How do I address my wine intake



  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    Eat, drink & be happy :drinker: Eat making healthy choices and within your target range given & you will continue to lose, drink in moderation or on a cheat day or try new reduced calorie versions of drinks like my favorite: a skinny margarita ( 78 calories-recipe below) & always workout but kick it up a notch if you are having the full calorie version of something. Cheers,

    Diet Mountain Dew - Mtn. Dew Low Calorie Soda, 12 Fl Oz. 4 0 0 0 0 50
    Great Value - Lime Margarita Drink Mix, Sugar-Free, 1/8 packet/1.5 g 5 0 0 0 0 10
    Montezuma - Tequila 1 oz Shot, 1 oz 69 0 0 0 0 0
    78 0 0 0 0 60
  • Rosie_McA
    Rosie_McA Posts: 256 Member
    Living in France the temptation of wine is an ever present hazard.
    I realized some time back that alcohol and weight loss was not going to work for me. Funny how I conveniently forgot about the wine calories in my diet.
    My approach now is no alcohol during the week and only a decent glassful with food on a Saturday night (and sometimes Sunday as well). As a trade off I now only buy what I regard as a good quality wine and have less of it. It's amazing how slowly I can drink a glass of Chateauneuf du pape with a slow roast leg of lamb.
  • In my humble experience - you cannot lose weight and drink. Before when I did this I started to have a few glasses of wine on a Saturday nite - guess what? - I didn't lose any weight in the following week. This time - off the booze and I'm losing - next drink Feb 22 - after that - Easter - after that May!

    Agreed. So many wasted calories in wine. Best way is to drastically cut down alcohol or give it up. Went round to have dinner at a friends house on New Year's Day. I passed on the wine and it did not spoil my enjoyment at all. Usually I have a couple of glasses two or three times a week - not been doing that for the past couple of weeks. I don't miss it at all. It's just a habit an expensive and un-necessary habit that makes you fat and when drunk habitually and to excess causes lots of other health problems long term too.
  • Thanks everyone for your comments x :smile: After reading all your advice I think im just going to try & add the drink into my daily calorie allowance ( which I am going to increase to 1200 ) & increase my exercise at the weekend x fingers crossed :drinker: :ohwell:
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I like to have my weigh in day on Friday, that way I have the rest of the week to work off the calories I consume with alcohol over the weekend.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Always call it Sir or Ma'am...Wine hates to be addressed impolitely. :laugh: :laugh:
    Sorry...couldn't resist.

    Hahaha, this is exactly what I was thinking.....
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    I use tasting glasses. A 5 oz tasting glass is one glass of wine, and is around 110-130 calories. If you are going "out" assume whatever you get will be double that. Usually resteraunts serve between 8-10oz. Keeping that in mind..I ONLY drink good wine, bad just isnt worth the calories. Also I do a 45-60 min of calorie burning cardio before I go out in the monring. This gives me 2...maybe 3 glasses of out wine before I am in trouble.

    Hope that helps. I love my wine as well :drinker:
  • journey_man
    journey_man Posts: 110 Member
    In my humble experience - you cannot lose weight and drink. Before when I did this I started to have a few glasses of wine on a Saturday nite - guess what? - I didn't lose any weight in the following week. This time - off the booze and I'm losing - next drink Feb 22 - after that - Easter - after that May!
    Huh. Drinks, like everything else, have calories. You make room for it like everything else.

    I usually down a bottle of wine over two evenings in a week and I dutyfully make them fit and log those (like every "treat", I typically do this on days when I feel like I'm going to be under calorie). But I also go out once a week or so and get trashed on cocktails/hard liquor. I almost always drink the same thing, and just quick add 2000, a rough estimate.

    I know ill have to ease back on those nights when I get closer to my goal... But that's a ways away. I refuse to stop living!;-)
  • You said their was no way you could not have a drink on weekends. So keep it to a reasonable amount. I also love wine. I won't give it up to lose weight but I do cut it back. A couple glasses on Friday and Saturday night doesn't seem to keep me from losing weight. I'm 60 years old and my metabolism has slowed down as I have aged. Without exercise I only burn 1400 calories a day. So I make it a point to get in at least 300 calories a day in exercise with a couple of days of harder workout and getting 450 calories. I eat 1200 calories a day, so I usually have a 500 calorie deficit and therefor lose 1 pound a week. Extra 300 calories I get from my hard workout days offsets most of the wine I drink on the weekends. However, there are the frequent holidays that throw me completely off plan. That's what kills me :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments x :smile: After reading all your advice I think im just going to try & add the drink into my daily calorie allowance ( which I am going to increase to 1200 ) & increase my exercise at the weekend x fingers crossed :drinker: :ohwell:
    you're missing the point if you're only increasing to 1200, part of that being wine.. and then increasing your workouts on top of that.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I even throw in a couple fast days (500 calories) if I know it's going to be a particularly difficult weekend of fun.

