Am I eating enough?

Hi everyone, I'm new here and using MFP to manage calorie intake whilst also embarking on the Insanity programme.
I was moderately fit (a few years of weight training but nothing very focused) when I started, and have made some big changes to lifestyle/food etc. as part of the programme.

Into week three, and for the first time today I didn't feel strong during the workout (still got through it!) and even felt a bit woozy and sick afterwards. A few hours on, post recovery-drink and breakfast, and I'm still feeling not 100%.

I'm wondering if I'm eating enough? I'm going with the MFP calorie recommendation for weightloss, and adding on my Insanity calories burned (I wear a HR monitor so it's fairly accurate). I'm five eleven, female, about 13st7lbs/85kg with 24% body fat and taking in 1500cals per day, plus whatever I've burned, so usually around 1900 cals total. Is this enough? I'm concious of the fact it'll affect my weightloss (I've only dropped a few lbs so far) if I'm not eating properly.

I'd be grateful for anyone's input who's been through this!

Thanks :)

Soap x


  • katjabbs
    the BMR for a female, 5'11" and 171 lbs. is 1531 calories. If you're unfamiliar with the BMR scale, it shows you how many calories your body needs to function if you were to rest/lay down for 24 hours. With regular activity (walking around/going to work/chores, etc) plus exercises/workouts, you're going to need more than 1500 per day. I used to try and plan my own nutrition plan and wasn't losing a lot of weight until I decided to use the guided nutrition plan provided by MFP. The only thing I changed was how much sugar I take in ( from 63 to 50). Since then, I started to lose more fat while still keeping any muscle I have.

    The reason why people don't lose weight on too few calories is because their bodies go into starvation mode and it panics and starts to store away fat. This may be what is happening to your body. I suggest start to eat a couple of more calories a day. Protein and fibre go a long way. Hope this helps! Good luck on your fitness goal! :D

    Oh before I forget.. your BMR calories are the ones you need for your heart and lungs to function normally. Read up on it. It'll help.

  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    It sounds like you're eating enough to me but you need to see what works for you. Everyone has ****ty workout days - sometimes you just don't have the energy and you need to deload or simply do whatever you can do. If you find that you feel this way after every workout or if tomorrow you still feel lethargic, then perhaps it's time to add some calories in. Honestly, everyone's body is different and you may find better results losing (albeit a bit more slowly) at a higher caloric intake.