How do you motivate yourself to workout?



  • jeralank
    jeralank Posts: 56 Member
    Dwayne Johnson
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    I don’t; I just go. If I wait to be motivated, I will never do it. Life and people tend to get in the way.

    This. The one period in my life where I was working out regularly, it was because it became a habit - the "new normal." If we liked it we wouldn't need to be motivated.
  • jessiedell7
    I remind myself why I'm doing this & what the reward will be (awesome body)
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I remember how crappy I feel if I don't go.

    And I think about all the people that are getting used to seeing me there, and I DO NOT want to be just one of the many resolutioners that only last a couple of weeks. So I go.

    Getting on the treadmill is a different story. I try to remember that I used to like running, and that when it gets warm enough to run outside I'll be glad I put in the time to get myself ready, but man I hate the treadmill.
  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    Just build a routine where it becomes a habit. There are some days, I just don't feel like it, but I go any way. I go every work day at lunch (flexible schedule). It is just engrained in me this way. I never think about not going. Do you eat lunch everyday? Think of it the same way, its just something you do, quitting or skipping is not an option (unless sick etc) . Once I am complete, I'm have never been sorry I worked out. Occasionally, due to various reason, your workout might not be as good, but you have to learn to grind through it.

    Sometimes, change things up a bit. e.g. instead of treadmill, run outside, instead of EFX, do stairs. Weight Lifting, I stick to a routine with progressive overload for 6 - 8 weeks. After that, I take a slight break then start another routing for 6 - 8 weeks. Many folks do great in a class or with a partner. Look into that if you have motivational issues. A plan is a must. Do not go to the gym and wander around without a plan. Know what you are going to do before its time to do it.
  • jadetigereyes
    jadetigereyes Posts: 44 Member
    I find that having a workout buddy to hold you accountable helps to get that workout in. I'm lucky to have a gym at my work campus (which overcomes the hurdle of actually having to drive someplace to work out) and coworkers who are also gym buddies (my support system). I wouldn't want to stand someone up if I promised to be at the gym at a certain time.