4 days in and already confronted with a cheat dilemma

I need some advice today. I am consistently losing on average 1lb/day this week. I am sticking mostly to diet (under 1600 cals), restricting my carbs and not really focusing on exercise heavily at this point. But my biggest struggle is with going out with friends and drinking. What's worse is I love a good craft beer. Each beer can be several hundred empty (but tasty) calories. Tonight we are going to a bar that serves dozens of incredible craft beers on tap. I'm struggling between saying eff it and having a couple of beers, that I know will lead into having a burger and fries, and will more than likely negate all progress I've made this week - or just sitting at the bar to enjoy the company, drink water, no food and stay on track. Drinking ****ty light beer is NOT an option. Then I'm faced with this dilemma again on Saturday, when some friends and I are going to tour a local brewery. I cant just stop drinking beer because I like it and it's what my friends and I do when we go out, but I also want to get in shape and not keep sabotaging my diet. HELP!


  • Lisawalmsley1989
    Lisawalmsley1989 Posts: 4 Member
    Is it a regular? Could you ask the barman to do you a half/quarter pint and get your taste without the quantity? Or if you REALLY want one, tell yourself you have to earn it. You want a 300 cal beer, then go do 300 cal of exercise. If you don't exercise already then it's not like adding to the boredom of more exercise. Could you bike to the pub maybe?
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I would have the beer but not the burger and fries.

    If you love beer, trying to cut it out completely is not reasonable. Try to fit it into your calorie goals instead.
  • MyFoodGod
    MyFoodGod Posts: 184 Member
    If you got a DWI would you reduce the beer? Sounds like beer and food are too important to you. Nothing we say here is going to change that until you see that yourself.

    Good luck.
  • luvrock93
    luvrock93 Posts: 4 Member
    You want a 300 cal beer, then go do 300 cal of exercise.

    Yes! This!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    You MUST work out and lift weights if you like beer and bar food like me.

    If you choose to cut down calories and just diet without exercise,

    then you MUST give up beer and bar food while you diet and stick to it.

    Simple as that.

    You seem to enjoy going out with friends/drinking beer/eating bar food while watching a good football game every week or often enough.

    If you don't want to give up that life style, you MUST start working out to put on muscle mass so you can burn more kcal.

    Otherwise, even if you lose weight, you will be skinny fat and flabby AND regain all your weight in no time.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Don't do it! You have only been on your diet for 4 days. You need to build up some willpower before putting yourself in those situations.

    Have one beer and consider it a generous gift from yourself to yourself. But don't binge and tell yourself that it's okay. Don't try to justify it by saying "it's only once in a while" or "I've been good all week".

    You know you will feel guilty in the morning!
  • I agree--have the beer if it's that enjoyable. The pleasure of having a brew or three with friends shouldn't be part of the price you pay for getting/being fit. I have the same struggle without such refined tastes :)

    Maybe just draw the line at that burger and fries (eat healthy before going out?) and/or going out only on Fridays, or 3x/month, or something else reasonable. It's a compromise with yourself. Good luck!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I would recommend logging in advance and adjusting other meals and exercise in order to fit it into you macros. Pre-logging makes you aware of the calorie counts and helps you decide what is "worth" it to you. If you're looking for a lifestyle change, it's great to start managing the balance between living life and meeting/maintaining your goals. In time, you'll find yourself making adjustments, maybe eat half a burger, or only half of the bun, or bison instead of beef, or stop eating fries once they get cold and soft, and cover your plate when you're done to prevent mindless eating, have fewer beers, You'll soon figure out how to work it out without feeling deprived or sabotaging your hard work.

    A very wise friend of mine said, "I won't say I'll NEVER eat french fries again, but I won't eat BAD french fries."
  • I to am d4 days in and faced with a similar dilemia. Dinner at a nice restuarant with a supplier. I like the excercise trade off route. Knowing that you are going out for a couple cold ones is no sin. Get on a treadmill and burn off some calories prior to the big night out. If you decide to go for the burger, make it a turkey burger and swap the fries for a side salad. You can do this man.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    As far as I am concerned, DEPRIVATON = DEVESTATION! Trying to wipe out things you love will likely just tick you off and make you rebel. Reflect on all that you have done for yourself and the accomplishments you have made and simply make some simple alterations.

    You said you aren't too heavy in the exercise at this point. Sounds like if you want to maintain the lifestyle you thoroughly enjoy, you will need to up that some.

    As for the burger and fries, YOU ARE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR BRUTHA MAN!!! I'm all about a kickass burger and fries. If you know you are gonna hang with the crew later, compensate for the extra calories early in the day. Ask for your burger without the bun and ask for a knife and fork. Do you HAVE to have fries? Can you replace them with something else or maybe SHARE your fries with someone in your posse?

    And then there is the beer. OH HELL YEAH!!! When I go out and drink, I alternate. I have them bring me a beer or whatever AND a diet soda or water, that way you have SOME beer, but not ONLY beer.

