Almond Butter or Peanut Butter

So I heard that Almond butter is much better than Peanut butter but I was shocked to learn that 1 teaspoon is 90 calories (I had 2, ugh) and 7 grams of fat..... Isn't that bad ? What's the difference between the 2 then?


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    Cookie Butter is my answer.
  • It's very nutritionally dense, but not very satisfying. You always want more! At least for me...there's nothing wrong with peanut butter, unless you're allergic to it. Personally, I'm allergic to almonds. I'm using sunflower seed butter, which has less calories than peanut or almond butter. I don't worry about the fat content.
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    Both are high in fat, which means they're calorically dense, but it's healthful fat. All nut butters are delicious and good for you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I prefer peanut butter. Almond butter doesn't have much taste IMO. The difference between them is basically the difference between peanuts and almonds. Both are nutritious and high calorie because they are high fat.

    Whoever told you almond butter is "much better" is either talking about personal preference or they are probably one of those "legumes are unhealthy" crazies.
  • MarieRich
    MarieRich Posts: 87 Member
    They are one in the same. Some protein mixed with a buncha fat. I make the peanut butter clouds when the need hits. 3 tbls PB, 1 container lite cool whip. Divide into 12 muffin cups and freeze. Yummo at 73 calories.
  • ashzacher
    ashzacher Posts: 114 Member
    Peanuts & almonds are both nuts, so they will both be somewhat fatty. Here is an article that may help!

    I enjoy both! I just try to find a brand that is natural with no added sugar. Hope this helps. :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    high calorie/fat content =/= bad. Fat is good for you and quite healthy, it is much needed for many of the bodies functions and health.
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Both peanut and almond butter are good sources of the heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. However, almond butter is a slightly better source, with 5 grams per tablespoon versus 3.3 grams-per-tablespoon in peanut butter. Almond butter is a better source of fiber. Almond butter has four times more vitamin E than peanut butter. Almond butter is a btter source of calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. Almond butter has a bit more fat than peanut butter, but that includes more monounsaturated fat and about half the amount of saturated fat. It also has fewer carbohydrates so it has about the same number of calories as peanut butter.

    There you go.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    They are one in the same. Some protein mixed with a buncha fat. I make the peanut butter clouds when the need hits. 3 tbls PB, 1 container lite cool whip. Divide into 12 muffin cups and freeze. Yummo at 73 calories.

    OMG that sounds so good thanks Definately going to make these
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    They are one in the same. Some protein mixed with a buncha fat. I make the peanut butter clouds when the need hits. 3 tbls PB, 1 container lite cool whip. Divide into 12 muffin cups and freeze. Yummo at 73 calories.
    YUM! Will have to try this.
  • lowfatveg
    lowfatveg Posts: 19 Member
    Didn't know there was such a thing as almond butter going to have to get some to try I love almonds:happy:
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if there is a difference, its basically in taste only.

    if you want a healthier nut butter, go with natural, less sugar
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    btw, when i was eating 'clean', i would often break down and smear anywhere between 2-5 servings on two waffles. 5 servings would be 1000 cals, and would be pretty easy to do if you don't sit there with a teaspoon. i just eat a 250 cal candy bar now and am much more satified
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I eat natural peanut butter... just because peanut butter is one thing that I REFUSE to give up! LOL
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Wow, I have read plenty of misinformation in this string. Peanuts are not nuts by the way. Despite their name they are in fact a legume. When you look at the fat content of a almond vs a peanut they are also not the same. Almonds have omega 3 fatty acids which have significant health benefits. These are also called monounsaturated fats. Peanuts also have these fats but they also out number the amount of saturated fats by 3 to 1 over almonds.

    I would not go as far as to say it is unhealthy. Quite the opposite. I am just pointing out they are not the same. Plus that one key thing, it is a legume so it is in the bean family not the nut family.
    KANSASGIRL69 Posts: 28 Member
    i mix almond and peanut butter together at the market where they have those fresh grinders…its all about the portion size…one tablespoon flattened to fit the spoon nothing heaping…you must incorporate healthy fats into the diet…nuts, avocado, sunflower oil, flax seed, nutrasea hp are my go to…the fat didn't start to melt off me until i got good healthy fats into my diet…portion size…don't need much
  • Almond butter is healthier. Peanut butter is very inflammatory. See here:
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Here are some other reasons one may want to avoid peanut related products:

    •They are loaded with omega-6 fats that distort the omega 3:6 ratio
    •They are frequently contaminated with a carcinogenic mold called aflatoxin (the butter making process does remove a good portion however)
    •Peanuts are one of the most pesticide-contaminated crops

    Just "food" for thought.
  • ScorpionQwean
    ScorpionQwean Posts: 1,013 Member
    Thanks for all your answers... All I can say is.. .thank God the Almond Butter is DONE. Back to PB for me LOL
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    Both peanut and almond butter are good sources of the heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. However, almond butter is a slightly better source, with 5 grams per tablespoon versus 3.3 grams-per-tablespoon in peanut butter. Almond butter is a better source of fiber. Almond butter has four times more vitamin E than peanut butter. Almond butter is a btter source of calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc. Almond butter has a bit more fat than peanut butter, but that includes more monounsaturated fat and about half the amount of saturated fat. It also has fewer carbohydrates so it has about the same number of calories as peanut butter.

    There you go.

    Wish I had seen this before I posted I would have saved the 2 minutes I wasted writing it...