    If I was to try and survive to the weekend on a 500 calorie day I'd be locked up before I made it to the weekend.

    I do 400 cals for breakfast never mind the rest of the day.

    I usually pick Tuesday and Thursdays if I do the fast days. I'm at work anyways and so busy I don't really notice. I started my weightloss off by following the 5:2 diet so I just fall back to that methodology as a way to get through weekends where I might need to over indulge.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I like to have my weigh in day on Friday, that way I have the rest of the week to work off the calories I consume with alcohol over the weekend.

    Ditto. I love Friday weigh in.
  • gemmaburden1
    gemmaburden1 Posts: 4 Member
    Ha I'm loving this comment.. Ma'am is my vice, she's just too god damn tasty ????
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I drink 'a lot' according to some people, and my boyfriend is a bar tender. I've only been tracking on this site for 10 days, and I've lost 3 lbs in the past 10 days - so it *is* possible to have your cake and eat it too!

    The caveat to this is: I track every single calorie I consume. Every drink, every ounce of Jameson, every glass of wine. Every cup of tea. ;) I consume between 1500-1900 calories a day.

    I also work my a** off in the gym. I go to the gym 6 days a week and make no excuses.

    I have had days where I went over my calories, but they're offset by the days that I'm significantly under. Overall I'm at a deficit, but not an unhealthy deficit. It's a numbers game.

    I was told once that I was fat because I drank so much alcohol, so I stopped drinking alcohol for 6 months and didn't change anything else about my diet or activity level and I didn't lose anything. Just realize that if you get as drunk as I did last Saturday night, sometimes remembering how many ounces of Jameson you drank is difficult... and that *may* account for pounds not being lost.

    Also, as a disclaimer, I hope y'all get my sense of humor or else I'm making myself look like a raging alcoholic :P
  • You said their was no way you could not have a drink on weekends. So keep it to a reasonable amount. I also love wine. I won't give it up to lose weight but I do cut it back. A couple glasses on Friday and Saturday night doesn't seem to keep me from losing weight. I'm 60 years old and my metabolism has slowed down as I have aged. Without exercise I only burn 1400 calories a day. So I make it a point to get in at least 300 calories a day in exercise with a couple of days of harder workout and getting 450 calories. I eat 1200 calories a day, so I usually have a 500 calorie deficit and therefor lose 1 pound a week. Extra 300 calories I get from my hard workout days offsets most of the wine I drink on the weekends. However, there are the frequent holidays that throw me completely off plan. That's what kills me :)
  • Thanks for this Great advice x
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Wine is my downfall too. One problem is that wine almost always leads to over eating with me. I lost 40 pounds and then stalled for over a year. I slipped back into "cheating" on the weekends, which started as two days and morphed into Thursday-Sunday. I started to gain again. Then I decided to try Power 90. I worked my butt off for 90 days, faithfully. I didn't change my eating and drinking and guess what? It didn't work. Now I'm on my second 90 days. I'm strict with my calories and I'm starting to see a difference. I do still have wine 2 times a week, but way less. I buy the tiny 'single' serve bottles. Helps with portion control for me. Good luck!
  • I Loooooooove wine. But here are some great tips. Stay away from the super sweet and white wines. Slow sip dark reds 4oz a day.
    I truly had to mature my wine taste this way and you get some wonderful antioxidants and phytochemicals from the Cabernet, Merlot, Shiraz etc.
    No cheating with those blush wines as they do not include the grape stem and other healthy properties of plants.
    4oz of slow sipping--this may be daily or only on the weekends
    If it is only sat and sun---you may do 2 servings of 3oz each day to spread it out
    I know I like to cook and sip !!!!
    Hope this helps----I wish I could post powerpoints on this because I actually did a short class for my students on the power of phytochemicals and There was a section on wine --its ingrediants
  • BL_Coleman
    BL_Coleman Posts: 324 Member
    We could so be friends! Although I started out with drinking only the heavy reds..and now drink most all of it. Although sweet wines i generally make spritzers out of to combat the calories :)