Are you as supportive face to face?

Hi! I've received a lot of positive and encouraging feedback here. From what I've read that's what most of us have experienced on MFP. I was wondering if you are as supportive face to face, in your everyday life? I'd like to say I'm positive and encouraging to others but that's something I need to work on.


  • nubreeze33
    I work really hard at trying to be what I am behind the screen and in person so i'd say yes! I have bad moody days but over all and at the end of the day yes i'm as supportive face to face.
  • nonoark
    nonoark Posts: 153 Member
    In person I tend to be more positive and supportive then others, so I guess yes. I never really thought about it, but I really like seeing the best in people and believe that if I can't show it, then it is not them loosing, but me. Thanks for giving me "food for thought"!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    What an interesting question! I think so. When I'm at the gym or talking to someone about their weight, their struggles and their journey...even if they are a stranger, I have instant empathy. My heart is instant jello pudding and I want to give them a hug, tell them it will be okay and that they can do this. The few woman I've already met at the gym are amazing, just like women on here. I hear their stories and encourage them in any way that I can, if they need it! :o)

    Really interesting question though! :o)
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I think so. Maybe even more so. I have never felt good about putting some one down or saying things that are discouraging. And that is even if they are discouraging to me.
  • Dreamgirl97
    Dreamgirl97 Posts: 106 Member
    Yeah, I would say I am. My husband and friends joke that I can find an attractive quality in any person. Maybe, it is because I have been so overweight for most of my life and I know what it feels like to have someone say bad things about you; I just don’t think there is a point in putting someone down.
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    I am for sure. However, I will say this....people who complain about their life and won't fix it, I have not much sensitivity towards. Be it weight loss, unemployment, etc. I have the most encouragement and praise for those who are really going after it and need that bump! Those who are doing it just to justify to themselves that they aren't lazy when they really are usually tend to stay away from me LOL.

    I think that's why we are all so supportive on here....we KNOW that we're doing something about it. If there was someone on here who doesn't log their diary or blog or discuss and complained over and over about being 'fat' I doubt they'd get much support, either.
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    Thanks for the answers and comments. For me I think it's a lack of self-confidence. The better I feel about myself, the more I encourage others. Weight shouldn't matter so much but I think a lot of it was knowing that I wasn't as strong or healthy as I could be.

    I really appreciate all the encouragement I receive here and I enjoy encouraging. I'll work on putting it more to practice face to face!

    Have a positive, amazing day!
  • kerrera
    I always try to be. I talk to random people at gym about getting fit and the losing weight journey.
    I find the nature of this site means we can be a bit more supportive and understanding. i like the ping of the email when one of my online friends has congratulated me on a loss or a good day really bouys me up.
    I have found the least supportive people to be the slim saboteurs in the office bringing in cakes and telling me to stop losing weight. I am still classed as medicially obese at 189lbs BMI 30.1 and able to run 3 miles a day and i aim to be overweight very soon.