Constantly STARVING need filling meals

Since Sunday I have been struggling to keep under my 1200 calorie goal and not eat all my exercise calories back since I have been STARVING. I've been dieting since Monday the 6th and had lost 4.2 pounds on Monday the 13th. I'm not weighing myself again till the 20th. I have gone to the gym or yoga stdio every day since the 1st of the year. So I DON'T eat meat, so what are ideas for meals that are filling and stick with you and are very low calorie? I burn between 300-400 calories a day at the gym and other exercise per my HRM.


  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    do you eat seafood? Beans, lentils. Whatever is protein rich will keep you fuller longer.

    ETA: You are supposed to eat most of your exercise calories back if you aren't. And are you sure 1200 is the right amount for you? Most people should have their settings at 1lb per week or so.
  • softncudly
    softncudly Posts: 722 Member
    I sometimes load soups, stews, chili..,etc with spinach. That tends to help me feel food and it doesn't change the flavor of my meal that much.) And of course drinking a huge glass of water before your meal helps. (Some people eat an apple before having their meals). Best wishes:flowerforyou:
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Can you open your diary? I don't eat meat (I do eat seafood so I'm a pescartain) Feel free to check my food out.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    How do you open your diary
  • teetime304
    teetime304 Posts: 91 Member
    1200 calories seems very low. You shouldn't be trying to lose more than a pound per week. High quality protein and fiber rich foods will keep you full longer. I use a lot of shrimp, chicken, fish and lentils coupled with veggies.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    This may be a radical idea but perhaps you should eat more?
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    How do you open your diary

    Under settings
  • lab1973
    lab1973 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm eating this for lunch today since I've been having the same problem. I know that this is fills me up like crazy and no snacks needed. I can even go to a late dinner if I eat this at lunch!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    You are starving because 1200 calories is already too few for most people and on top of that you are not eating your exercise calories. I suggest finding you TDEE - 20% and working with that calorie range. MFP tends to be a bit low. Also, make sure you are getting enough protein and load up on Veggies.
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    Try this recipe: It is for Potato, Mushroom and Leek Croquettes. If you serve it with a big bunch of greens, and a soft fried egg broken on top it is filling, healthy, non-meat and really GOOD! Also, you can substitute cooking spray for the olive oil and cut that extra little bit out as well. You come in with a whole meal for about 350 or so.

    If you like it let me know. I can throw some other recipes at you!
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    I am finding when I have jacket potato and a piece of fresh fish with veg or salad, it usually fills me up for the night and can be about 400-500 calorie meal.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I haven't looked at your food diary but the first thing I would suggest is that you are NOT supposed be eating LESS than 1200 calories per day. You need a minimum of 1200. That being said, I've been at 1200 and it is harder to get filled up at that level. I do eat meat, but not a lot of it (can't afford it) so I eat LOTS of beans and eggs for protein in addition to nuts, Greek yogurt, and peanut butter. Although some folks say that bread/carbs are evil, I do find that eating my whole wheat bread with added fiber makes me fill fuller. I also eat 6 times per day--not full meals, but schedule a heavy snack three times per day in addition to meals. When I was at 1200 calories, I also ate back almost all of my exercise calories because I was just flat hungry! Now that I've lost to my first goal and have a lesser amount to lose, I've backed off to 1 lb per week and 1430 calories seems like I'm eating all the time!
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    4.2 pounds lost in a week? That is not a sustainable weight loss regimen. You probably actually need to eat more. As for more filling foods, salads and veggies work well for me. Whole fruit and yogurt (unsweetened) are pretty good. Since you are vegetarian you will be getting protein from nuts and beans mostly. Try and stay away from processed grains -- white bread, pastries, etc.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 671 Member
    Eat your exercise calories. You are saying you lost 4.2 pounds in a week, right? That sounds like you are being too restrictive. You'll do better long-term if you lose slowly and keep your calories in a place where you aren't hungry.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Since Sunday I have been struggling to keep under my 1200 calorie goal and not eat all my exercise calories back since I have been STARVING. I've been dieting since Monday the 6th and had lost 4.2 pounds on Monday the 13th. I'm not weighing myself again till the 20th. I have gone to the gym or yoga stdio every day since the 1st of the year. So I DON'T eat meat, so what are ideas for meals that are filling and stick with you and are very low calorie? I burn between 300-400 calories a day at the gym and other exercise per my HRM.

