"starvation" mode



  • ginnyroxx
    okay someone please help me here.
    if my BMR calculates to 1530

    and i'm on the 2 lb a week plan
    it gives me 1200 calories a day.

    if i eat all my exercise calories - that leaves me with about a 300 calorie deficit every day.
    for the week that's only 2100 calories....not even a pound

    so how in the HELLO am i supposed to be losing 2 pounds a week eating all my workout calories.

    please please please

    some explain that to me like i'm 5 yrs old.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Just because you're aiming for 2 lbs/week doesn't mean you'll actually LOSE 2 lbs./week.
    Not all weeks are created equal, and the sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.
    Instead of having an absolute number in your brain that you're going to lose each week,
    you should have a more realistic RANGE in mind.
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    How long are you going to be able to stick with such low calorie intake? Guess what! after you start eating even slightly more, the weight will start piling back up! Because your metabolism is way down!
    Good luck!

    Your metabolism doesn't decrease that much and it's only when you drastically decrease your calories that it may lower by 10%. With any diet, you're going to have to slowly increase your calorie intake once you get to maintenance in order to prevent weight gain.
  • ginnyroxx
    Just because you're aiming for 2 lbs/week doesn't mean you'll actually LOSE 2 lbs./week.
    Not all weeks are created equal, and the sooner you accept that, the better off you'll be.
    Instead of having an absolute number in your brain that you're going to lose each week,
    you should have a more realistic RANGE in mind.
    at this point i'd take any RANGE

    this didn't answer my question though.
    the math is right there.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I'm not a mathemetician, thankfully
    Then again, there isn't a pound/calorie absolute, so I don't worry about it at all.

    Me, when I was in loss mode, on the weeks I lost, it was anywhere from .5-2 lbs. a week
    (but rarely ever 2 lbs.). I ate those activity calories when I was hungry or just wanted to splurge.
    I never had a problem losing weight.

  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member
    okay someone please help me here.
    if my BMR calculates to 1530

    and i'm on the 2 lb a week plan
    it gives me 1200 calories a day.

    if i eat all my exercise calories - that leaves me with about a 300 calorie deficit every day.
    for the week that's only 2100 calories....not even a pound

    so how in the HELLO am i supposed to be losing 2 pounds a week eating all my workout calories.

    please please please

    some explain that to me like i'm 5 yrs old.

    Ok, I'll take a shot.

    When you set up your goals to lose 2 lbs a week, mfp already created that 1000 calorie deficit (or however many to get to 1200 since I *think* mfp doesn't let you go below that). So, in theory, you can still eat your exercise calories back and still have that 1000 calorie deficit.
  • ginnyroxx
    okay someone please help me here.
    if my BMR calculates to 1530

    and i'm on the 2 lb a week plan
    it gives me 1200 calories a day.

    if i eat all my exercise calories - that leaves me with about a 300 calorie deficit every day.
    for the week that's only 2100 calories....not even a pound

    so how in the HELLO am i supposed to be losing 2 pounds a week eating all my workout calories.

    please please please

    some explain that to me like i'm 5 yrs old.

    Ok, I'll take a shot.

    When you set up your goals to lose 2 lbs a week, mfp already created that 1000 calorie deficit (or however many to get to 1200 since I *think* mfp doesn't let you go below that). So, in theory, you can still eat your exercise calories back and still have that 1000 calorie deficit.

    right. i get it won't allow me to get under 1200 calories
    the deficit created, therefor, is only 330

    i'm 187 pounds at 5.5"
    i have the weight to lose
  • ginnyroxx
    I'm not a mathemetician, thankfully
    Then again, there isn't a pound/calorie absolute, so I don't worry about it at all.

    Me, when I was in loss mode, on the weeks I lost, it was anywhere from .5-2 lbs. a week
    (but rarely ever 2 lbs.). I ate those activity calories when I was hungry or just wanted to splurge.
    I never had a problem losing weight.

    this is realistic for me.
    if i can view my exercise calories as extra credit - my mind can wrap itself around that.
    but to be told i have to eat back most of them to lose weight....just doesn't add up for me.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,653 Member

    right. i get it won't allow me to get under 1200 calories
    the deficit created, therefor, is only 330

    i'm 187 pounds at 5.5"
    i have the weight to lose

    But, unless you're in a coma, you're not just working with your bmr calories. There's going to be an activity multiplier in there too so that'll give you extra calories. So if mfp is putting you at 1200 with your deficit at 1000 calories a week, your bmr plus activity is around 2200? So it's not really a 330 calorie deficit.

