(My Story) I became Obese and I'm Ashamed

When I was a little girl I was very active, with gymnastics and cheerleading, I was a social butterfly and loved the outside. My little brother was pretty much the same way. When my parents divorced when I was seven I was forced to quit all that because my mom no longer had time to take me as she was working on her master’s degree. That’s when things started to get bad, I started getting bullied in school and I was becoming less like a social butterfly and more like a recluse. After my mom finished her master’s degree she got a new job, built a house where her job was because the 1.5 hour commute was doing no good for the little shattered family. So she upped and moved us, that is when I really started gaining a lot of weight. The bullying got worse as the weight kept adding on, I was called monkey girl, four eyes, fatso, and much more vulgar things. My mom became abusive towards me and I pretty much just locked myself away from the world, I went to school hugging my books, my head lowered to the ground and passed by as people laughed and called me names. Every day was a struggle for me and I just gained more weight. My junior year in high school I decided to join the swim team, it did me a lot of good, I swam my frustrations and emotions away. The kids who picked on me found out and they would come to the swim meets and make fun of me before my races, I literally broke down in tears during one of my 500yr races. As my goggles filled with tears all I think was “just keep swimming just keep swimming” I have Dory to thank for motivating me to not give up.

After graduating high school I no longer had swim team which was a real bummer to me and I just gained all my weight back. In college I gained more weight because I was just depressed. My mom kept abusing me and making me feel worthless, she had me always taking care of my brother when it should have been her job. For a year that I was away for college she paid NONE of it accept 100 dollars a month for food, drinks and personal products(my fellow women, we know how expensive that could get). My grandmother paid all of my tuition and books and dorm fees while I was away, she had given me so much I couldn’t tell her that I was practically starving. I would go to events at the school when they had free food just to eat; I had no friends because I had no money to go out with them. My days were going to class, go to the gym, and go to my room and study. I finally had no choice but to move back to my mom’s because I was just so unhappy and starving. I had lost no weight but I had gained none either. Mom was abusive once again as soon as I moved back home, I quit school to get a job and she would take most of my paychecks saying how I owe her. If I fought her it just ended up with me getting smacked around.

Finally one day I stood up to her and told her I was done being the mother to my brother, and being taken advantage of. She kicked me out 5 days later, thankfully my grandmother took me in my mom took EVERYTHING she could from me. I got super depressed and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 20. I was falling apart, no mom, no dad, and my mom had poised my brother’s mind and I’ve lost him too. I am now 22 years old, I’m 5’2”, I weigh 191 pounds which is considered very obese, I have social anxiety and I tend to lock myself away. I have done this for so long I never feel comfortable going out much and I make up excuses to not go out when friends invite me. I am ashamed of what I have become, I can’t stand looking in the mirror because when I see my body all I want to do is cry and shatter the mirror. I hide behind baggy clothes and school sweaters. I work full time, I go to school full time, I help take care of my grandmother and I keep pushing daily to keep myself from wanting to just quit and run away from it all. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see something beautiful not something I am ashamed of. I am making a change to my life and I am thankful for my grandmother and friends who support me and my choice to seriously change. I am looking to lose about 50 pounds to start out with. I know with encouragement, motivation, and help from MFP and others on it I CAN reach this goal. I also have doctors helping me as my weight has caused a lot of medical and health problems. I will reach my goal; I have to if I want to be able to be myself again. The real me; not the recluse.

I am 22 years old, I’ve been through things I should have never gone through, I am 5’2”, I weigh 191 pounds and I will reach my goal of losing 50, I will one day be able to look in a mirror and see beauty not shame.

*Note: My grandmother now knows now how my mom treated me. She knows how my mom practically tried starving me in college and took my money. My grandmother is appalled by how her own daughter would act after she had raised her so fairly. My grandmother and I are like best friends we have our fights but the best part is we are all better by the next day. My grandmother is the greatest person in my life, thanks to her I am not homeless and I’m able to get an education. My grandmother and I no longer have contact with either of my parents or my brother. My family is shattered but I am grateful to have my grandma. You choose who your friends and family are, blood means nothing.

