need help

i was wondering if anyone had any advise they could give me my goal is to lose 60 pounds i did start of at 322 pounds got down to 260 pounds but now have slowed down so need take a look at my diet i exercise 5-6 times a week i do BJJ for 2-3 hours on monday wrestling on Tuesdays for 90 min mma on wensday for 2 hours kickboxing on Thursday for 2 hours Saturday is open mat so practicing technique and sparring for 2-3 hours and Sunday i compete every now and then so any advise anyone has would be greatly appreciated


  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Well done on what you have lost already :smile:

    I'm not really an expert and certainly don't do the kind of exercising that you do lol but are you eating enough for all the exercising you are doing? I know it sounds crazy as you are trying to lose weight. It would probably help people more if they could see your diary, give them an idea what you are eating and they would probably be able to advise you better.

    You've done great so far and I'm sure you will get where you want to be soon :smile:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Congrats on your success so far!

    Weight loss is more about diet than exewrcise - what are you eating?
  • ashleyrallen93
    thank you and im not sure if i am ill have to look into that and ive changed my profile settings so people can see my diary
  • ashleyrallen93
    thank you melaniecheeks i normally start my day of with a low fat yought then a sandwich for lunch something simple like ham and coleslaw with a packet crisps then for dinner meat and veg normally and after training ill have something high in protein
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Are you logging all this in your diary? I dont see any veg, and I was going to say your protein could be higher.
  • ashleyrallen93
    unfortunately been slacking in filling my diary out am trying to get better at that and yh im trying to up the amount i have