    Have I ever mentioned that math makes my head expode? :smile:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    BMR is not maintenance, BMR is between 60 and 75% of your maintenance calories. So 1200 calories is not 300 below your maintenance, it's more like 800 to 900 below.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    @ Virgierox

    basically you need to do what works for you and forget the numbers. If you are not losing eating your exercise calories dont eat them. Start by only eating 3/4 of them and work your way down til you are losing at a rate thats acceptable to you (2lb ish)

    The numbers on here are only a guide, everyone of us is different. it says I need 2130 to maintain but i was still gaining 3lb a month on 1800 and working my way down until i was static saw me at 1300 so I have to go below recommendations to lose. I do it as healthily as possible, plenty of vegetables and a vitamin tablet. When I reach goal I will up my calories slowly, and healthily to , raise my "lowered due to dieting" metabolism but I realise I will never be able to eat what are considered "normal" sized portions
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    If you have so many question on how the site is set up and what is right for you it is always recommended you consult your doctor before starting any fitness plan. So if you don't think what MFP is right with what it has laid out for you please see you doctor they will be able to help you break it down to your individual level. Every body is different. Your doctor can and will help you find out what is healthy for you. But please if you are having this many questions about whats going in and whats going out SEE YOUR DOCTOR!
  • ginnyroxx
    my dr said it's calories in / calories out.
    i've read enough here to see that there may be 2nd (3rd, 4th, 5th) opinions and i'm open to taking input from each one.

    idk if you're post was directed at me, nsueflorence, but i don't think my questions are excessive. this is what the boards are for, no?
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I think your question is totally reasonable. I don't get the whole "consult your doctor, this may not be the place for you" comment either. It IS all about calories in/calories out. If you have reasonable expectations, are honest with your food diary and consume less than you burn, you *should* lose weight.

    Keep it simple & enjoy yourself.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    my dr said it's calories in / calories out.
    i've read enough here to see that there may be 2nd (3rd, 4th, 5th) opinions and i'm open to taking input from each one.

    idk if you're post was directed at me, nsueflorence, but i don't think my questions are excessive. this is what the boards are for, no?

    well, calories in vs calories out is the very simple explanation, and to a degree that's true, but it's also about quality of calories (I.E. you can't eat 1200 calories worth of twinkies for an extended period and expect not to have serious health issues). Eating less than you burn in a day is how you lose weight, but if you want to be sucessful IMHO, it's about changing your lifestyle so that you can keep the weight off, not just lose it.
  • ginnyroxx
    Well, calories in vs calories out is the very simple explanation, and to a degree that's true, but it's also about quality of calories (I.E. you can't eat 1200 calories worth of twinkies for an extended period and expect not to have serious health issues). Eating less than you burn in a day is how you lose weight, but if you want to be sucessful IMHO, it's about changing your lifestyle so that you can keep the weight off, not just lose it.
    Yes...I'm learning that along the way, as well. This past weekend was a bitter to pill to swallow when i stayed within my calories but ate out for various reasons. That sodium is a killer on me and I'm not full for as long.

    Thank you for taking the time to help me understand. I finally do.
  • crissi66

    I'm so sick of hearing about starvation mode and how it could be sabatoging weight loss. I understand the principle, but enough already. To lose weight you have to take in less calories than you burn. Simple as that.

    In my early 20's, I was working out at least 2-3 hours every single day (most of that was cardio with about 30 min strength or circuit training 3-4 times weekly). So while working out that much, I was eating MAYBE 1000 calories a day. MAYBE. Was that very healthy? Probably not. But you know what? I lost a ton of weight AND had a very firm toned body AND dropped my body fat significantly. So enough about starvation mode and how it's ruining weight loss. I hate that message for the 5 week prediction that if the daily calories is even slightly less than the targeted amount it mentions starvation mode. It's frustrating because I'm trying to do it right this time and I don't want to hear about starvation mode anymore.

    I know a lot of people will disagree, but this post is not to start a debate or get people angry. I'm just frustrated.

    End of rant.

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!! If one more person tells me I need to eat more, you guys are gonna be reading about me opening fire ang killing people in the newspaper. I eat when i feel hungry and snack if i want too. Eating like i was a bottomless pit got me in this situation!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    personally i think it is different for everyone, for some people starvation mode may be a real factor, for others it might not matter how little they eat.
  • Chelsey8D
    Then maybe MFP isn't for you.

    What a rude thing to say on a site that is supposed to HELP and SUPPORT others during their weight loss.

    Maybe you're just jealous that some people don't need to hit their calorie goal- everyone is different; just because 1200-1800 calories is the rule of thumb doesn't mean it is the correct thing for every single body type.

    but anyways- here is a really interesting article about the subject-

  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    THANK YOU for posting that AND AMEN! The main problem with going very low is when you re-introduce normal sized portions, it needs to be done slowly with the correct foods to bring it metabolic rate back up, if that is done you are no more likely to regain the weight lost than any other person