Home circuit training vids for 13 year old son



  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    I would start him with weights. My son started lifting around his age and has been for about two years. His strength is awesome now. He is getting his younger cousin involved, and his cousin now has had some of his friends join. They lift at school - does the high school or middle school have a weight and fitness room available for student use?
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    How about an organized sport with his peers?
  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    I always try different workout videos, and I came across one a long time ago called AgilityX: LW8

    Here's my full post about it: http://fabworkoutdvds.blogspot.com/2011_04_01_archive.html

    Basically, the instructor uses 8 different moves to make up the whole workout. There are 4 animal moves, which are your high intensity cardio, then there are 4 kickboxing moves which are your recovery sections. The instructor's name is Kenny Kane.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Has he expressed any particular interest in one of the videos he's tried? I would think that'd be a good starting point.

    My first thought was something martial arts related too - kickboxing, maybe even tae-bo. It's functional and fun.

    I'll also agree with some sort of at home body weight circuit like the one linked above from nerdfitness. Put on your favorite tunes and get movin'!

    I was thinking Tae Bo or kickboxing too.

    At the very least a male instructor might be motivating............some names to look for

    Billy Blanks
    Bob Harper
    Paul Katami....do you have a kettlebell?
    Kendell Hogan...........tons of ExerciseTV videos on youtube
    Tony Horton
    Chris Powell
  • rltigger2
    any chance you guys have a Wii game console...my niece and her friends love to play games like bowling, there is also a Wii fitness young adults games and we have a great time during the many Oregon rainy days playing these as a workout...the bowling is like going to the lanes if you get into it. the kids also got Dance party for the Wii...just like dance dance revolution (ddr) that is a real workout and the kids have a blast...
    Good luck but make it fun...the Wii was my best investment for my kids when it first came out and they are 21 and 22 still using it!!!
  • MellyLikestoRun
    MellyLikestoRun Posts: 83 Member
    THANK YOU THANK YOU for all your great suggestions!
    We now have a pretty good bunch of ideas to work with.
    I'll have to come back in a few months with an update. :)