Live The Life You Love, Love The Life You Live.


  • When I was a little girl I was very active, with gymnastics and cheerleading, I was a social butterfly and loved the outside. My little brother was pretty much the same way. When my parents divorced when I was seven I was forced to quit all that because my mom no longer had time to take me as she was working on her master’s degree. That’s when things started to get bad, I started getting bullied in school and I was becoming less like a social butterfly and more like a recluse. After my mom finished her master’s degree she got a new job, built a house where her job was because the 1.5 hour commute was doing no good for the little shattered family. So she upped and moved us, that is when I really started gaining a lot of weight. The bullying got worse as the weight kept adding on, I was called monkey girl, four eyes, fatso, and much more vulgar things. My mom became abusive towards me and I pretty much just locked myself away from the world, I went to school hugging my books, my head lowered to the ground and passed by as people laughed and called me names. Every day was a struggle for me and I just gained more weight. My junior year in high school I decided to join the swim team, it did me a lot of good, I swam my frustrations and emotions away. The kids who picked on me found out and they would come to the swim meets and make fun of me before my races, I literally broke down in tears during one of my 500yr races. As my goggles filled with tears all I think was “just keep swimming just keep swimming” I have Dory to thank for motivating me to not give up.

    After graduating high school I no longer had swim team which was a real bummer to me and I just gained all my weight back. In college I gained more weight because I was just depressed. My mom kept abusing me and making me feel worthless, she had me always taking care of my brother when it should have been her job. For a year that I was away for college she paid NONE of it accept 100 dollars a month for food, drinks and personal products(my fellow women, we know how expensive that could get). My grandmother paid all of my tuition and books and dorm fees while I was away, she had given me so much I couldn’t tell her that I was practically starving. I would go to events at the school when they had free food just to eat; I had no friends because I had no money to go out with them. My days were going to class, go to the gym, and go to my room and study. I finally had no choice but to move back to my mom’s because I was just so unhappy and starving. I had lost no weight but I had gained none either. Mom was abusive once again as soon as I moved back home, I quit school to get a job and she would take most of my paychecks saying how I owe her. If I fought her it just ended up with me getting smacked around.

    Finally one day I stood up to her and told her I was done being the mother to my brother, and being taken advantage of. She kicked me out 5 days later, thankfully my grandmother took me in my mom took EVERYTHING she could from me. I got super depressed and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 20. I was falling apart, no mom, no dad, and my mom had poised my brother’s mind and I’ve lost him too. I am now 22 years old, I’m 5’2”, I weigh 191 pounds which is considered very obese, I have social anxiety and I tend to lock myself away. I have done this for so long I never feel comfortable going out much and I make up excuses to not go out when friends invite me. I am ashamed of what I have become, I can’t stand looking in the mirror because when I see my body all I want to do is cry and shatter the mirror. I hide behind baggy clothes and school sweaters. I work full time, I go to school full time, I help take care of my grandmother and I keep pushing daily to keep myself from wanting to just quit and run away from it all. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see something beautiful not something I am ashamed of. I am making a change to my life and I am thankful for my grandmother and friends who support me and my choice to seriously change. I am looking to lose about 50 pounds to start out with. I know with encouragement, motivation, and help from MFP and others on it I CAN reach this goal. I also have doctors helping me as my weight has caused a lot of medical and health problems. I will reach my goal; I have to if I want to be able to be myself again. The real me; not the recluse.

    I am 22 years old, I’ve been through things I should have never gone through, I am 5’2”, I weigh 191 pounds and I will reach my goal of losing 50, I will one day be able to look in a mirror and see beauty not shame.

    *Note: My grandmother now knows now how my mom treated me. She knows how my mom practically tried starving me in college and took my money. My grandmother is appalled by how her own daughter would act after she had raised her so fairly. My grandmother and I are like best friends we have our fights but the best part is we are all better by the next day. My grandmother is the greatest person in my life, thanks to her I am not homeless and I’m able to get an education. My grandmother and I no longer have contact with either of my parents or my brother. My family is shattered but I am grateful to have my grandma. You choose who your friends and family are, blood means nothing.

