30 day shred-reassurance needed!!!

HI everyone,

I have been looking at thread after thread with before and after pics of those doing the 30 day shred. It has been great to see so many ppl who had been struggling to lose, looking different at their halfway photos and their final photos!

I need some reassurance and help. I am at the halfway mark. I took the photos. I don't look even the slightest bit different. And I have lost nothing in measurements. I really just look exactly the same. And I have been finding the exercises really difficult so expected a change. Does anyone have any tricks? Or did anyone find nothing happened for them until the end?

I want to lose 10 pounds, but mainly it's about losing the very stubborn inner thigh fat and lower tummy fat. Along with the 30 days shred, I also go for walks regularly, and I do have a good diet :) Let me know your experiences! Thanks


  • cameliamam
    Hey :)

    I did ripped in 30 and I saw very good results very early on. I'm on week 4 of JM 90 day body revolution program and I'm not seeing the results I was hoping for...so i can relate to your post!

    My only advice is to keep going and stick to it, our bodies may need some more time as we dont need to lose a tremendous amount of weight (I have 12 lbs to shed). The less you have to lose the harder!

    I don't know about you but I'm definitely getting stronger so I'll take that :))

    Let's just keep on keeping on and hopefully we'll see the results we deserve. Just know you're not the only one struggling ;)
  • hannah_d1989
    hannah_d1989 Posts: 57 Member
    Thank u! I know your right... my body takes a long time until it sees results, I am not sure why expected any different this time. I suppose just because everyone else had amazing results I hoped 30ds would be exactly what I needed!

    I am planning on doing ripped in 30 after this, so did you see better results from this compared to 30ds, or did u just go straight into ripped in 30?

    Thanks again :)
  • cameliamam
    I know the feeling! you look at all these amazing before/after pictures and you expect to have the same great transformation but I guess everyone's different!

    I get frustrated sometimes too but I refuse to give up, it'll take more time for me but I'll get there, and it's all that really matters!

    I did the 30DS workouts but not for a month, I jumped straight into ripped in 30 and that was really challenging and as I can't get enough of JM I challenged myself to complete her 90 day program.

    Let me know how it goes for you!
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    How's your diet? If you aren't eating at a calorie deficit, you won't get much change.
  • hannah_d1989
    hannah_d1989 Posts: 57 Member
    Diet is good, definitely eating at a deficit.

    cameliamam- Thanks for your help. I can't give up yet! I have been struggling for years to get to where I want to be and wonder if I will ever get there...Oh well time will tell!
  • cameliamam
    Same here: diet is good and eating at a deficit!

    Hannah-d1989: after losing 57 pounds i got stuck and i'm struggling to lose my tummy and inner thighs too! It's been a year now but hey we're not done trying :)
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I did 30DS shred twice in a row when I first started working out. The first time I noticed more results than the second. If you don't have much to lose, you aren't going to have the dramatic results as someone who is heavier. Stick with it, though, you'll get results. (assuming you're eating at a deficit) The second time I did it, I didn't notice any difference until close to the end.
  • Vickie96
    Vickie96 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm only on Day 6 of 30DS and same as you I'm struggling to lose fat on the lower belly and inner thigh, from everyone's before and after pictures I'm hoping for good results but if I don't get good results I plan on mixing a few of her dvd's and see what happens.