Shred Diet

Looking for anyone that has done the Shred diet. I recently lost 55 pounds over the last 2 years and by my own laziness and seefood (see food, eat it) diet, I have put 20 back on. I lost the weight slowly and surely. Simple portion control and working out. My husband lost about 80 pounds before doing a diet similar to Shred. Principal is along the line of 5-6 small meals throughout the day. I am lactose intolerant so I try and stay away from milk (drink soy if necessary) and now cheese. I drink right around a gallon of H20 a day. Very rarely have a soda, mostly H20 and unsweetened iced tea. Tips, tricks, thoughts, ideas? Thanks for any feedback.


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    If weight loss is the goal, a calorie deficit is all that is needed for that and meal timing is personal preference.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I don't know much about this plan but it looks to be a 'diet' in terms of a temporary diet change in order to lose weight and involve meal replacement shakes. As such, you will probably lose weight but chances are it'll come back once you revert to eating 'normally' again, just as it did last time.

    You would be better off eating all the foods you eat at present, just in smaller portions. If a diet plan is not something you can envisage keeping up for the rest of your life then it most likely will not succeed long term.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Let us know how "shredded" you get from that diet.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    I think I should clarify that I'm not really looking at this as a diet. I am eating the same foods but with a better focus on portion control. I hate the stigma workout plans/diets get when they get titles. Sheesh.
  • karmel1205
    karmel1205 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started the shred diet Monday and so far so good. I weighed myself this past Monday and I'm suppose to weigh in on this coming Monday so I'll let you know what progress I had in a weeks time. I'm also doing insanity 6x/wk. Surprisingly, the diet is not hard to follow being that it's all foods that you mostly have in cabinet and to keep yourself from starving, you eat 6 small meals/snacks a day. My advice is to just keep going and incorporate exercise too so that you can really see great results.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks^^ I am really enjoying it for the most part. Its all foods I eat I have just cut back on my portions. I don't find it restrictive either. I just need to remember to eat, so I have been setting alarms on my cell phone. The afternoon is a bit harder since you aren't eating as frequently but its still not bad. I am doing cardio/weight training 5 days a week for 1-1 1/2hrs a day. I have kicked my H20 consumption up a lot.
  • featherbrained
    featherbrained Posts: 155 Member
    Hi, I'm on day 6 of week 1 and seeing great results. I'm an old pro at weightloss ;) and this plan makes sense for me right now. I need guidelines to follow, or I just don't ;) lol Looking for others doing this plan!