30 min treadmill workout that will help you loose weight?

What's a good cardio routine that I can do to loose weight the fastest instead of walking. I've been doing a routine of walking for 2 mins then run for 1 min. What else is there to do to help?


  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Pretty much anything more than 3 mins long will burn more :-)
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    lmao i think she means intervals. anyhow if you up your incline and run as much as you can id say thats your best bet.
  • jhansla85
    jhansla85 Posts: 11 Member
    When I very first started running a year ago I did 2 mins at 3mph, then 8 mins at 5mph. Total of 20 mins

    Now I'm doing 2 mins at 3mph then 8 mins of 7mph. Total of 60 mins

    I lost 89lbs in a year, put about 6 on around the holidays and now back on track to get them right off again
  • nightflightdan
    I've recently started back at the gym and am doing the interval thing. I'm severely out of shape, (as in, out of breath going up 2 flights of stairs) My current routine is 5mins @6km/h to warm up. then 1min@10km/h to stretch into it, then a minute at 6km/h, then the next five intense intervals at 12km/h. walking at 5km/h for 5 minutes to cool down.

    If you're finding your current routine too easy, make it harder, up your intense speed by a kilometre per hour, drop your recovery period between run to a minute, or both if you can manage it.
  • krystaal870
    I do it for 30 mins but in intervals that I mentioned. I just want to change it up.
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    Work to where you're running longer than walking or full on sprint for your runs. If you use a programmable treadmill, use one the the preset programs for variety. Up the incline. Do a long, slower jog one day and faster intervals the next.

    Also, it's not the exercise that makes you lose weight. It does help create a caloric deficit, but diet is key, so find something you really like.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You could check out Couch to 5k and/or CardioCoach.com. C25k is free.