    Incorporate more protein into your diet, keeps you full for longer.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    egg whites (scrambled - or whatever) are high in protein and low in calories and can really fill you up.

    I make a delicious breakfast burrito using egg whites, ham, pepper-jack cheese, and a flat-bread. Look at my Saturday 1/11/14 breakfast. Adjust the proportions to fit your macros.

    Sometimes i will add a little hash browns to it as well (zero calorie spray in the skillet and some onion).
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Eat more of what ever you like. You can lose weight and not starve if you just reduce your caloric deficit to a reasonable amount that you can sustain. If you are burning 300-400 calories a day, eat 300-400 a day more. Seriously. Eat more, starve less. I am only 5'2" and lose weight eating @ 1600/day with limited (at this point) exercise. When I start hitting the gym a bit more I'll increase my calories even more so that I don't starve (or more likely just feel like crap from lack of energy). You need to fuel your body. 1200 isn't' sustainable for many people. Unless you are short and small to start with, my guess is that you are eating too low for what your body burns just doing its thing (look up BMR and TDEE to find out how your metabolism works and what a good deficit/calorie level for you is).

    Big losses are not as sustainable as we see it on TV. Setting a realistic calorie and weight loss goal will be key to long term success. 1-2 lbs is the range recommended by medical professionals.

    Starving ins't a required thing in the weight loss process. Learn, eat, lose.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Since Sunday I have been struggling to keep under my 1200 calorie goal and not eat all my exercise calories back
    And you just posted in another thread about eating maybe 50 of your exercise cals because you often feel weak and shaky. These are not good signs! They are warning signs that your body is not getting enough fuel!

    You need to understand that your daily calorie goal has you at a deficit already (especially at 1200, which is the bare minimum) - this means you could eat all 1200 calories every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight. Burning more cals through exercise creates an even LARGER deficit, which is not good, and cause you all sorts of problems over time - slowed metabolism, hair loss, stalled weight loss, exhaustion, etc. Not fun. And not the results you are going for, I'm sure!

    MFP adds those exercise cals back into your goal to bring your NET cals back up, and to keep that deficit reasonable. You are supposed to eat them back.

    The plan works and it works well, but of course it's only as good as the info you give it. I'm willing to bet that unless you are a very very tiny person, 1200 cals is less than your BMR - less than what you'd get if you were in a coma in the hospital. And you're eating less than that, and then burning more off through exercise. And feeling weak and shaky - your body wants more fuel!

    Set up your goals realistically in MFP - if you don't have 75-100 lbs to lose, don't set your goal to lose 2lbs a week - that's not realistic. Set it for 1/2 or 1 lb a week. Log your food as accurately as possible - use measuring cups and a food scale. Log your exercise as accurately as possible as well - invest in a good heart rate monitor or a Fitbit or some other gadget that will give you a better idea of what you're actually burning. And then make sure you are fueling your body - don't sell it short by pushing through exercise and then barely eating anything.

    Besides eating the proper amount of calories, you can also help keep yourself feeling full longer by eating good amounts of protein and healthy fats.

    Good luck.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Eat your exercise calories. You are saying you lost 4.2 pounds in a week, right? That sounds like you are being too restrictive. You'll do better long-term if you lose slowly and keep your calories in a place where you aren't hungry.

    She just started a diet. It's almost certain that the bulk of that 4.2 lbs is water weight being shed, as opposed to 1200 calories/day somehow accounted for a 14000 calorie deficit on her first week.

    As others have said - eat protein with each meal and avoid meals/snacks that are purely carbs.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Just yesterday you had reply after reply suggesting you NOT limit yourself to 1200 calories.

    Start there.

    You're setting yourself up for FAILURE. I hate to say.