Low calorie PopTart and IceCream alternative



  • sarab99
    sarab99 Posts: 134 Member
    Is pop tarts and Ice cream a regional thing? We did waffles and ice cream, but I never heard of that one.
  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I do not understand how rice cakes are even a thing. I do not know anyone who can willfully digest one, much less feign enjoyment. I think the ones I see on grocery store shelves must have been put there in like 1983, and they are just waiting it out to mock survivors of the zombie apocalypse.
    "You wanted food?! HA! There's nothing left but rice cakes and split pea soup mix!"

    <<hands head in shame>>> i actually like rice cakes.
  • squiggledypiggledycat
    I have to say, Poptarts are possibly one of the most delicious, diabetes inducing snack ever! I'm not American. however, I think instead of trying to make an alternative to poptarts which really isn't even an alternative at all, though would make a delicious snack in its own right, maybe you should just go all out?

    Treat it as your one delicious cheat treat for the week and leave it? Personally, I find poptarts to be too sweet. It's not a breakfast, it's a dessert! As such, I like to spread clotted cream on top of a quartered, unfrosted strawberry pop tart, and accompany it with a pot of loose leaf, Earl Grey, black. It's quite satisfying. Perhaps that would be a better alternative than the Poptart ice cream sandwich?