can anyone tell me if this exercise schedule is enough ?

Monday - 45 mins run/jog
Wednesday - Shred or 20 mins weights etc
Friday - 60 mins yoga

or do I need a bit more? want to lose a stone and tone up for summer. thanks


  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    I think that it's a good start! Exercise 3 times a week with a healthy balanced diet should get you to your goal. But if you feel like you can do more, go for it! Also, if you are new to running you could maybe think about doing C25K to help ease you into it. :)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Whether that is enough is up to your comfort zone in regard to exercise. To lose fat, you will need to be in a calorie deficit. You can do this any way you want. You can just cut what you eat and not exercise. I do not recomend that though. You can cut what you eat, and exersice. That's probably the best thing. Or you could eat like you normally do and exercise like crazy...but being successful that way doesn't lead to long term success because you will get injured and tired before you learn how to eat properly.

    So. Either way. focus on your nutrition first.
  • jadetigereyes
    jadetigereyes Posts: 44 Member
    Whether that is enough is up to your comfort zone in regard to exercise. To lose fat, you will need to be in a calorie deficit. You can do this any way you want. You can just cut what you eat and not exercise. I do not recomend that though. You can cut what you eat, and exersice. That's probably the best thing. Or you could eat like you normally do and exercise like crazy...but being successful that way doesn't lead to long term success because you will get injured and tired before you learn how to eat properly.

    So. Either way. focus on your nutrition first.
    ^--- This on the nutrition. It's about 80% nutrition, 20% exercise to reach your goals.

    Abs are created in the kitchen!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    or do I need a bit more? want to lose a stone and tone up for summer. thanks

    Your weight loss will be defined by what you eat, not how you exercise.
  • Bunnyeye
    Go for it and ENJOY THE INTENSITY TOO!
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I read that you are supposed to get 150 mins of cardio a week for heart health. I use that as my basic guide for the amount of exercise per week. Like the other posters have said, what you eat is an important factor too for weight los. You might find that this is enough exercise depending on how many calories you ate eating.

    I would suggest doing an extra day of weights. I started strength training this summer at just 1 day a week (about 30 mins). I saw much better, faster results in appearance and strength when I added an additional usually takes me now about 40 mins to get through my routine (b/c I added extra sets). Just something to consider.
  • parmoute
    parmoute Posts: 99 Member
    If you aren't already mentally adding warm up/cool down time to what you listed, you might want to consider breaking up the yoga into three 20 minute blocks and using that to stretch before the workouts. Then you can add something else on Fridays: shred/weights Mon/Fri and running Wed might be good if it fits your schedule. Yoga has a lot of benefits, but it's a slower way to change your body than strength training, especially if you're only doing it once a week.

    Especially when I'm working out first thing in the morning, I find a short yoga routine much more enjoyable than 'normal' stretching. If you have an iPhone, the All-in Yoga app has some good 15 min options, plus longer sessions (not sure if it's available for Android, sorry).

    Plus another vote for nutrition being key!
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    When I first started, I dropped weight with 100% nutrition only. Of course when I was physically able to start walking again and lifting weights, the weight loss dropped at a faster rate.
  • akachelsea
    I lost a lot of weight initially but doing a ton of cardio. I did cardio four days a week and did weight training three days. Always after my cardio.

    I'm not looking to lose that much this time around so I am sticking with 15-30 min of Zumba, 15-20 of Pilates and on the days that I am not doing Pilates just plain old push ups, cruches, lunges, and calf raises. I can do calf raises and lunges at work :)
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    If you can do more, then go for it!!!! :)))
  • dillydillydoo
    Thank you, all

    Could anyone suggest weekly schedule for max results? Realistically can only do 3 or maybe 4 days a week... Also rather not join gym due to finances. thanks!