    I hope this helps dude. YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    ^Great advice!
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I usually tell my mates that it's my new year's resolution to not drink, and I also tell myself that I'm weak and pathetic if I have the drinks/junk food, and I must prove myself to myself by not having it... Feels so great after :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I would recommend logging in advance and adjusting other meals and exercise in order to fit it into you macros. Pre-logging makes you aware of the calorie counts and helps you decide what is "worth" it to you. If you're looking for a lifestyle change, it's great to start managing the balance between living life and meeting/maintaining your goals. In time, you'll find yourself making adjustments, maybe eat half a burger, or only half of the bun, or bison instead of beef, or stop eating fries once they get cold and soft, and cover your plate when you're done to prevent mindless eating, have fewer beers, You'll soon figure out how to work it out without feeling deprived or sabotaging your hard work.

    A very wise friend of mine said, "I won't say I'll NEVER eat french fries again, but I won't eat BAD french fries."
    Agreed! If I know I'm going out, I will prelog what I think I will have and adjust for macro/micro and calorie goals. Another strategy is to look at your weekly goals and have a lower calorie day or two, and bank those calories for the days you know you are going to be over.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Go lift heavy things and run around for a few miles tomorrow. Every bit of progress you make is a bit more than if you had done nothing to change your lifestyle.

    Take your enjoyment where you feel you have to, then get back on the wagon and push harder.
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone. I KNOW what I SHOULD do. I just need to make the right decision at zero hour.
  • mobilechris
    mobilechris Posts: 4 Member
    Hey man. Remember the movie FIGHT CLUB?

    I must've watched that movie a million times. And although there are a lot more better examples out there as to why you should not go out and have that beer, I can't help but think about that movie and tell you that you should! The moral of the movie in my opinion is- don't get hooked on a idea that things need to be perfect in order for you to get to your goal. 4 days in of straight dieting (with 4lbs lost, correct?) vs. 1 cheat day (with beers and burger and fries with the boys)? Are you kidding me? You're doing amazing so far so why not go out and celebrate! Just do me a favor though, when you go out for a beer and burger with the boys it would probably be best not to talk about dieting (don't talk about fight club. haha) for fear of being ridiculed. Then perhaps the next time you get a cheat day dilemma, maybe you can negotiate with yourself and say "if i choose not to have the beer and burger with the boys tonight, the perhaps I'll have the grand slam breakfast in the morning!

    It's all about making the right decisions, my friend. Good luck
  • i need to break that habit and tell myself its okay to not drink every time I go to a bar with friends.. and also when im ready to allow myself to have a beer once or twice a month so I'm not depriving myself of things I enjoy. it wont always be this hard. I keep telling myself that NOTHING tastes as good as fit feels. Plus I've been wearing tighter shirts and pants as a reminder of that....

    Ultimately, like I said, I KNOW the answer. Get a workout in before hand, eat a salad and drink water .. and just enjoy the company this time. The guys will understand and I wont feel horrible about a bad decision in the morning when the scale goes up. Now, if I do all that and the scale still goes up... that would be devastating!
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Hey man. Remember the movie FIGHT CLUB?

    I must've watched that movie a million times. And although there are a lot more better examples out there as to why you should not go out and have that beer, I can't help but think about that movie and tell you that you should! The moral of the movie in my opinion is- don't get hooked on a idea that things need to be perfect in order for you to get to your goal. 4 days in of straight dieting (with 4lbs lost, correct?) vs. 1 cheat day (with beers and burger and fries with the boys)? Are you kidding me? You're doing amazing so far so why not go out and celebrate! Just do me a favor though, when you go out for a beer and burger with the boys it would probably be best not to talk about dieting (don't talk about fight club. haha) for fear of being ridiculed. Then perhaps the next time you get a cheat day dilemma, maybe you can negotiate with yourself and say "if i choose not to have the beer and burger with the boys tonight, the perhaps I'll have the grand slam breakfast in the morning!

    It's all about making the right decisions, my friend. Good luck

    I agree with the above sentiment.

    I had to cut my booze intake due to a medical condition and yes, it was a bit odd going to the pub and drinking soft drinks whilst my friends drank, but I got used to it. In the UK at least, the alcohol free selection in many places has improved massively in recent years instead of just offering coke or bottles of sludgy fruit juice (J20).

    I envy you with your brewery tour, as long as it's not every weekend, it should be fine. Accepting a maintain or even a lb gain is ok by me, I'm in it for the long term and only weigh once a week. Eat well for the rest of the day and get back on track the day after. Have fun!
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Run 50 miles before hand...
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    There's great advice on here already. One beer is fine, and so is a second especially if you sip sparkling water or diet soda in between. There's nothing wrong with a burger and fries, either. But fitting all that in without a big exercise burn ain't gonna happen. Try having a filling meal of lean protein and lots of fiber before going out. You have to find the tradeoffs that work with what you really like and how much you're willing to work.