    Live The Life You Love, Love The Life You Live.

    Is that you in the pic?
  • No, I just love zebras.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    You can do this. I had abusive parents also that made me feel so worthless always on to me asking how much bigger are you going to get, how many sandwiches are you eating today, do you have fluid, get a bicycle,etc etc. When I went thru a divorce, they were there for him, go figure. They were more concerned with him than me. Yep, life is not fair. I agree you have to find supportive people, glad you have your grandma. I have a good husband now who is very supportive. I lost the weight and you can also, take care of yourself, MFP has been a lifesaver for me. YOu will be proud of yourself and not ashamed.
  • Your story has touched me........I am so sorry you have gone through such a sad life......u are a strong woman! I know what divorce can do to children ...I have seen it with my own.....I have 3 beautiful kids......both my girls put weight on during this time while I dropped due to stress.................my one daughter does deal with being bullied n school. I have had them in counciling to help them deal with the emotional aspect. I currently am working hard at `cooking right for my family and being active as a family. I am sure there are days when you feel that its all too much for you....u care for your grandma which is so respectful and loving. You are a young woman and you seen to have the determination to change! You can do this....Do not judge yourself by what the mirror reflects...you are a beautiful person!!
  • Thank you for your comments. I just hope people see that no matter what you can change if you jsut really set your mind to it.
  • I think your quote will be what defines you the most "Live The Life You Love, Love The Life You Live". Fortunately for you, you have had an active childhood and an active social life, which means you know how to do that now once you start putting positve things and people back in your life. Your Grandma is a start in the right direction. I know it is easier said than done, especially when you are so young, but once you forgive and forget your family life and move on making the right decisions with the life you choose to have then the pain and the trauma will give away to security and happiness which will equal weight loss. Don't let the things that you couldn't control change who you are now. You are an adult and you can be in control. I have confidence in you that you can do this, you have to want it as much as I want it for you. Please start the rest of your life.
  • I always knew you had it bad babe, but you never went into details like this.
    As always, I will be here for you my love. and together we will get into shape! :)
  • Alsm77
    Alsm77 Posts: 21 Member
    please feel free to add me, hope we can support eachother
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    It's not the reflection in a mirror or the outward appearance that makes someone beautiful. You are already beautiful. :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for sharing your story. I never had the problems that you did growing up but I was also fat and uncomfortable in my own skin, and still am. I was also very close to my Mom's Mom. In fact, she is now 99 and my parents are living with her. I also have 50 lbs. to lose. If you need friends on MFP to help you through feel free to add me:)
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    oh sweetie!! I've been there. How I have been there and back again! This is a great community full of great people. It took me a long time to get out of those psychological gray areas. Bipolar won't make it easy on you, but I'm telling you the journey is worth making. Every tear, and sore muscle, and mocking voice is worth dealing with when the payoff is the feeling you get the first time you feel the kind of empowerment that can come from investing in yourself and honoring your body by taking these first steps. Those of us raised in depraved backgrounds have even more set backs than usual because we must learn skills that should have been taught to us long ago by our parents, with little or no guidance. Things like how to love ourselves, how to greive for ourselves, and how to find value in eachother are not natural born human attributes. But I'm telling you, from experience, you can learn these things and find value in them. And you are already taking these first steps, so good for you!!

