4 round fight: Good brain vs bad brain

So, I don't know if you're all like me; but I have a good brain and a bad brain...kinda like the whole devil/angel on each shoulder. The was my early morning inner-boxing match:


GB: That was the alarm. Gotta get up and workout.
BB: But, the bed is soooooo comfy...and sooooo warm. I'll tell you what. We can compromise. We'll do the workout when we get home from work.
GB: You know we won't do that. We say we will, we'll mean to, but we won't. We have to get up.
BB: I promise! It won't be like the last million times. We'll really do it this time!
GB: You know what? It will be different this time.....we're getting up right now!

Round 1 goes to: GOOD BRAIN!

ROUND 2 (while doing a really difficult part of the ab workout for T25 where I could barely keep up with the modifier):

BB: Dude! We are NEVER gonna be able to this! It's waaaaaay too hard.....look at that skinny b@tch! Doin' it perfectly.
GB: *sigh* You're right. This sucks. We suck.
BB: I told you we should've stayed in bed.
GB: You know what? No. We shouldn't have. This is the first we've worked out in a long time, we're really out of shape. It's gonna take time...but we'll be able to do everything the skinny CHICK can do!

Round 2 goes to: GOOD BRAIN again!!!

Round 3 (moments after round 2)

BB: Ok....yeah. See we can do this. We're gonna kick butt every day. We're gonna get up early and work out. We're gonna be motivated and positive every second of every day! We're gonna push ourself to the limit every work out...no matter what!!!
GB: Whoa, whoa, whoa! No. We're gonna give ourselves a high five for what we do right TODAY. But we're also going to try really hard to remember that we're not gonna be perfect...not even close. We're gonna screw up. We're gonna fall off the wagon. There will be bumps and roadblocks. We're gonna learn how to cut ourself some slack so that we don't quit!

Round 3 goes to: GOOD BRAIN, yet again!!!

Round 4 - FINAL ROUND (post-workout, I went to make my protein shake only to discover the brand new container of almond milk had something wrong with it so I couldn't make my protein shake)

BB: Great! Just great! We need protein! Not having this shake messes up our whole day! This happens EVERY TIME! We screw up this stupid nutrition stuff every time we try this. We suck. Why do we even bother?!?!
GB: Wait. Just hold on one second. Take a breath. Ok, now another. Remember that whole thing we just talked about a little while ago? About how we're not gonna expect to be perfect with our workouts? Same thing with our food. We're gonna screw up. We're gonna miss protein shakes. Occasionally that birthday cake in the office is gonna be just waaaaay too tempting. And there's no way on earth we are permanently giving up French Fries!!! We're gonna learn to make good choices....AND to forgive ourself when we make bad ones. We got this.


That was my morning....well, inside my head (I promise, I'm not as crazy as that makes me look!). Those are HUGE steps for me. Anyone who knows me (which is literally only 2 people on this site) knows that I give up easy. Not too long ago, I would've stayed in bed, or stopped my workout, or spent the whole day eating junk because of one hiccup in my food plan.....and if I had managed to overcome any, or all, of that....I would've had myself believing that this is gonna be a cake walk (oh....and I did turn down the bday cake at work today) and that I'd never screw up again.....making the next stumble feel twice as bad.

I guess this was just a (really) long, but hopefully somewhat entertaining, way of say kudos to me!!! :glasses:

(P.S. I know "ourself" is not actually a real word...but "ourselves" didn't really sound right......I'm a little bit of a grammar nerd! LOL)


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