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    One single day of bad eating can turn into 10 single days of bad eating for me. I've heard people say that you should only eat the things you really like. Why waste your calories on food that isn't your favorites? I don't care for mashed potatoes or stuffing so this year I'm not eating either of those dishes. I'd rather have a peices of cheese, some olives, a dinner roll and a small peice of pie.
    The salad idea and veggie tray idea are wonderful, I'm going to do that also. I'm also going to make some healthy sauted green beans instead of my normal fat filled green bean casserole.

    Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see what everyone ate on Thanksgiving.

    That is so true for me as well. I tend to have trouble stopping at one bad day. I think "I've blown this eating plan so I had just as well keep blowing it!" An analogy that my Mom brought home from a WW meeting was "If you fall down half a flight of stairs, you don't pick yourself up and throw yourself down the other half" So if we slip up on THanksgiving (or any other day), we need to pick ourselves up and climb back up the stairs, not throw ourselves down the other half.:wink:
  • sgeorgia
    sgeorgia Posts: 66 Member
    I'm just planning to eat and not stress about it. I am however going to work out in the morning and then probably a long walk after dinner. I'm hoping to stay within my maintain calories plus my workout and enjoy my splurge.
    Don't worry about one day - you can balance it out and get right back to it after thanksgiving.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I'm nervous too. We always cook a gigantic meal, eat all day long, and gnosh on the leftovers for days afterward. Pie and ice cream for breakfast? Yes! But this year my mother and I've made a pact to cook a healthy Thanksgiving meal. We're going to try completely new recipes that aren't drowning in butter or brown sugar. We may modify some old favorites to make them less dangerous to our waistlines. There will be a feast, but hopefully it will be a healthy one.

    Now, how do we keep our dinner guests from bringing all kinds of fattening crap over like heavy casseroles and chocolate eclair cake? :sad:
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