    Start off with baby steps. Record everything you eat, and make no apologies for days you binge. Just record them, and when you are ready, look back and think about what was going on with you, and what triggered you to seek comfort in that. I learned the most about myself when I examined truthfully and prvately what made me binge. Also, never apologize for occupyinig space. You deserve every inch you occupy, and if someone has a problem with it, it's their problem to deal with, not yours. Stop worrying about other people. it takes practice, but when you reach that point, it is ah-maz-ing!! Being selfish is healthy when it comes to your space and body. Most women aren't taught that, which is a damn shame. Finally, when you decide to start exercising, you don't have to go to a gym. Just find something fun to do, so fun that you forget you are exercising. For me it was dancing, for you maybe swimming? As long as you are moving and having fun, it won't seem like a chore, but like an outing. To me, that made all the difference when I started out. Finally, this is a long journey. Repeat that to yourself. This journey I am on is a long one. I will hit a few bumps, I may stray off the path for a bit, I may even stumble and fall, but as long as I keep the main road in sight, I can pick myself up and get back on. None of these set backs are set backs if you learn something about yourself in the process.

    Gook luck!
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Please see a professional, if you're not currently. Weight loss will come with time, but it sounds like you really need the kind of help you're not likely going to find here.

    I know it took a lot of courage for you to post your history. Please believe that you are a worthwhile person. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you are awesome, that you are not goin to be defined by someone else. You define yourself. YOU will gain success with your own hard work. YOU are worth the effort you put in. YOU were born to BE AMAZING, but you have to want it, and work for it.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    That is rough! Good thing you have your grandma! On an inspirational note I'm 5'1 and started about 6 months ago at almost 220lbs! I am now 63 lbs lighter, 58lbs lost on MFP. It seems like a lot to take on but it is completely doable! Set your mind to it and you will achieve it!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Good luck on your health journey!
  • vjtadeo
    vjtadeo Posts: 8 Member
    I too, am on the journey to lose at minimum 117 lbs. I have arthritis in both knees, my hips and my back, plus I also have diabetic neuropathy in both feet. I am trying to become more active and am starting to take short walks daily and hopefully build up to walking at least 30 minutes a day.
    I didn't start gaining weight till I graduated and moved out on my own. I have been obese for close to 30 years now. I have also lost weight before and gained it all back several times. This time I am looking to make a lifestyle change, not just diet to lose weight and then go back to my old eating habits.
    I am here to support anyone and everyone who needs encouragement. Heaven knows I need all the help I can get.
    My husband is very supportive of me and my efforts to lose weight.
    I am hoping with losing some weight, it will help with the health issues I now face. I don't want to be in pain & hurt all the time. I want to be able to do fun things with my husband.
    Any support will be greatly appreciated.
  • SaucySailoress
    SaucySailoress Posts: 1 Member
    Parents suck big time.

    I lost 12kg one summer, after a family blow up, and the confidence I gained with a healthier body and less embarrassing curves helped me pulled my head back in. Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Please see a professional, if you're not currently. Weight loss will come with time, but it sounds like you really need the kind of help you're not likely going to find here.

    I know it took a lot of courage for you to post your history. Please believe that you are a worthwhile person. Look in the mirror, and tell yourself that you are awesome, that you are not goin to be defined by someone else. You define yourself. YOU will gain success with your own hard work. YOU are worth the effort you put in. YOU were born to BE AMAZING, but you have to want it, and work for it.

    This is what I was thinking as well. OP, I am so glad you poured out your heart and told us your story. I believe that you will make the changes and you sound very determined to improve the aspects of your life that are unsatisfactory to you.

    Working on those past hurts is going to be a challenge though, at any weight. Also, we can have issues from being hungry at some point in our lives even if it seems ridiculous to say that because you were at a healthy weight or even overweight...it can still become part of having issues with food.

    I know this because even though my life has been a lot different and my parents were more supportive, for several years during college (and after) I was supporting myself with part- or full-time work (paying my own rent, bills, everything) and I felt that I could not possibly ask my father & stepmother for any other help because they were paying my tuition (kind of like the situation with your grandmother). I literally could not afford food a lot of the time, or any extras at all, and I would jump at the chance to get free food anywhere w/o seeming like I was poor or hungry. It adds an extra element of shame when you're overweight too and hungry. Counseling can help with everything, believe me. I believe you owe it to yourself to at least make a few calls and see about income-based therapy/counseling that may be available in your area.