
Hi everyone!

Really new to the site so please bear with me. Aiming to lose 50lbs by the time my husband comes home for a visit. U see he's currently deployed in Turkey. I'm the biggest now that I have ever been, 180 to be exact. I'm 5'1" Would like to be around 110 but 50 is good for now. I'm 35 so I know my age may nave something to do with it but I'm pretty active. Recently quit my job so I decided I can't not work and still be fat. No more "I don't have time excuses" u know? I'm hopingnthis site will help and I'll meet some cool people in the process. Good luck everyone!!


  • Welcome & good luck . Ive used this site for 10 days & loving it x:smile:
  • Thanks! Been on and off for a while. Really gonna stick with it this time!:smile:
  • hotmamajenE
    hotmamajenE Posts: 268 Member
    hi ladyjay you and anyone else can friend me for motivation and support, I recently joined and am enjoying the site. Usually I would have knawed off my arm by now from hunger ha ha . Lots of good info here
  • I've used the smart phone app for a year or so but am new to this part of MyFP. I too need motivational help. Just given up smoking and am trying to not only keep the weight from creeping on, but also lose some..big ask but i'm determined!!
  • fields4fitness
    fields4fitness Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! Its always nice to have " friends" on here for support!
  • latachuela
    latachuela Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome! Good luck! I want to lost 50+ lbs and I'm trying to stick with my app to login everything and stay motivated. Feel free to add me. :)
  • I ned o lose 50 also. I am going to do it this time too! Feel free to add me:)