Where to place your scale?



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    lol! I got to try this... I can see me weighing myself all over house now for Friday's weigh-in to see where I'm the lightest!! :laugh:

    If it's the same everywhere what does that mean?.. my house is completely level? my flooring is same all way though.. like a waterproof vinyl (wood floor effect) so its easier to clean tyre marks through house when its wet and muddy! .. bathroom floor is harder though (walk in wet room).
  • glossybl3
    Done and done. I'm calling in sick to work and raiding the bf's tool bag!

    @ everyone else so far...
    I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one! I do rent an older house so I'm sure level flooring is an issue although I did know not to place it on carpeting. That's why I was figuring a wall might give a better read... because it's supported and less chance of sagging? Given my past two day's food related transgressions... I should be placing it directly in front of the fridge. *le sigh*

    in front of the fridge is brilliant. then I can look down when I'm reaching for the chocolate pudding and it will be a harsh reminder of what the chocolate pudding did for me in the past. Then I'll just eat grapes. Grapes taste better anyway. I really don't like chocolate pudding... rambling? yep. too tired to be posting.

    hahahhaha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: good one :bigsmile:
  • dointhis4me
    dointhis4me Posts: 52 Member
    This had me ROFL!! has anyone noticed that if you lean slightly forward it's a bit lighter than if you lean a bit more back? The thigs Ive done!

    OCD self-weighing checklist:
    1) first thing in the morning (no food yet... brilliant!)
    2) use the restroom (cause the bladder can hold like half a lb. of liquid... lmao, I've compared)
    3) before shower (you don't even wanna know how much water thick hair to the middle of your back can hold!)
    4) completely naked (cause the .2 lbs that undies, socks and sports bra adds means the world some mornings...)

    I've consulted the manual and true desperation on a morning following a buffet supper calls for a nail clipping and head shaving. Not made it to that point yet...
  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    I'm kind of crazy about my weigh-in ritual, and I noticed the same thing. Now I just drag the scale around to various places until I get the same number twice.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Your floor isn't perfectly flat. The angle is throwing off the weight. The good news is, the difference should remain relatively constant.
  • mayjen85
    Same issue in my apartment. I keep my scale in my bedroom and when I weigh I do in the door frame. It may sound stupid but I figure that is probably one of the most level places in the house cause otherwise the door wouldn't close and it's a consistent place for me to remember to measure.

    As if losing the weight wasn't hard enough, now I have to worry about the scale lying to me, lol.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am convinced that my new DIGITAL scale has a demon in it.......and I'm thinking I need to go back to my old 'other kind 'of scale (if it's not digital, what's it called? Analog? hmmmm) At least on that one, I can turn that little dialy thingee and weigh less when I'm feeling blue ;)

    You shouldn't put a scale on carpet (unless that's where you ALWAYS put it, and are happy with a false reading that's lighter......hmmmmmmm, maybe I need to do that??) Mine says not to move it too much, or it could go off kilter! Hey, maybe I WANT it to go off kilter?

    What I hate about the digital is I'll get on, and it'll say something like "164", and as I stand for just another SECOND, it will jump up to 166! Wait just a damned second.................then I try again, and it's 166 always.

  • tridling
    tridling Posts: 12 Member
    Mine is on the shelf above my toilet, with towels. I pull it down just after waking, before eating, after "going", just before a shower and naked. :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    This had me ROFL!! has anyone noticed that if you lean slightly forward it's a bit lighter than if you lean a bit more back? The things Ive done!

    OMG! I'm only 10st 8 if I lean forwards! .. instant 5lb loss!! woo hoo! :laugh:
  • shannonjadeycakes
    I have the same problem now I'm at uni. When I moved in, I weighed myself behind my bedroom door - my bedroom is all carpet. Until this morning when I saw I hadn't lost as weight this week and I was concerned and quite upset because I worked really hard for it. So I moved the scale into our kitchen where the floor is hard and I weighed 5lbs less than in my bedroom.
    Which is my actual weight? Would it be wrong to take the 5lbs lighter weight because it went down or am I just being silly?
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Always weight yourself in the same spot at the same time of day.
    If your scale consistently gives you different readings you may need to invest in something for reliable. For a while I had one that was slightly different every time I got on it, so usually I'd weigh myself 3 times then take the average.

    *and always make sure it's a hard, flat, level surface.
  • theonly1iknow
    theonly1iknow Posts: 90 Member
    I always place my scale on the same tile in the bathroom too, after noticing on my old scales that it fluctuated. My new scales don't seem to have this same problem, but I stick to the same position just in case!
    The issue with these ones is that they seem to hold onto the previous weight if there is only a small variation of say, 1/2lb, (I think in order to stop you weighing multiple times) I try to reset them before I weigh by stepping on with one foot to give a false low reading before actually weighing myself. (Am I nuts?!)
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    My scales tell me I am 5+ pounds heavier in other places in the same room. I can't say I love that fact but I just put it in the same place each time and leave it at that. I don't really need to know exactly how much I weigh I just need to track the trend.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Cant believe this is a 'serious' question.... Good grief. Or are you trying to make your bathroom more spacious?
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Love this thread!

    I know now that I am not the only one OCD!

    I haven't yet tried moving it to a different room however.

    I finally just picked a spot and left it there...as long as it is going down...I am good. I do wonder some times if I would weigh more or less on a "professional" scale...not sure that I want to know.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Cant believe this is a 'serious' question.... Good grief. Or are you trying to make your bathroom more spacious?

    I think people are just having a little fun...laughing at themselves about what we will do to see that weight come off.

    I find it humorous...I needed a laugh this morning!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    My damn scale gives me the same weight no matter where I place it. Couldn't it cut me a break now and then? Wait, I think my garage floor slopes a bit. Gonna grab that stupid scale and give it a go.